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These 46 comments are related to an article called:

Successful Strikers

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posted on 28/7/11

So which is it?! I know about these 2 figures, that is why I quoted somewhere in the middle - only fair


No, actually, it isn't fair. You are plucking an average figure based on conflicting reports. Which means only one thing - your "conclusion" is incorrect.

Boris has educated you as to which figure is correct.

posted on 28/7/11

After reading the article couldn't be bothered to read all the comments so this might have been said.

Firstly the OP has manipulated the figures to write another anti City post.

Secondly I would rather evaluate a strikers brilliance or lack of it on his goal to game ratio.

OP It's all good and well stating how many seasons a player as been at a club but why not intergrate how much time a player was away on loan for instance.

You opitomise everything that is wrong with these forums!

posted on 28/7/11

The ReebokRowboat the way you worked your figureds out is totally wrong go and work out how many minutes all them players have been on the pitch and then work out the goals ratio, and you will see from that that Carlos with a goal in every other game, looks totally different to the way you have made him out to be. working out Carlos's goal/game ratio will prove he has been a sucess.

posted on 28/7/11

Some businesses spend millions in advertising just to bring their brand name to the public's attention. The publicity Balotelli has given City across the world must be easily worth 24 million in advertising terms!

posted on 28/7/11

Sorry, guys and girls, been playing football.

Firstly I haven't manipulated figures. These are facts. I worked out their goal to fee ratio. I haven't changed any figures, except for maybe Tevez's, whose valuation is up for debate.

Secondly, it doesn't matter how many games they played, as I previously stated, this isn't about games played, it is about their goal to fee ratio.

My point in this article is about the value for money and it is my opinion that most of your strikers so far (Bellamy and Tevez the exclusions) haven't repayed the money spent on them. The only reason you City fans seem to be happy with their performances is because money is no object to you. If these guys played for any other team,fans would be unhappy because they are not worth the money that was spent on them...so far.

Publicity from Balotelli? Pffft. Everyone has been laughing at his childish antics and his hissy fits. He is making you the new United - the team everyone loves to hate

posted on 28/7/11

Robinho, Ade, RSC I can agree with. But lets give Balotelli and Dzeko a bit more time before we sling them in the pile along with Benjani, Samaras and Jo.

posted on 28/7/11

Now that is fair enough, gratedbean.

But at the moment their stats aren't that great. They could do with some improvement.

posted on 28/7/11

Balotelli has scored 10 goals in 20 starts, Dzeko has got 6 goals in 13 starts, I don't think that's by any means criminal.

Neither have exactly hit the ground running, but both have a lot to prove next season so it's going to be very interesting. In terms of their value for money, I think it's far too early to talk about that as Dzeko only arrived in January and Mario's season was hampered by injury.

posted on 28/7/11

I noticed SWP hasn't been factored into your calculations. He's scored a fair few goals and we made £9 Million on him when we brought him back from Chelsea.

posted on 29/7/11

I think Aguero will go down the same route too. I think he will struggle just as much as the previous players.


Typical. A football expert who keeps his opinion to himself until after we've signed the guy.

Why didn't you contact the club and tell them before he signed? Think of the money we could have saved.

I take it that you are in day to day contact with the management at Bolton? How could they exist without the benefit of you knowledge.

posted on 29/7/11

A bit of deja vu going on here, 12 months ago everyone was telling us that David Silva was a lightweight who'd struggle to make the transition from La Liga to the Premier League.

posted on 29/7/11

We can smell your fear from here !! Even if Serg only scores 10 goals this season he is still possibly the most exciting purchase we have made. He could have walked into any and I mean ANY team in Europe this summer. We were the only ones who met the asking price so he is here.

This kind of attitude will never change, even if we signed Messi the WUMs would find fault in it?

posted on 29/7/11

I am not a WUM.

I do not profess that I know that Aguero will fail, it is just my opinion

The amount of money being thrown at players is so high that they will nearly always be considered a failure!

posted on 29/7/11

Typical. A football expert who keeps his opinion to himself until after we've signed the guy.

Why didn't you contact the club and tell them before he signed? Think of the money we could have saved.


I don't support Man City, so I don't really care who you sign.

Are you saying that if I had contacted Mancini about my thoughts on Aguero, he will have taken my advice?

It is just my opinion and as long as this is a football forum where opinions are Matty discussed, I shall continue to air it

posted on 29/7/11



posted on 29/7/11

Aguero is clearly the biggest waste of money ever!

£35M and hasn't scored a single goal!!!!

True statistic.....

posted on 29/7/11

Interestingly, given that you are big on 'stats'

Your 'cost' for Robinho is wrong given that we sold him for £18M meaning we only really spent £14.5M on him

which works out as roughly 800k per goal.

Equally should we sell Tevez for £50M (a £26M profit)

Then his 'stats' will read that we got paid £500k for every goal he scored...

See, we can all manipulate stats when we want to....

posted on 29/7/11

Your 'cost' for Robinho is wrong given that we sold him for £18M meaning we only really spent £14.5M on him


No it isn't. The whole seaaon you re couped some of the original outlay is because he didn't score enough goals.

RE Tevez, we can't go ahead guessing how much you might sell him for, as not even I can see the future!

Anyway, the point still stands, by far your most valuable player, in terms of goal:fee ratio doesn't wanna play for you

posted on 29/7/11

"It has absolutely nothing to do with my club!"

correct, so do one you bore.

posted on 29/7/11

You realy must be bored out of your skull, if you have to put up such meaningless articles on another teams board.
go back to your own board and stay there, you wum

posted on 31/7/11

Are you saying that if I had contacted Mancini about my thoughts on Aguero, he will have taken my advice?


Er, just the opposite in fact. I think he would have thought just that same as the rest of us did.

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