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These 38 comments are related to an article called:

Whose Board Do You Go On?

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posted on 24/7/11

the numbers for this site are going down..filtering hasnt helped

posted on 24/7/11

I click 'football'

comment by Tomkins (U1116)

posted on 24/7/11

I click most recent.

Not much point of coming to west hams board op, its quite empty

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 24/7/11

I would imagine you would say that Betamax The numbers and visitors are going up as is the time on site. We are in the process of banning a few persistent WUMS and those that have been drawn to our attention either by being excessively complained about or excessive filtered.

The recent activity on the Chelsea and Liverpool boards are a cause for concern and we are looking at addressing the problem which are starting to become evident.

House rule 13: JA606 reserves the right to remove user generated content that is likely to disrupt, provoke, attack or offend others.

This rule does not state that it is acceptable to antagonise fans provided you post it on another unrelated teams board. This has the effect of negatively ruining two team boards. This won't be tolerated and some of the WUMMING has moved beyond banter. So it is advisable for the sake of keeping an operating account that this is stopped.

The very first line of our house rules...."JA606 is intended for use as a sports discussion forum where article creators are responsible for moderating comments on their articles in a way that encourages constructive and intelligent debate"

If the OP has no intention of generating intelligent debate we may also take action and remove the article and possibly the poster.

posted on 24/7/11

at admin 1

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 24/7/11

Guess who just copped a ban!

comment by Tomkins (U1116)

posted on 24/7/11


posted on 24/7/11

On that subject Admin 1, hopefully this article is nice and non-controversial

posted on 24/7/11

you banning me admin 1? and for what?

posted on 24/7/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 24/7/11

excessive overuse of 'at admin 1'

posted on 24/7/11

you have done a great job with the site but try be more objective admin 1

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 24/7/11

In all seriousness excessive WUMMING will drive fans away from the site and ruin team boards and disrupt discussion. Having spent 1000s of hours creating and moderating this site, we need to ensure that that doesn't happen. That is about as objective as I can get!

posted on 24/7/11

Admin1 can you ban Admin2?

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 24/7/11

You are lucky Admin2 is not on the thread. He is the silent one that dishes out the bans.

posted on 24/7/11

i agree and it cant be easy where to draw the line..i couldnt give a monkey if people filter me but you could get to the stage where no one can see anything anyone writes..keep up the good work tho

posted on 24/7/11

I meant Admin 3 That was a typo

posted on 24/7/11

If no-one can see whatever everyone is writing the debates will appear very dis-jointed, and not make any sense to someone else trying to follow the thread.

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 24/7/11

The guys that are filtered often don't actually contribute to the debate or conversation so most of the people that use the filter have never complained about struggling to follow a thread.

posted on 24/7/11

Fair enough Admin 1. It makes sense now you say that, as there are some on here that don't seem to have any sort of sense of humour, or anything constructive to say, but trot out their same-old offensive remarks, without realising just how stupid that they are making themselves look. What they actually say is like water off a duck's back to me. I don't give it any credence.

posted on 24/7/11

"If no-one can see whatever everyone is writing the debates will appear very dis-jointed, and not make any sense to someone else trying to follow the thread."

They can see what you say though if they sign out. Some fella Aggers Right Elbow filtered me on the Liverpool board but still replied to my comment. I had to remind him that he filtered me before he signed out to look at my next comment

posted on 24/7/11

i log on and go on to the chelsea board straightaway, comment on a few articles etc. then proceed onto the liverpool board for the rest of the day giving me hours of laughter & fun

posted on 24/7/11

Aggers elbow also filtered me

posted on 24/7/11

Me too

He's replied to my comments on numerous occasions so I suspect he has mastered the filtering loophole

posted on 24/7/11

I just click on the Premier League link and see which articles interest me. Obviously I'll check the Liverpool board more frequently but there's not that many articles that you can't see them all by scanning the Premier League board.

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