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Arguing w/strangers cause I'm lonely thread

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posted 3 weeks, 4 days ago

The Labour Party are to the right of... Suella Braverman on welfare??


posted 3 weeks, 4 days ago

comment by Sydney Sweeney (U11781)
posted about an hour ago
The Labour Party are to the right of... Suella Braverman on welfare??


Shame she didn't do anything about it when she was in the cabinet. I'm sure she is being completely sincere though.

comment by Hector (U3606)

posted 3 weeks, 4 days ago

comment by Sydney Sweeney (U11781)
posted about 16 hours ago

Natalie Elphicke lobbied the justice secretary to intervene in criminal trial of her seex offender husband

Robert Buckland told her it was "completely" improper

She allegedly then tried to secure him better prison conditions


Grate fit for Keith’s ‘changed Labour party’
Wasn't an issue when she was a Tory MP.

She's a boot and deserves everything she has coming, her defection is a wum, its two fingers to this failing government, no more no less, it's bizarre to me that people think there is anything more to this than that.

posted 3 weeks, 4 days ago

So basically a former Tory MP did something dodgy whilst a Tory MP, which the Tories knew about and kept hidden, and now she's joined Labour the media blame Labour?

posted 3 weeks, 4 days ago

Here is a Haaretz reporter’s video of an Israeli hostage’s family member being arrested & carried into a police van by Israeli police.

“The arrest of Ila Metzger in Ayalon. The protesters report that at least 3 more family members of hostages are being detained by the police.”


Anyone wonder why we are still funding this terrorist regime?

posted 3 weeks, 3 days ago



posted 3 weeks, 3 days ago

EXCLUSIVE: Four Tory MPs who made huge £5.4m selling taxpayer-funded 2nd homes won't say whether they paid tax.
I'm sure this will get the same coverage as Raynor.

posted 3 weeks, 3 days ago

comment by The Welsh Xavi (U15412)
posted 37 minutes ago
EXCLUSIVE: Four Tory MPs who made huge £5.4m selling taxpayer-funded 2nd homes won't say whether they paid tax.
I'm sure this will get the same coverage as Raynor.
I had my occasional few minutes of GBN last night and they just brushed over it.

The previous few times I've had a peek they were banging on about Rayner as if she was worse than Michelle Mone.

posted 3 weeks, 3 days ago

Sunak and his Fleet Street paymasters now resorting to desperate throws of scaremongering uniformed sections of the UK electorate with unspecific threats of being at the crossroads of dangerous times ahead (which he and his GVT has presumably has created) of which Labour will be incapble of dealing with compared to him and his Conservative Party with Big Ideas. So lock up your daughters.

We've finally reached the end of the road.

posted 3 weeks, 3 days ago

Scientific study validates the leaver stereotype.


posted 3 weeks, 3 days ago

comment by RB&W -Same Place-Same Club-Same Man (U21434)
posted 24 minutes ago
Sunak and his Fleet Street paymasters now resorting to desperate throws of scaremongering uniformed sections of the UK electorate with unspecific threats of being at the crossroads of dangerous times ahead (which he and his GVT has presumably has created) of which Labour will be incapble of dealing with compared to him and his Conservative Party with Big Ideas. So lock up your daughters.

We've finally reached the end of the road.

Surely we can all see that the government that refuses to regulate AI, has failed on every migration pledge they have made and refuses to rule out arming authoritarian states is the most capable of dealing with all those 'threats'.

posted 3 weeks, 3 days ago

comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 16 minutes ago
Scientific study validates the leaver stereotype.

How did they define cognitive ability?


posted 3 weeks, 3 days ago

comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 16 minutes ago
Scientific study validates the leaver stereotype.

How did they define cognitive ability?

Independent variable
In Wave 3 of USoc, prior to the referendum held on June 23rd, 2016, cognitive function measures were collected through five cognitive tasks. The first task assessed respondents’ memory, using an immediate and delayed word recall task. In short, participants were read a series of 10 words and were then asked to recall (immediately afterwards and then again later in the interview) as many words as possible, in any order. The scores from the immediate and delayed word recall task are then summed together resulting in a measure of cognitive function which we refer to as ‘Word Recall’. The second task assessed semantic verbal fluency, where participants were given one minute to name as many animals as possible. The final score on this item is based upon the number of unique correct responses. This provides us with another measure of cognitive function which we refer to as ‘Verbal Fluency’. The third task assessed respondents’ working memory. Here, participants were asked to give the correct answer to a series of subtraction questions. There is a sequence of five subtractions, which started with the interviewer asking the respondent to subtract 7 from 100. The respondent is then asked to subtract 7 again, and so on. The number of correct responses out of a maximum of five was recorded, giving us a measure of cognitive function, referred to here as ‘Subtraction Test’. The fourth task assessed respondents’ fluid reasoning where participants were asked to write down a number sequence—as read by the interviewer—which consists of several numbers with a blank number in the series. The respondent is asked which number goes in the blank. Participants were given two sets of three number sequences, where performance in the first set dictated the difficulty of the second set. The final score is based on the correct responses from the two sets of questions—whilst accounting for the difficulty level of the second set of problems—giving us a measure of cognitive function, ‘Fluid Reasoning’. The final task assessed practical numerical knowledge. Participants were asked up to five questions that were graded in complexity. The type of questions asked included: “In a sale, a shop is selling all items at half price. Before the sale, a sofa costs £300. How much will it cost in the sale?” and “Let’s say you have £200 in a savings account. The account earns ten percent interest each year. How much would you have in the account at the end of two years?”. Based on performance on the first three items, participants are then asked either two additional (more difficult) questions or one additional (simpler) question. The final score is a count measure based on the number of correct responses. This provides us with our final measure of cognitive function referred to as ‘Numerical Reasoning’. These measures of cognitive function have previously been successfully used in studies (for example) regarding COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy [52].

posted 3 weeks, 3 days ago

Once again Starmer shows us what an unprincipled opportunist he is.

