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These 34 comments are related to an article called:

Why is everybody writing Arsenal off?

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posted on 24/7/11

We can win the league.

posted on 24/7/11

Liverpool will be OK next year as Hull City are not in the Premiership

posted on 24/7/11

Or Blackpool

posted on 24/7/11

"First off this isn't a dig at anyone, I would actually like to have a sensible debate about this, I'm not here to have a go at Liverpool fans..."

You just couldn't help yourself could you Bubba. Wumming Liverpool fans is like crack cocaine to you

posted on 24/7/11

Oh c'mon Paisley, there was an opening there even I couldn't resist, give me a break

posted on 24/7/11

why do we write 'em off? errm according to the trend in the ermm... 7 yrs ermm... you can work that out now.

posted on 31/3/12

Always good to be right

posted on 3/7/12

posted on 3/7/12

Not so that you don't need people to know though, evidently.

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