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Nutritional Advice Needed

Mrs Roadrunner is on a diet. Another one. This must be about her 25th and last week she told me that the previous 24 didn't work because it was too hard for her dieting while I was at the table stuffing my face. So now I'm on a diet as well - high protein, low fat (not my idea!).

The thing is I doubt I'll have a chance to eat before the match as I drive down from near Birmingham, park at Enfield and get the train to White Hart Lane. It's going to be tight. But I know I'll be Hank Marvin after the match so I need some advice from you regulars who know the area.

Firstly if we win and I'm in a great mood I may well try and be good so chicken would be a good choice (if I take the skin and crispy coating off).

On the other hand if we don't win I will probably need some comfort food which is not recommended on the diet plan - you know what I mean.

So when I'm walking back to White Hart Lane station tonight what fine dining establishments should I look at visiting. All ideas welcome.

posted on 7/3/13

"I'm not that familiar with White Hart Lane station but does it have "Karzis"? Otherwise it might be a tad unpleasnt for anyone in the same carriage as me on the trip back to Enfield."

No. 10 mins of stomach churn on the train.
And the loos at Enfield station will be closed then. 150m sprint to the nearest pub.

posted on 7/3/13

Pavro Okabasi's on the High Road

Just opposite Paxton Road. There kebabs are immense. The queue always ends up outside the shop

Tell them you're on a high protein diet, they'll sort you out

posted on 7/3/13

So now I'm on a diet as well

posted on 7/3/13

Consume Tape Worm tablets, great for losing weight

posted on 7/3/13

posted on 7/3/13


I shall pass on your comments to Mrs Roadrunner.

However as she won't be with me and I don't really need to lose the weight then some proper unhealthy nosh is what I'm looking for. I can blag it if I happen to have put on an extra pound or two tomorrow.

posted on 7/3/13

Healthiest (relatively) has to be a chicken kebab of some description....plenty of salad and chilli sauce....ditch the pita if you are that concerned about calories! Jog back to the station.

posted on 7/3/13

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posted on 7/3/13

Galvin - that's my intention. Just want some recommendations.

posted on 7/3/13

Pavro's horse is legendary I hear!

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