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Article Rating 3.33 Stars

Come On Brendan Rogers!!

OWC does it again another top class British manager hot on the heels of MON....................

As a Liverpool fan I was gutted The King was sacked but i think Brendan is the finest available replacement and his control and pass style will suit Liverpool down to the ground....................

Another fine Ulsterman and the product of Northern Irelands youth policy has the potential to do good................

I would say a certain angry little red-headed bloke going no-where in a mickey mouse league will be casting quite an envious eye Brendans way.................

posted on 11/6/12

I take offence to you saying im too stupid to take offence.

posted on 11/6/12

And Tia, its mango. Get it right will ya.

comment by AlexTia (U7067)

posted on 11/6/12

Its "Mungo" to me , as in simpleton

Love ye really

posted on 11/6/12


comment by Reiver (U13607)

posted on 13/6/12

Whats this then? RC- Prod fraternisation! We'd better put a stop to that right away! We all know what happens once the old "Opposites Attract" mechanism kicks in. Before you know it we'll have a community of predominantly mixed families, and then where will be? Sean McCelland's and Samuel O'Neills all over the shop! No more colourful Republican or Orange marches! The warning signs are there. Despite the efforts of churchmen on both sides to keep it quiet, the recent surge in mixed marriages(especially gay ones) has been clearly documented. Im writing to the Cardinal and the Moderator about it! I mean, I would advise you both to get a room if it were not for the fact that all the local inns are booked up by couples like yourselves as well as a lot of those nasty people from Dublin after cheap pong go! For once I agree with the clerics, this flagrant mixing of the waters really has got to stop!

posted on 13/6/12

Get with the times shen you are so 1968.

comment by AlexTia (U7067)

posted on 13/6/12

haha made me giggle Shen , good one

comment by Reiver (U13607)

posted on 14/6/12

Wish I was 1968(or a little earlier)! Good old days! Walking home 3 hours from Andytown in the middle of the night, after stealing a kiss, a feel or maybe even a hand shandy, singing songs all the way. Tumbling into bed as the mikman clinks his bottles. Good old times, gone for ever!

comment by AlexTia (U7067)

posted on 14/6/12

You romantic old sod Shen

comment by Reiver (U13607)

posted on 15/6/12

Not that old ALEXI. I am using artistic licence with the dates somewhat. Shouldnt be taken as literal, but the sentiment is eternal. The times just before the "Great Thirty Years of Darkness" descended on our little community were like the fragrant blossoming of the last honeysuckle. At that time many a fit young fella sang his way home thru still cobbled streets buoyed up by the fellowship of his mates and suitably fortified by the pleasures of some romantic cross-community liaison. Forget "Playboys of the Western World" we were "Kings of the Universe"!

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