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Huddersfield Town v Hartlepool United

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comment by Tez (U7957)

posted on 4/3/12

jacko.... a fantastic match thread uve done here up with the best ive ever read on here. your setting the standards very high with this one toneet!,... a very well done from me

not sure with regards the game. we should win with ease if we are hungry for 2nd but after this last week weve shown we just might not have eough in our locker to get promoted this year. we can score goals with ease but lack of midfield is putting massive unnecessary pressure on the defence and despite this our cb pairing i think at times are outstanding just recently.

ill go for town 2 harty 1

comment by 38YEARS (U5913)

posted on 4/3/12

ive said before i dont boo or jeer..
those that do are certainly entitled to have their views and express them..
the team are well paid adults and if they think for a moment that sauturday was acceptable(they are footballers and they always think critique of them is unfounded and unfair) they are wrong..
you will make mistakes, its a human failing for all of us.. learning from those mistakes is where you sort the wheat from the chaff..
I always think that you wil win more points by trying to score as many as you can in every game rather than trying desperately not to let any in, whatever the score..
Its much better to nervously miss a chance than nervously making a b-lls of it in your own box..
Clark dropped people for making errors, but only in their own half, if he had still been in charge after the blades game he should have dropped rhodes who missed two glaring opportunities shouldnt he???
Clark would argue that strikers miss chances and they "done great to be in there to miss them", well the same can be said of defenders and midfielders and keepers...
We play with fear and we looked very nervous at 3-1 up due to the change made in the approach to the second half.
Bury had to push on, they had to commit more forward and instead of taking advantage of their change in approach we were instructed to go into our defensive shell, that hadnt worked the tuesday previous and has rarely worked over the last 3 years..
Its nonsense, it does not work with the players we have, they dont look good/comfortable doing it and we should cease doing it from tuesday night..

posted on 4/3/12

Great match thread, loads of info in that bad boy!

Incredibly difficult to decide on a Team for Tuesday night, but I'd go with...

GK - Smithies
DR - Hunt
DC - McCombe
DC - Morrison
DL - Woods
DMC - Johnson
DMC - Joey
RW - Ward
AMC - Higgingbothom
LW - Roberts
CF - Rhodes

Keep the 2 wingers and Higgingbothom up and around Rhodes as much as possible and pressure the opposition high up the pitch, keeping the ball in their half at all times. Avoid defending on the edge of our area for 90 minutes. If we do these 2 things then we should thump Hartlepool and regain any momentum that has been lost in the past week. Get things right in these next 2 matches and then learn to do the right things away from home as well. We're a good team when we press high up the pitch and stay on top of teams, when we allow teams to get on top of us we're very poor. Therefore don't allow them that opportunity.

5-0 Town.

posted on 4/3/12

jacko! Just to let you lot know if you didn't already, there is a programme on Talksport at 10 tonight about Frank Worthington and his days at Town and Leicester.

posted on 4/3/12

Superb Jacko and though i've no wish to 'kick off' another round of Huntmania I'd be interested in Your & Cas'zs seeming opposing choices for that position ..

Hopefully they will be thoughtful and we can give the matter a rest until after Tuesday which unless I can rearrange something V Imp I will maybe miss that game .. I truly hope not to ..

A quick wild card discussion point to perhaps broaden the thread a tad is that I wouldnot be at all surprised to see L Clark talked with maybe even appointed as Tranmere Manager ..

posted on 4/3/12

Not a chance of him taking that job Boots, but i suspect you know that.

Don't know Grayson well enough or the fitness of Johnson and Roberts to guess the team but my team would be:

Joey (don't like him but can't change every game)

My bet would be, Town to be winning at half time, draw full time 18/1

posted on 4/3/12

Great article jacko, you appear to know what your talking about....5 jalapenos from me buddy

One things for sure, if I don't get a decent Steak 'n Ale (or black pudding) pie on tuesday night I'll not be an happy chappy...
Cos why can Bury turn out good fodder in that lovley little ground and we can't...Mind you I have noticed our meat 'n taty pies ave come on this season...

posted on 4/3/12

Isn't Peter Clarke on the verge of a return .. ? .. is this the game .. ?

Should Tom be on the bench .. ? .. Hey and ~

Why didn't no one (inc me) give Joey 5 Skarz a mention in our game reports .. Is Sodje finished .. ? .. ..

posted on 4/3/12

tremendous jacko! looking forward to Tuesday now,probably go home disappointed,but what's new!

As for Clark at Tranmere,no chance,personally I've got a lot of time for Les Parry,physio,no money,no support and he achieved a similar record to Lee Clark,league one Football,in just under 3 years!

comment by 38YEARS (U5913)

posted on 4/3/12

clark with no money????
it dont bear thinking about..

my team..



johnson holding..arfield in front up and down..hegginbottom where he likes.. ward swapping sides as and when..

with the back 4 pushed up 20 yards.. compress the game, challenge for it further up and use the channels for novak /ward with hegginbottom picking the ball up inside their half..

novak can run wide when its on and he can support rhodes when its down the centre..

alan lee as the "no suprise" but see how effective he can be for 15/20 minutes... i dont have a plan b for holding onto a lead, its the same plan as if we are losing or drawing or winning 3-0...

comment by 38YEARS (U5913)

posted on 4/3/12

you have to have 2 full backs...you probably have to have 2 centre backs and a goalie.. at a push you have to have 2 central players.. wide forward players and forwards, you can almost do what you like, see spain/germany/barcelona for details.. they havent read "howard wilkinsons guide to coaching".... if you know roughly where someone is going to be they are easy to plan for and mark..
the above plan only works if the ball is;
a. played to feet/or well enough for them to be favourite to control it..
b. played into a colleagues run
c. played near enough for your colleague to chase and make it difficult for the opposition.
at no point will kicking it anywhere work, whatever plan/formation you come up with..mr grayson please take note....

comment by Jacko ~ (U4503)

posted on 4/3/12

Cheers guys, all gleened from a few a web sites I'm afraid...

