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Sheff Weds 0 - 0 Derby County 💤 💤 💤 💤 💤

It is with heavy heart that I have finally succumbed and decided not to go to Sheffield today. That doesn’t mean I’m castigating those for going but after wrestling with my conscience I decided I am NOT going to £36 plus £20 for middle-born even to watch the Mighty Rams. So I stay at home….or go to the pub…..

In fairness, I have heard of Wednesday fans railing against such prices and refusing to go, so I suppose I’m in good company.

Anyway, rant over….for now.

Derby go into this game on a high after the excellent victory over Hull and the almost extra bonus with Brighton about to lose . The league seems to be morphing into a 3 horse race for the top which is a stupid thing to say ‘cos we could still slip today.

We have an embarrassment of riches in midfield, with BJ available today after a stupid we could still see #CB4 back in which will surely bowl one particular poster into paroxysm of orga5mic delight…..

Sheffield Wednesday are strong and are nicely placed to go seamlessly up into the play-offs. They’re no fools and I expect to see them adopting the holding, nullifying style that most teams try to use against The Rams. Plus they are at home…..we are away and that is really perceptive.

Have lost track of NSR but hopefully Heb has not done an Oz and been blown off by Douglas or that Ang has parked the tractor and will enjoy the spectacle of South Yorkshire v Derbyshire.

Team news to follow:-

posted on 6/12/15

We were up in the gods to start with Larry, 2nd row from the back. Moved down about 15 rows, level with left edge of the penalty box

posted on 6/12/15

Must have been a bit like logging on here some days then.

Martin's fat and lazy
Ince doesn't look interested
Warnock's the worst player I've ever seen
Keogh's useless
Shackell's slow and has the turning circle of a supertanker
Christie is he a right back anyway
Butterfield's too lightweight
Bent's lazy and looks a bit like Ince
Weimann's a waste of space
Johnny's a headless chicken

Where to move to though?

posted on 6/12/15

Vidal, easy , play all of the above, should be top three or so eventually.....

posted on 6/12/15

Grant did well against a former club.

posted on 6/12/15

Igor ------->>>>>><<<<<<------------Lee Grant

posted on 6/12/15

igor, I'm going to call into the ticket office tomorrow lunch time and sort you a ticket out for saturday

posted on 6/12/15

comment by ViewFromTheShed (U1581)
posted 2 hours, 22 minutes ago
comment by The Owl & hELLo Kitty (U1750)
posted 2 hours, 18 minutes ago

My appraisal of today's game - I thought The Owls generally had the edge but neither side showed their true capabilities or quality in a game of few chances, with 6 bookings by an over-fussy ref.

It was good to see Lee Grantback at Hillsborough, producing a great save from Ross Wallace (damn you Grant)

I'm a bit disappointed with a point, but think a draw was about right. We both can do better.

Oh, and if you have ambitions of the Premier League, you better get used to the high prices, because most of those teams charge a lot more than Wednesday.

Point taken Kitty, however I always go to the Sheff Weds game with middle born. I KNOW that away days will be way more expensive in the Promised (?) Land but to charge that much when with a little judicious pricing, you could have far increased the number of tickets sold for what has traditionally been a well attended game for Derby fans.

Sorry to say, but today, "your ground looked too big for you"

The likes of Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool work on supply and demand and can always charge high prices - they'll survive.

Sheffield Wednesday, Notts Florest and Ipswich can't and shouldn't.
Not saying that I agree with the pricing policy Viewfrom - - as usual the fans have no say I've always said lower prices will increase attendance. I'm saving now for my Premier League tickets (whenever that may be).

posted on 6/12/15

Griff, do yer ting

posted on 6/12/15


My pal

posted on 6/12/15


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