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Article Rating 5 Stars

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year

to my fellow skiving bassa's when it arrives

It's been a turbulent year for myself on here, everyone will remember my embarrassing predictions and subsequent punishments.

RIP Nacho Novo Hero

Hope everyone has a great week from Xmas to New Year, drink and eat plenty and stay safe


comment by NNH (U10730)

posted on 24/12/15

I always pictured you as the one who never done P.E simply so no one could shout your name

posted on 24/12/15

Best wishes to all

comment by NNH (U10730)

posted on 24/12/15

Curly, poor guy never stood a chance.

Especially with a surname like Humperdink.

comment by Ghod#18 (U9390)

posted on 24/12/15

You know my real name. Imagine what school was like for me with a name like mine

there was a Phil McCracken in my class aswell dont worry about it

posted on 24/12/15

Happy Christmas everybody !!

posted on 24/12/15

comment by GF#1 Seasons Greetings (U9390)
posted 1 hour, 14 minutes ago
You know my real name. Imagine what school was like for me with a name like mine

there was a Phil McCracken in my class aswell dont worry about it
I was in the army with a Phil McCracken. He got slagged constantly

posted on 24/12/15

I was at school with a guy called Ian Kidd. Doesn`t sound interesting until you realise how it was for the poor guy when we thought to write and say our names backwards (we were only 12 or 13 !)

Step up Nai Ddik

posted on 24/12/15

I met a guy in a unit who got called Robin.

His name was Steve Brown. No one knew why he got called Robin until a guy who knew him from training joined the unit.

It turns out he was always quite fat so was known as Fatty Brown, however when it was discovered he was dyslexic it became Batty Frown, then batty stuck, then it became Batman until somehow he became known as Robin.

Thank fvck I've never had a nickname that stuck.

I was known as Doyle for my first 1 and a bit in the mob as I was the Tp Sgt's tea boy on basic training and Mrs Doyle was popular on Father Ted at the time.

posted on 24/12/15

Have a great Christmas everybody.

posted on 25/12/15


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