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RYDER CUP 2012 - Live Thread

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comment by (U4053)

posted on 28/9/12

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posted on 28/9/12

I like most sports Forza, mainly watching on tv though, not participating. Football is my favourite though.

comment by (U4053)

posted on 28/9/12

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posted on 28/9/12

posted on 28/9/12

Never really watched fencing that much

comment by (U4053)

posted on 28/9/12

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comment by (U4053)

posted on 28/9/12

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comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 28/9/12

Ive been told that this is the place to post this rant.

This Ryder Cup is going to be crap.

The Yanks have set this course up with no rough whatsoever, which means that players will always have a shot to the green even if they miss the fairways and around the greens. It is already just a putting competition before it has even started.

I am a club golfer, but I am punished if my drive isn't down the middle so why cant the pros. I reckon I could do well round Medinah this week.

It's pathetic.. just to get high scores to please the sponsors and TV companies, and to give the Yanks a supposed advantage (as they think they are better putters than us.)

posted on 28/9/12

So here we go (almost)

I am a bit surprised that Dufner and Johnson are out in the morning. Both had a fantastic start to the summer but haven't done too much of late (of course, I don't get to see them in practice) but I thought, with the way the course is set up we would see at least Dustin or Bubba (and more likely both) up early.

With Furyk’s and Snedeker's form it makes sense to see them early and Phil will be there to get the crowd going. Bradley plays a lot out of competition with Phil so that also makes sense. Stricker and Woods was a shoe-in.

As for Europe it is pretty much what the world (and Mark Roe) was expecting and you can't really complain. Maybe a slight question over Westwood and Molinari as neither are the greatest of putters and I also thought we might see Hanson due to his form.

That said I think that Europe may take a slight lead 2.5 to 1.5 in this session but overall I still make the USA favourites.

With regards to the course I think it has been set up to favour the US team as opposed to the TV cameras and players miss the green from the fairway as well. However it will make for some unusual looking golf.

It is the home captain's choice and this is how he has chosen so be it.

comment by hazsa19 (U8480)

posted on 28/9/12

"and to give the Yanks a supposed advantage (as they think they are better putters than us.)"

We would be foolish not to set up our courses in favour of the Europeans.

posted on 28/9/12

and to give the Yanks a supposed advantage (as they think they are better putters than us.)
They are. This is why I expect them to win. That said, I agree with you in regards to the course set-up. I like to see the best golfers pitch balls in and make birdies but there should be some kind of balance.

comment by hazsa19 (U8480)

posted on 28/9/12

The Americans have just realised that Mcilroy is European.

posted on 28/9/12

Come on boys

posted on 28/9/12

both crap shots

posted on 28/9/12

come on europe!!!!

posted on 28/9/12

The pressure must be immense..

posted on 28/9/12

more so for the yanks i would guess

posted on 28/9/12

adverts already

posted on 28/9/12

I want to get home and watch it!!!!

Did any of the Americans scream "mashed potatoes" after any of the drives?

posted on 28/9/12

if they did hopefully they were shot immediately

posted on 28/9/12

I turn the sound off when they take a shot

posted on 28/9/12

You can't turn the sound off, you have to endure and feed the hate. Makes winning that much better.

posted on 28/9/12

id also shoot in the head anyone who shouts 'get in the hole'

posted on 28/9/12

great shot G-Mac

posted on 28/9/12

Shouting get in the hole off a drive on a 600 yard par five is totally legitimate in my opinion.

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