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These 46 comments are related to an article called:

Successful Strikers

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posted on 28/7/11

The laws of probability, that's who!

So far Mancini has signed Aguero, Dzeko and Balotelli, by the law of averages one of them has to hit the ground running.

posted on 28/7/11

Why work out how much per goal? is it really bothering you that much? Aguero will IMO come good and be one of the top strikers. Just think if the players/strikers had scored more does that mean we would of done better?

posted on 28/7/11

Didn't City win the Cup?

posted on 28/7/11

"Why work out how much per goal? is it really bothering you that much?"


No,I am using those figures to prove my point

"Just think if the players/strikers had scored more does that mean we would of done better?"


Firstly it's would have or would've, not would of.

Secondly, yes, it does!

posted on 28/7/11

The ReebokRowboat what a boring life you must lead to do all that. How about working out how many goals he has set up, and how many points he has won for us. In the end thats all that matters. Just because your team can't get decent players to come to your club, you come out with these trivial comments.

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 28/7/11

I think balloteli has potential djecko will come good an aguerro who I have followed for a while will all score goals for mcfc as a season ticket holder I look forward to seeing what will be will be, unusually optimistic can't explain it!

posted on 28/7/11

Santa Cruz has to be 1 of the worst deals of the last 10 years

posted on 28/7/11

How about working out how many goals he has set up, and how many points he has won for us. In the end thats all that matters.


Well, they have scored enough or set up enough to win the league have they? And City have spent more money than anyone recently, so you would expect them to perform better than 4th, no?

"Just because your team can't get decent players to come to your club, you come out with these trivial comments."


It has absolutely nothing to do with my club!

posted on 28/7/11

I'm pretty sure that we signed Dzeko in January of this year so he's not even had half a season yet. I'm also pretty sure that RSC didn't even start a league game last season and Adebayour spent half the year at Real Madrid.

Who am I to argue with someone who probably gleans his infornation from the Metro though.

posted on 28/7/11

Boris Inky Aguero (U5901)

Ok Boris, fair point about Dzeko and Adebayor.

Anyway, my comparisons are goals to fee ration, which still stands...

posted on 28/7/11

First of all, get your figures correct.

Then work out the average cost-per-goal for all the strikers in the PL and then get back to us.

posted on 28/7/11

Can you tell me who used their right foot for every pass please?

posted on 28/7/11

Robinho also spent 6 months at Santos while still a City player, add the goals that he and Adebayour scored whilst out on loan or readjust your figures accordingly.

RSC was a total waste of money, that's down to the medical staff but some of the players you mentioned might not be with us in a months time and as we could get double what we paid for Tevez then the figures will look a lot different.

posted on 28/7/11

First of all, get your figures correct.


I will admit I am wrong if you can show me some evidence.


posted on 28/7/11

Also, while you are working out the average cost-per-goal for all the strikers in the PL, factor in the number of games they have actually played.

Then work out your average.

Let's be fair (and transparant) about this.

posted on 28/7/11

In truth, we've paid over the odds for terrible strikers a lot longer than we've had billionaire owners. Work out the goal per value ratio for the likes of Samaras, Bianchi, Corradi, Jo, Benjani and then come back to me

posted on 28/7/11

Robinho also spent 6 months at Santos while still a City player, add the goals that he and Adebayour scored whilst out on loan or readjust your figures accordingly.


As you say, they scored goals for Real and Santos. My point is how many they have scored for City.

Otherwise it would be like saying you bought Adebayor and Robinho to score goals for Santos and Real Madrid, which would be silly!

posted on 28/7/11

Also, while you are working out the average cost-per-goal for all the strikers in the PL, factor in the number of games they have actually played.


But it doesn't matter how many games they have played, does it?

Because it is a goals:fee ratio. Nothing to do with the amount of games they played. I could've created this article without the length of time spent at the club and the stats would still be the same

posted on 28/7/11

I will admit I am wrong if you can show me some evidence


You say Tevez cost £35m. This is wrong - he cost £25m (or £47m if you believe a certain report). Either way, your figure is wrong.

posted on 28/7/11

he cost £25m (or £47m if you believe a certain report). Either way, your figure is wrong.


So which is it?! I know about these 2 figures, that is why I quoted somewhere in the middle - only fair

posted on 28/7/11

According to the Sun, Aguero cost £90+ Million. Using the same formula, Berbatov cost £60 Million and Torres cost £110 Million - We got a bargain.

posted on 28/7/11

We got a bargain.


I have purposely not mentioned the Aguero fee as my article is more about the previous mostly unsuccesful strikers you have recently had.

You may well have a bargain, depending on how many goals he scores.

Ultimately, that is what a striker is judged on

posted on 28/7/11

Tevez was signed for about £25 Million, it was estimated he would earn £22 Million IF he stayed for 5 years, IF we won won the title twice and IF we won the Champions league. That made a total of £47m and that's the figure that the anti-City media like to use.

posted on 28/7/11

Well, then Boris.

I think it is fair to quote 35 million as City were happy to pay that money if indeed it did happen. They agreed to those terms so they agreed to pay that money

posted on 28/7/11

It doesn't matter how many games they have played, does it?


Are you serious? Play more games = the chance to score more goals = more goals being scored = the cost-per-goal ratio comes crashing down. In short, of course it matters.

Ballotelli has been with us a year. When Rooney had been at United for a year, do you know what his cost-per-goal was?

Over £1.5 million

Or how about Drogba - when he had been at Chelsea for one season, his cost-per-goal then was £1.5million

Starts putting your figures into some kind of perspective, doesn't it? Considering Dzeko, Ballotelli have only been with us for 1 season (and less in Dzeko's case), and indeed Robinho was only with us for 1 season and a half. Did you take into account the amount we recouped on Robinho, and deduct that from the amount we signed him for? No you didn't did you. Hence - you've provided a skewed figure.

Conclusion - a bit more effort (actually a lot more effort) is needed by yourself before you start to reach any kind of conclusion.

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