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How much pride?

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posted on 28/7/11

Does anyone else beleive Colllyflowe when he said that Rooney would have joined City if it was not for the MIBs?

posted on 28/7/11

Obviously he didn't turn down his existing contract, because it was already a contract

You raglets really do have your heads stuck in the sand these days. City have been on the rise for the past few years now, constantly improving, and like it or not we are becoming a pretty lucrative club to join. Decent wages, surrounded by decent players, with a decent chance of glory and success. But you lot keep kidding yourselves otherwise.

I mean I've just seen one of your lot saying "what happens when the Sheik dies and the inheritors of the club can't be bothered with it" - clutching at straws the lot of you.

comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 28/7/11


MIBs last stand was back in the 80s. Tony is an old man and author now.?

posted on 28/7/11

This much pride I___________I

comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 28/7/11


it takes more than money to build a winning team. At city atm you ain't got it.

posted on 28/7/11

You obviously don't watch City much then, our lads were really starting to come together as a unit by the end of last season, some of you might have noticed that if you were still there at the final whistle at Wembley.

comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 29/7/11

Yes I saw that team spirit ooze out vs LA with the Balotelli incident.

posted on 29/7/11

Sure thing, like I say, there's much more to joining Manchester City than money, like playing alongside a decent creative midfielder for example, you lot kid yourselves otherwise for as long as you want.

comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 29/7/11

there's much more to joining Manchester City than money,

course there is.

posted on 29/7/11

Well, Shay Given certainly thinks there is, despite leaving the club.


But we'll believe the deluded rag with his head in the sand, and with that I think this thread has run it's course

comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 29/7/11


comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 29/7/11

Whatever, am I bovered, are you Catherine Tate redblackanshite! Bitter rags can say what they want but city have improved, an for team spirit look at the way everyone celebrated with viera after te goal against Sunderland!

posted on 29/7/11

Your right, what do they want?. They should stop moaning and put a bit of effort into showing the manager they deserve a place in the team (Oh yes thats because some of them don't want to play for the team) they would rather blame the club and manager for their lack of effort and pride on and off the pitch. I think most of the ones that have come in since Hughes left are starting to see that something special is starting to happen at the club. Mancini's man management may not be the best in the world, but he has also showed he is not prepared to be bullied by certain players, and has been said already if you don't like it leave and take a cut in wages!.

posted on 29/7/11

Man city

The biggest joke in world football

and the joke aint over, its just begining. All that money and no PL or CL.

You havnt got a hope!

Anyway enter here how much you will spend in january... ....then enter in here .. ...... how much you will spend in the summer.

All the big players wanna play for.Just look at the legends who played..Robinho..Tevez...both thing the club is a joke.

Good night!!

posted on 29/7/11

i see schools out......

shitttty city and we's are beter than youse.......

posted on 29/7/11

We could only dream of signing players like Obertan or Bebe.

comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 29/7/11

We could only dream of signing players like Obertan or Beb

You can if you want. Please.

posted on 29/7/11

Good night to you!! But if you come out of your hole in the ground you will notice that it is daylight out there, even in R Ireland you are on the same time as us. If you can't tell the difference between night and day how are you to know anything about football?

posted on 29/7/11

When was the last time Manchester United were considered a football club?


I thought idiotic comments would be removed

comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 29/7/11

mine is the only comment deleted and it was actually very sensible one. What the OP means is that comments he doesnt agree with will be deleted.

posted on 29/7/11

Do you City fans really think Balotelli is pulling his weight? Is he worth the money that you pay to him every week?

I personally think he is a prize tool and haven't seen much of his so called talent.

City fans think any other fan is jealous of their club when in fact we aren't. You are the laughing stock of football at the moment.

posted on 29/7/11

When was the last time Manchester United were considered a football club?

They removed the words 'Football Club' from their crest years ago so it's a valid question.

posted on 29/7/11

TheReebokRowbot (U2797)

I think Balotelli is a cfomplete knobsock and I've yet to see any of this talent that I'm assured he's got.

comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 29/7/11

Considering Balotellis general behaviour and antics on and off the pitch, that's a valid statement too.

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 29/7/11

They say we have lost our soul? What like floating on the stockmarket to faceless share holders? Our owners are investing in the city of Manchester man u's owners do what exactly for Manchester, oh take your money to prop up American shopping malls and other businesses sorry franchises!

Wow you got soul

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