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Did Arsenal dodge a bullet on Suarez?

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posted on 25/6/14

if he gets a ban from all football then yes, if not then no as we would have won the league with him

posted on 25/6/14

ate ate ate

posted on 25/6/14

Considering Liverpool finished several points ahead of Arsenal I'd say no...

posted on 25/6/14

i'd rather win the fa cup than come 2nd

posted on 25/6/14

Not really IMO - His reputation was fairly well established prior to yesterday's events.

Seems like AW was prepared to take the risk. Given the season he had for Liverpool I'm sure LFC fans would be happy Henry refused to sell.

Such a shame that a fantastic player has this side to him.

posted on 25/6/14

No chance we would have won the double last season with suarez

posted on 25/6/14

I can't see him being banned from working for a club who pay his wages. There'd be a mammoth court battle on the horizon if that happened...

I agree he needs serious punishment and that would certainly send out the starkest message (banning him domestically), but surely that's a non-starter?

posted on 25/6/14

not really... he wouldnt have been at the world cup if he was at arsenal... hed have got injured

posted on 25/6/14

The Grand Cannon
I don't think he'll get banned for PL games.

posted on 25/6/14

As I mentioned on another thread my understanding is that Fifa do have the remit to withdraw his registration (which in effect would mean a domestic ban) however is unlikely.

posted on 25/6/14

fifa would want to get this through asap. if he was banned for club then there would be an outcry frm lfc. issues such as who will hos wages while he is banned for action happened in anither competition and juristiction. i expect a ban for rest of this world cup

posted on 25/6/14

888.com are just playing the game, they will terminate their contract with Suarez, demand a refund of all sponsorship paid to him, and get a load of free publicity in the mean time.

posted on 25/6/14

More like dodged a trophy.
I dont see how a domestic ban can be put in place. I think thats just wishful thinking because to me it is impossible. As world football governing body, FIFA have always had power to nullify any players registration, doesn't mean it will happen.

posted on 25/6/14

Oh, and with Suarez in the side, Arsenal may well have won the PL last season (and dodged the Ozil transfer). He helped Liverpool to 2nd FFS.

posted on 25/6/14

Goofy One

You're probably right but have a feeling (as per some of Fifa’s comments – Jim Boyce an example) they may throw the book at him. The rest of the WC could in effect be one game.

Whatever punishment is deemed appropriate by Fifa however in light of his previous disciplinary problems, will be very difficult (also considering his commercial partners) for any appeal.

posted on 25/6/14

comment by Moistthighs (U3249)
posted 11 minutes ago
I can't see him being banned from working for a club who pay his wages. There'd be a mammoth court battle on the horizon if that happened...

I agree he needs serious punishment and that would certainly send out the starkest message (banning him domestically), but surely that's a non-starter?
FIA govern the game, they can ban him from competitive football for life if they deem it necessary.

posted on 25/6/14

"I don't think he'll get banned for PL games."
FIFA can impose a domestic ban as well. Whether they actually do it remains to be seen, but they can if they want.

posted on 25/6/14

FIA govern the game, they can ban him from competitive football for life if they deem it necessary.


I'm aware of that, I was posing a question... Of course FIFA can within reason do whatever they want. But to ban him domestically isn't just punishing the player, but a club who pay a lot of money for his services. I just can see it being a realistic avenue of punishment.

posted on 25/6/14

If by dodge a bullet you mean dodge the capability to walk the epl with ease last season, then yes we did.

posted on 25/6/14

comment by Hello My Name Is Ramsey (U3896)
posted 25 minutes ago
No chance we would have won the double last season with suarez
Are you sure mate. You do realise Suarez is almost Messi and Ronaldo level. We finished seven points behind city with Giroud. Do you not think we would possibly have made that up with the best player in the the premier league and top two in the world last year?

posted on 25/6/14

comment by Busbybabes (U9083)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Moistthighs (U3249)
posted 11 minutes ago
I can't see him being banned from working for a club who pay his wages. There'd be a mammoth court battle on the horizon if that happened...

I agree he needs serious punishment and that would certainly send out the starkest message (banning him domestically), but surely that's a non-starter?
FIA govern the game, they can ban him from competitive football for life if they deem it necessary.

They can't. Not for a bite.

posted on 25/6/14

comment by The Godfather (U10154)
posted 35 seconds ago
If by dodge a bullet you mean dodge the capability to walk the epl with ease last season, then yes we did.
We probably would have won the league, but if he also gets a domestic ban (which is possible) then that would be a huge loss to the club after spending that kind of money, not to mention the bad publicity.

posted on 25/6/14

I really don't think it's right that Liverpool's feelings should be even a slight consideration in all of this. The argument that they have no control on it doesn't hold. They don't really have control over what Luis Suarez does on the pitch at Anfield either.

If Liverpool weren't wise enough to stipulate a reduction in wages in this sort of scenario then more fool them. It isn't as if he doesn't have previous. At the time of his latest contract signing he had already served two bans for biting and one ban for using a racist slur.

I don't think an international ban is appropriate considering his age and how that ban may only extend to one more important game. After the third time, he simply must be punished domestically too. It's about him, not Liverpool.

posted on 25/6/14

Liverpool bought a player already with a reputation of biting opponents, and the deliberately took the risk and defended his behaviour. If he gets a domestic ban they can't complain. They have to take the good with the bad. Just like if a player gets locked up for rape, the club will also inevitably suffer.

posted on 25/6/14


While it is unlikely Fifa do have the remit to withhold Suarez’s player registration should they see fit.

In regard to LFC’s liability it would be a difficult case to prove but IMO whoever sanctioned the player’s mental health after the Ivanovic incident should not be without criticism as it is clear he is not a well individual.

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