38. I wasn't directing the jeering stuff at anyone in particular, but I guess if the cap fits, then ...

Anyway, it's a democracy , so folks is entitled...I do the same about the Tories on Twitter..

As for Hunt v Woods. Bootsy, I just think hunt showed a bit of immaturity on Saturday, and as you know, word gets round if a guy can be wound up..he'll be targetted...a weak link..hence my opinion he'll be 'rested' for a while. he'll be back stronger.

Woods sorted out the double winged attack when he came on, and Bury then switched to the other wing...which highlighted Naysmiths' lack of agility for the 2nd goal.

Their 3rd was a rebound off Arfield, so really all 3 Bury goals were jammy, a deflected free kick, a miskick that bounced over Smithies, and an own goal off the legs of Arfield. Luck deserted us..but it'll come back.

comment by 38YEARS (U5913)

posted on 4/3/12


we dont get penalties because we dont spend long enough in the opposition box..

you cant win the lottery without being in it..

if you spend as long as we do on the edge and inside our own penalty area the sh-t will hit the fan..luck has little to do with.. a deflection from a couple of yards is much more likely to go in than from 18 yards plus.. bury bought a ticket thats all...

we didnt lose for such a long time because of the way we played the percentage game and a lot of the time it was down to opponents just not taking blindingly easy chances against us.. thats not bad luck or good luck just rank poor finishing..

by the way i dont boor or jeer and i dont wear a cap.. jacko..

naysmith is a good defender 20 yards outside the box , he cuts out a lot of stuff with good positioning and timing challenges well..when we drop back all the winger needs is a yard more pace and the cross comes in.. its all relative, play to the strengths of the side.. morrison is reasonably quick he should be covering mccombe who goes to the ball, it happened the other way round on saturday and jamie dropped in too deep behind again a simple thing to put right..
to win the game 3-1 on saturday wasnt far away and it still just a matter of sorting out some basics, we are not sh-t, we just use sh-t tactics and gameplans at certain times in games..

posted on 4/3/12

Cheers Jacko .. Thats your take On Woods for Hunt and respecs tho naturally I disagree vehemently with you ref 2nd half switch working for Woods .. I say again Liverpudlian Loanee AMoo was too much for Naysmith to handle and so obviously the play went down that R Wing and thru Amoo leaving Woods with a virtual 2nd half free ride ..

I already know what Cas's reason will be for selecting Hunt as he's convinced he's just a homer ..

If Graysons a gr8 manager then his ONLY reason for putting Hunt on the bench would be ~ To try teach the young lad a stern lesson about irritating referees on such small incidents & hey I'd have no problem with such a discipline IF it paid off longer term ..

That being said it would strike me as a Real Waste of a testoterone loaded young player FULL of Fire & Real Raw Energy to be sat on the bench ~ When its sorely needed ~ in some position or other ~ on the pitch if only to offset the ageing tiredness of Kay ~ Joey ~ Naysmith ~ Johnson & the like ..

posted on 4/3/12

I'd always start Hunt when we're playing at home, and away from home if we had more of an appetite for attack. Hunt should have been given a stern telling off by the management after Saturday so I don't think dropping him for a must win match is necessary.

posted on 4/3/12

As for Clark to Tranmere, not a chance in hell, Ronnie Moore is nailed on for it...

comment by Jacko ~ (U4503)

posted on 4/3/12

Grayson will soon be wielding the axe in more place than Hunts' neck if we continue to fall apart.

All the lads are getting a go, once they've blown their chance, they're out for a spell with the 'development' squad...which is the equivalent of extra homework ...

It may take him a few more games yet, but soon he'll be expected to have the solution otherwise why the heck has been set on in place of Clark ?

Deano will still be expecting us to be going for that 2nd place, and after his reported 'angst' following the Stevenage game, he'll be positively fuming after Bury.

comment by Tez (U7957)

posted on 5/3/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 5/3/12

Morning all,

Lovely sunny morning here in L666ds, as I look out of Office Window.

Tomorrow is now a must win game after the horror 65 mins against a poor team on Sat. Only problem is Hartlepool are no mugs in this League, so Tues could prove difficult if the fans get straight on the players backs. Gonna pick what I think is a strong loking "home team" for this one, so here goes.



.....................Joey G(c)................Johnson.................



This would be my team, but with all the Midfield combinations we seem to have, who knows what will be put out.

posted on 5/3/12

That's definitely the team I'd go with Inter, it's actually the same team I picked yesterday but you've gone one better and marked it out into a nice little tactical diagram.

Hartlepool got spanked 5-0 by Wycombe a couple of weeks ago, the same Wycombe that we spanked 6-0. That tells you all you need to know about how good they are, show them no respect whatsoever and give them a proper thumping.

posted on 5/3/12

Good team but I would swap keeper and put Bennett in.

posted on 5/3/12

Inter, you sound like Clark, we should HAMMER em! We are 4th , 3 losses all season!

posted on 5/3/12

Oh wethers, I hope I don't sound like Leak Lark! It's bad enough Tez spreading rumours about me on here, without sounding like the Geordie Messiah too

posted on 5/3/12

I honestly never saw your team Cas, so sorry for copying it. I was gonna go Gobern in Midfield for Joey, but recent performaces have not been good from him. He has potential, like a few players, but is looking a little too lightweight for the games coming up thick and fast this month

comment by Tez (U7957)

posted on 5/3/12

inter. rumours like what?

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