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Whose Board Do You Go On?

Right lads it's confessional time. After all the recent accusations from certain club's about certain other club's being obsessed with them (and vice versa) and writing mountains of articles about on their own board or permanently plotting up on the other teams board, to write WUM comments.

I have now decided that it is time for us all to come clean and openly admit where we spend all of our surfing time on these boards. Opposition fans are welcome to take part providing they don't just pointlessly WUM the article, because I will just delete anything, that I deem to be a waste of internet cookies!! Also are there any boards that you find completely uninteresting and would never venture to go on? While we are here we can also all come clean about our WUM filter use and list all the individuals that we have filtered or who have filtered us.

To start things off with me, I spend 90% of my time on my own board. When I am not on my own board the other club's boards that I go on are firstly Spurs, then Arsenal and sometimes West Ham. I will occasionally look on the Man United, City or Liverpool boards if it is relevant, ie. we are about to play them or it is tight at the top etc. One thing I DON'T do is WUM anybody else's boards, just like I don't want them WUMing mine, though back on my own one I'm well up for the Craic and trading with any of the resident WUM's that will be there.

Boards like Wigan I have no interest in going on at any time. The likes of Fulham or QPR I will have a look if there is something topical going on like the Michael Jackson statue or Rangers getting promoted. In the Championship I might have an occasional look at Leeds or Millwall and the Leagues below that it would only be Brentford or Orient at a push. The Scottish League's are a complete irrelevance to me, apart from possibly Glasgow Rangers.

On the subject of WUM filtering I haven't filtered anybody and will NOT be doing so at any time in the future, however irritating a particular individual might be, I'd rather just slaughter them with comebacks.

Right well, that's me done now, what about you lot? Where do you go?, Who do you do? Who have you filtered? and Who has filtered you that you know about? Tell us all about YOUR habits and keep it honest!!

posted on 13/8/11

Obviously spend most of the time her, but occasionally pop onto other teams' boards to see what they're batting about, particularly regarding transfer rumours and incidents in games etc. Tend to go to the obvious ones - Utd, Arsenal, Liverpool, sometimes City and Spurs. Never to WUM though. I barely post in our own board, let alone others'. Just read, mostly.

posted on 13/8/11

*here. Blaste iPod.

posted on 14/8/11

Ignore my last post. I put it on the wrong board

I ignore all your posts mate. Not only can you not spell, and start crying like a baby when you get pulled up on it, you've also got nothing intelligent to say and are so desperate to try to get something on me, that you dig out a 3 week old article, that we had all forgotten about (including me) to try to post more of your grammatically incorrect garbage.

It would appear that you really are the internet stalker that you tried to accuse BlueBlood of being!!

Have you deleted any more of your own comments lately? Unfortunately for you I don't delete comments so all your stupidity above will be left there for evermore, for me to look back on and laugh at.

posted on 14/8/11

Now now, let's not take the pizza out of him, it could get rather messy.

posted on 14/8/11


on that other thread mate, you and Brummie wiped the floor with him as it was, that's why I stayed out of it. If I had chosen to go after him as well he would have been suicidal, and I didn't want that on my conscience.

posted on 14/8/11

Just a shame none but us few will ever know. I think I upset the mancs yesterday, as another one repeatedly deleted me for 'offending' him when I called his article ironic. Something about Liverpool bribing the refs to give them loads of penalties at home. Even Tolkien couldn't make that fantasy up!

posted on 22/5/12

Hello Chelsea - Well done

posted on 22/5/12

Thanks for the kind words Kitty. I only got back from Stuttgart yesterday lunchtime, after an obviously incredible weekend, one that I will never forget for the rest of my days.

Look forward to catching up with you at some time in the future and good luck to the Wednesday next season!!

posted on 22/5/12

Thanks Chelsea. Glad you found my comment tucked away in an appropriate place

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