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Its ruining football and the players.

£165mill for 6 players in messiah's thread and City lose. I'm trying to think just how many of these really big money signings and not just at City have been successful. If you take Bent,Suarez,Carroll and Torres as examples. Nasri is another who's failing at City. This big money is placing too much of a pressure on football and on the players and it has to stop.

posted on 12/3/12

If Gareth Barry is on £120k a week then someone like Van Persie should be on at least double regardless of being injury prone

comment by IAWT (U10012)

posted on 12/3/12

If Gareth Barry is on £120k a week
And been subbed after only 37 minutes!

posted on 12/3/12

£210K p/w is just silly. Arsenal should offer him £150k p/w (which is also silly) and that should be enough.

I still think that all RVP wants to see is a big signing showing the intent of Arsenals ambition.

But hey, £30m for a player at 29 and injury prone. Will think about it.

posted on 12/3/12

I can only imagine what players like Yaya, Silva, Aguero must think when they have to play with that lump of carp in the middle of the field

posted on 12/3/12

Well you are paying for the player in his prime.
Which RVP has been this season. Yes he comes with injury baggage but he is still worthy of wage parity with most <Citeh> players.

If they add to the bill, they must by definition clear out to balance the books and remain within the UEFA FFP boundaries.

It only takes a couple of Adebayors on their books, and they will bleed money big time (hooray for charidee ) .

posted on 12/3/12

I just cant see how its possible for Man City to balance their books in the near future

There is no way on earth any team is going to pay the wages some of those players are on. Its just plain stupid and one day sooner rather than later its all going to back fire on them

comment by IAWT (U10012)

posted on 12/3/12

But hey, £30m for a player at 29 and injury prone. Will think about it.
Agreed with you Serial. To be completely honest, RVP has been an Arsenal player for 7 years now and this is by miles, he best season ever!
He might repeat it.... but I doubt it. really doubt it.

posted on 12/3/12

"I just cant see how its possible for Man City to balance their books in the near future"


The issue was never the transfer sums, but their obscene distortion of the WAGE market. Any player who is happy to sit there and leech from the wage bill with little or no chance of regular play, is a nightmare.

comment by IAWT (U10012)

posted on 12/3/12

Any player who is happy to sit there and leech from the wage bill with little or no chance of regular play, is a nightmare.
True but it will be even worse next year. This year, at least there is the European Champinship so players need to perfom to be selected.
But next year, nothinng in the summer so most of them will be just happy to cash theirs cheques at the end of the month and sit on the bench for the entire season!

posted on 12/3/12

"But next year, nothinng in the summer so most of them will be just happy to cash theirs cheques at the end of the month and sit on the bench for the entire season!"

Players aren't like that. They want to play.
Adebayor is interesting in that his claim about funding charidee back home means not playing is not so bad for him (in theory) .

But anyone who exits the likes of <Citeh> to play, and has to take a big pay cut, confirms the fact.

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