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God Has A Sense Of Humour

I looked forward to today's match between the old guard Hewitt and Roddick.

I expected 5 sets and the way it all started, despite the tennis looking distinctly last century (being a Nole fan one gets used to a slightly different level), it started unfolding nicely ..until...alas!

Roddick had to retire....appparetnly due to a light fall during the match.

I wish him a quick recovery and am glad to hear it's just a light fall, nothing more serious such as....


comment by Maksi. (U12624)

posted on 22/1/12

To be honest, I am not too interested in how much effort the others put in Would be great seeing a Brit win a Grand Slam Tennis final, especially in an era of 3 living legends, who will retire as fully fledged legends for sure

posted on 22/1/12

I know it would be good. I can't even begin to imagine Murray's joy.
I'm just trying to put a perspective on it, because media tend to put so much spin and hype onto him that he end's up looking like a failure just because hasn't won a slam.
I'd be massively cheesed off if I were him.

comment by Maksi. (U12624)

posted on 22/1/12

I can understand the medias hype. Any Brit who loves tennis is bound to get excited about the prospect of one of our players winning a Grand Slam, and therefore conquering a whole host of talent to achieve it. What chance does Britains Nr 2 have of even getting into the second round?.

"You can't begin to imagine Murrays joy" ?? How do you know that he even cares if he wins one or not? I know I don't. He is a good player who gives his fans hours upon hours of joy. Could be worse?

posted on 22/1/12

"How do you know that he even cares if he wins one or not? "

I'm not quite sure I follow you here

comment by Maksi. (U12624)

posted on 22/1/12

Maybe he just takes one game at a time and sees where it leads to? Losing is a lot easier when you have given it your best shot, and he will know that djoko and rafa and feds are a bit of a handful in these Grand Slams.

Andy has not even won a set in any of his big finals yet. Maybe he knows that he is really the "fourth" best player around and thinks that winning might be too difficult for him? Did Henman ever win one?

posted on 22/1/12

"Maybe he knows that he is really the "fourth" best player around and thinks that winning might be too difficult for him?"
I played a couple of sports and despite knowing my many limitations always believed I could win. Genuinely did. It really is a state of mind.

comment by Maksi. (U12624)

posted on 22/1/12

Did you ever win? lol

posted on 22/1/12

I did, but I lost many more times than Murray does.
Still, never lost belief.

comment by Maksi. (U12624)

posted on 25/1/12

He is still in it and once again giving his fans plenty to smile about

posted on 25/1/12

Good on him!

Same 'ere

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