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These 93 comments are related to an article called:

Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori.

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posted on 11/11/18

comment by JukeboxJunkie (U10162)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by The Duke (U10059)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by Sjb1888 (U5188)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by The Duke (U10059)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Sjb1888 (U5188)
posted 11 minutes ago
It's the fakeness that bothers me, seems to me that a large portion of the people making a big show and dance about wearing a poppy barely have any interest in understanding what it must have been like to live through that war, many seem more interested in being faux offended at people who choose not to wear a poppy.

Every year it more and more resembles a gaudy celebration rather than a commemoration.

I would personally prefer if all the activities and round the clock coverage was kept to the weekend of so as not to water down the true meaning of Armistice day.
A lot of your own perception in that

I don’t know anyone who wears a poppy out of anything other than respectful remembrance

As said above millions of lives lost I think a couple of weeks of coverage and respect isn’t a lot to ask
I'm very perceptive, I don't think a couple of weeks of build up achieves anything to be honest, other than watering down the actual actual anniversary.
Which is up to you

However others may want to learn and take in the remembrance over a longer period
This part of history cannot be forgotten
The lives our lost cannot be in vain
May they rest in peace
Which is all fine and well until folk are hounded for not wearing a poppy weeks in advance.
Does that happen ?

I see lots with and without never known anyone hounded

Back in the day people wore poppies some didn’t

But now it seems if you don’t you go all vegan on us and we must be told about it
That gets a reaction

posted on 11/11/18

I mind reading a quote from Harry Patch a couple years ago, along the lines of 'put guns in the hands of the politicians wanting war, and leave the working man out of it'

I've probably not done that quote justice, but that was the general gist of it

posted on 11/11/18

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 11/11/18

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 11/11/18

Found it..

"Irrespective of the uniforms we wore, we were all victims.

Politicians who took us to war should have been given the guns and told to settle their differences themselves, instead of organising nothing better than legalised mass murder."

Along with this..


comment by atheist (U2783)

posted on 11/11/18

comment by Zachsda(FFS Da, put it back) (U1850)
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by Tully Original (U20686)
posted 10 minutes ago
Zach this is for you since you march to a different drum anyway.


Interesting to read the comments as well - especially the one from Halis ÖZTÜRK

Best version of it
The pogues Do one that’s poguey
YouTube liam clancys funeral it’s brilliant
Thanks for that, Zach, was very moving.

posted on 11/11/18

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 11/11/18

Saw an interview with an old German chap

He explained how WW1 was rarely discussed and when it was it was fudged or glorified

This led the people in ignorance to embrace thennnazy party

He thought with honesty from the German leaders post WW1 the people would have rejected the hitler ideology

comment by atheist (U2783)

posted on 11/11/18


Forgot the feckin link.

comment by Tully1 (U20686)

posted on 11/11/18

Thanks people for respecting and adding to what I was trying to say.

Good night, may your God bless you and just pray that you never have to fight in a war. <respect>

posted on 11/11/18

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 11/11/18

And to think our country is enabling war and death to children in Yemen as we speak.

Makes me ashamed to be associated with Britain

posted on 11/11/18

comment by JukeboxJunkie (U10162)
posted 4 minutes ago
And to think our country is enabling war and death to children in Yemen as we speak.

Makes me ashamed to be associated with Britain
You see this is how it works

Yemen is an internal conflict but then everyone stick in their tuppence
Many countries many factions

But who gets the blame from anti British folk
I’ll let you guess

No mention of all the aid workers from Britain

It’s a mess right enough

But for some out of all those involved
It’s britain that’s at fault

Not a mention of anyone else


posted on 11/11/18

comment by The Duke (U10059)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by JukeboxJunkie (U10162)
posted 4 minutes ago
And to think our country is enabling war and death to children in Yemen as we speak.

Makes me ashamed to be associated with Britain
You see this is how it works

Yemen is an internal conflict but then everyone stick in their tuppence
Many countries many factions

But who gets the blame from anti British folk
I’ll let you guess

No mention of all the aid workers from Britain

It’s a mess right enough

But for some out of all those involved
It’s britain that’s at fault

Not a mention of anyone else

He can hardly be ashamed to be associated with the French.

In fact I agree with his approach. It's the same reason I rarely comment on fans of other clubs...I prefer to lay into those idiots in the green brigade.

