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La Liga/Serie A season 2024-25

Page 402 of 2049

posted on 12/1/19

I’ve not watched enough of your games to judge. You’ve played quite attacking from what I’ve seen. But often lacked creativity, despite a good goal return. The less said about the defence the better.

posted on 12/1/19

Wumpster...how is life in Kenya for you these days lad

posted on 13/1/19

lemarr is so shiiitttte

greasyman getting well cheesed off with him

posted on 13/1/19

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 13/1/19

Can we stop playing Dolly the Llama for Spain?

posted on 13/1/19

Spanish Dave

posted on 13/1/19

Spanish Dave


He's just ridiculous.

posted on 13/1/19

Filtered by sandy again.

He’s taken today’s defeat hard.

posted on 13/1/19

I got filtered again weeks ago, bloke is an utter piece of shiiit. Can't believe he's about 80 too.

posted on 13/1/19

All I said was he’d be back to claiming they’ll win the title after winning their next game.

posted on 13/1/19

Daz, did you read Warnock's comments on brexit

posted on 13/1/19

Nope, what did he say?

posted on 13/1/19


posted on 13/1/19

Thick caaaant.

posted on 13/1/19

madrid won a game

posted on 14/1/19

Crucial game for top 4 too. Ceballos got the winner from a free kick and apologised to a crowd that had been booing him all game.

posted on 14/1/19

wasn't a good performance though

benzema has broken a finger too, and will probably need an operation

the injuries this season

posted on 14/1/19

comment by Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo (U11781)
posted 10 hours, 3 minutes ago
Daz, did you read Warnock's comments on brexit
the bloke is just the type that voted for brexit...absolute hypocritical fool

posted on 14/1/19

comment by peks (U6618)
posted 1 hour, 39 minutes ago
wasn't a good performance though

benzema has broken a finger too, and will probably need an operation

the injuries this season
Hopefully it’s his trigger finger.

posted on 14/1/19

posted on 14/1/19


Miss being able to watch La Liga.

posted on 14/1/19

Brilliant goal!

posted on 14/1/19

It's been amusing reading some of the reaction to yesterday's game.

If we'd have played like that and won under Mourinho, that performance would've been lauded and salivated over by the same people who chose to die on Mourinho hill.

Quite right too as after the first 5-10 minutes, we did actually play pretty well and had a measure of control until our legs went as usual.

It's just the contradictory nature of some.

Turin was hailed as a game were Mourinho got his tactics absolutely spot on simply because we nicked a win in the end. We should've lost that game by a few goals too but none of his most loyal followers would've admitted to that which is funny as they're quite capable of doing so when it's Ole in charge.

posted on 14/1/19

Conversely, the same people lauding Ole would have been all over Mourinho for a similar performance.

As I mentioned since the game, the set up was good and worked well for about an hour. Though the key difference between that and how we’ve often approached games under Mourinho was the line being higher and us putting more pressure on the ball.

We haven’t got the conditioning to do it all game, however, and once we dropped our intensity our weakenesses were badly exposed.

It’s easy to say had Spurs’ finishing been any good we’d have lost that game, it doesn’t take into account how we’d have reacted to conceding. But I’m not getting all caught up in the supposed tactical battle on display between Pochettino and Ole and who came out on op. The game wasn’t really about that. It was about the quality and conditioning of the respective sides as to how that game played out.

posted on 14/1/19

Conversely, the same people lauding Ole would have been all over Mourinho for a similar performance.


The difference being is that was the norm under Mourinho and people by that stage had long given up on him ever being able to produce the type of football and results we're seeing now. We were all fed up then (long before then in fact for many of us) as you well know.

Ole's 6 games in, won them all and deserves a lot more leeway than Mourinho deserved at any stage this season, as would any new manager who's only been in charge for such a short time.


We haven’t got the conditioning to do it all game, however, and once we dropped our intensity our weakenesses were badly exposed.


Yeah we just aren't prepared to last the distance in games of that intensity. Whoever is in charge next season needs to work on that on the training ground and also we do need some better, fitter and more mobile players in the starting XI and on the bench.

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