As Groucho Marx said "Those are my principles and if you don’t like them.... Well, I have others".

Now I know the left of the party are keeping their powder dry because it looks like victory at the next GE is a given but by doing that they allow the big headed cant to think he can do whatever he wants.

It's ridiculous that he thought Elphickes defection would be nothing but cup cakes and jelly babies for him and shows a remarkable lack of judgement.

Who's next Nigel Farage?

posted 3 weeks, 3 days ago

Farage probably has more moral fibre than Elphicke

Looks like neither will be standing at the next GE.

posted 3 weeks, 3 days ago

comment by PawlBawron (U1055)
posted 6 minutes ago
Once again Starmer shows us what an unprincipled opportunist he is.

As Groucho Marx said "Those are my principles and if you don’t like them.... Well, I have others".

Now I know the left of the party are keeping their powder dry because it looks like victory at the next GE is a given but by doing that they allow the big headed cant to think he can do whatever he wants.

It's ridiculous that he thought Elphickes defection would be nothing but cup cakes and jelly babies for him and shows a remarkable lack of judgement.

Who's next Nigel Farage?
You'll find out who is next on Wednesday, the plan is a different Tory MP crosses the chamber before each PMQs

posted 3 weeks, 3 days ago

comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by PawlBawron (U1055)
posted 6 minutes ago
Once again Starmer shows us what an unprincipled opportunist he is.

As Groucho Marx said "Those are my principles and if you don’t like them.... Well, I have others".

Now I know the left of the party are keeping their powder dry because it looks like victory at the next GE is a given but by doing that they allow the big headed cant to think he can do whatever he wants.

It's ridiculous that he thought Elphickes defection would be nothing but cup cakes and jelly babies for him and shows a remarkable lack of judgement.

Who's next Nigel Farage?
You'll find out who is next on Wednesday, the plan is a different Tory MP crosses the chamber before each PMQs
Depends on who he's got lined up?

I don't think even he will be stupid enough to bring in another hardcore right winger who's been nothing but unpleasant about him.

posted 3 weeks, 3 days ago

comment by PawlBawron (U1055)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by CrouchEndGooner (U13531)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by PawlBawron (U1055)
posted 6 minutes ago
Once again Starmer shows us what an unprincipled opportunist he is.

As Groucho Marx said "Those are my principles and if you don’t like them.... Well, I have others".

Now I know the left of the party are keeping their powder dry because it looks like victory at the next GE is a given but by doing that they allow the big headed cant to think he can do whatever he wants.

It's ridiculous that he thought Elphickes defection would be nothing but cup cakes and jelly babies for him and shows a remarkable lack of judgement.

Who's next Nigel Farage?
You'll find out who is next on Wednesday, the plan is a different Tory MP crosses the chamber before each PMQs
Depends on who he's got lined up?

I don't think even he will be stupid enough to bring in another hardcore right winger who's been nothing but unpleasant about him.

posted 3 weeks, 3 days ago

It's amusing how none of the Tories had a problem with Elphicke before she defected. Now all the stuff she did whilst in the Tory party is horrific to them.

posted 3 weeks, 3 days ago

comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 4 minutes ago
It's amusing how none of the Tories had a problem with Elphicke before she defected. Now all the stuff she did whilst in the Tory party is horrific to them.
It's like a bad marriage Tam.

You don't do your dirty washing in public until you've broken up but then the gloves are off.

Starmer deserves all he's getting for looking so pleased with himself without looking into what a victim blaming wrongun she is.

posted 3 weeks, 3 days ago

Watching the sites biggest Tory clutch his pearls about principles makes me

It gets to the point I think Pawl must be a satirical character like Jonathan Pie. No way someone can be that lacking on self awareness.

posted 3 weeks, 3 days ago

comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 49 seconds ago
Watching the sites biggest Tory clutch his pearls about principles makes me

It gets to the point I think Pawl must be a satirical character like Jonathan Pie. No way someone can be that lacking on self awareness.
What I've noticed about you Fields is that you are more interested in making sweeping statements about me rather than addressing whatever issue I'm bringing up

posted 3 weeks, 3 days ago

comment by PawlBawron (U1055)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 4 minutes ago
It's amusing how none of the Tories had a problem with Elphicke before she defected. Now all the stuff she did whilst in the Tory party is horrific to them.
It's like a bad marriage Tam.

You don't do your dirty washing in public until you've broken up but then the gloves are off.

Starmer deserves all he's getting for looking so pleased with himself without looking into what a victim blaming wrongun she is.

So you're openly admitting that you had no issues with her being a victim blaming wrongun whilst she was in the Tory party? Happy to keep it in house?

Interesting. Maybe you should rethink your own smugness about how this has turned out for Starmer.

posted 3 weeks, 3 days ago

comment by PawlBawron (U1055)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by FieldsofAnfieldRd (U18971)
posted 49 seconds ago
Watching the sites biggest Tory clutch his pearls about principles makes me

It gets to the point I think Pawl must be a satirical character like Jonathan Pie. No way someone can be that lacking on self awareness.
What I've noticed about you Fields is that you are more interested in making sweeping statements about me rather than addressing whatever issue I'm bringing up
Because 99% of what you bring up is disingenuous, hypocritical nonsense that should be treated as the dogshiite masquerading as political debate that it is.

posted 3 weeks, 3 days ago

It gets to the point I think Pawl must be a satirical character like Jonathan Pie. No way someone can be that lacking on self awareness.

He's our Barry

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