Sort our own houses out.

comment by BB⁷ (U13430)

posted on 11/11/18


posted on 11/11/18

comment by Magnum (U16400)
posted 8 seconds ago
comment by The Duke (U10059)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by JukeboxJunkie (U10162)
posted 4 minutes ago
And to think our country is enabling war and death to children in Yemen as we speak.

Makes me ashamed to be associated with Britain
You see this is how it works

Yemen is an internal conflict but then everyone stick in their tuppence
Many countries many factions

But who gets the blame from anti British folk
I’ll let you guess

No mention of all the aid workers from Britain

It’s a mess right enough

But for some out of all those involved
It’s britain that’s at fault

Not a mention of anyone else

He can hardly be ashamed to be associated with the French.

In fact I agree with his approach. It's the same reason I rarely comment on fans of other clubs...I prefer to lay into those idiots in the green brigade.

Sort our own houses out.
Britain are enabling it

Anyway we are still European for a few more months so aye blame the french
Or maybe get closer to the truth the Saudis the Iranians the rebel’s or the Yemen government or others

Easy though man blame the Brits
Keeps it predictable

comment by lauders (U9757)

posted on 11/11/18

Comment deleted by Article Creator

comment by lauders (U9757)

posted on 11/11/18

comment by Laudrup: Alfie Mo? (U12366)
posted 2 hours, 30 minutes ago
Ginger will be running to admin to get it removed

I'm all for slaggin tims on here as everyone knows but this is miles out and a total misrepresentation.
I met ginger last night, he was wearing a poppy. Were you?

posted on 11/11/18

comment by lauders - It's Coming Home *sometime in the future (U9757)
posted 4 seconds ago
comment by Laudrup: Alfie Mo? (U12366)
posted 2 hours, 30 minutes ago
Ginger will be running to admin to get it removed

I'm all for slaggin tims on here as everyone knows but this is miles out and a total misrepresentation.
I met ginger last night, he was wearing a poppy. Were you?
Right where you ?

comment by lauders (U9757)

posted on 11/11/18

comment by The Duke (U10059)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by lauders - It's Coming Home *sometime in the future (U9757)
posted 4 seconds ago
comment by Laudrup: Alfie Mo? (U12366)
posted 2 hours, 30 minutes ago
Ginger will be running to admin to get it removed

I'm all for slaggin tims on here as everyone knows but this is miles out and a total misrepresentation.
I met ginger last night, he was wearing a poppy. Were you?
Right where you ?
Not that I need to.

posted on 11/11/18

comment by The Duke (U10059)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Magnum (U16400)
posted 8 seconds ago
comment by The Duke (U10059)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by JukeboxJunkie (U10162)
posted 4 minutes ago
And to think our country is enabling war and death to children in Yemen as we speak.

Makes me ashamed to be associated with Britain
You see this is how it works

Yemen is an internal conflict but then everyone stick in their tuppence
Many countries many factions

But who gets the blame from anti British folk
I’ll let you guess

No mention of all the aid workers from Britain

It’s a mess right enough

But for some out of all those involved
It’s britain that’s at fault

Not a mention of anyone else

He can hardly be ashamed to be associated with the French.

In fact I agree with his approach. It's the same reason I rarely comment on fans of other clubs...I prefer to lay into those idiots in the green brigade.

Sort our own houses out.
Britain are enabling it

Anyway we are still European for a few more months so aye blame the french
Or maybe get closer to the truth the Saudis the Iranians the rebel’s or the Yemen government or others

Easy though man blame the Brits
Keeps it predictable


Other people doing a bad thing doesn't mean you're not doing a bad thing. Anything else is a preschool mentality.
I'm very much a proponent of "get your own house in order first". And Saudi Arabia is a brutal theocracy and one of the most backwards nations on Earth - the Middle Eastern North Korea. If we seriously can't elevate ourselves above them, then there is absolutely no hope for us.

comment by BB⁷ (U13430)

posted on 11/11/18

The full song


comment by lauders (U9757)

posted on 11/11/18

Who's ever been hounded for not wearing a poppy for weeks?

Can't help but feel that's a myth.

posted on 11/11/18

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by Wullie! (U3432)

posted on 11/11/18

prefer a spinning red dickie bow myself.

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