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These 74 comments are related to an article called:

Man Utd Fans top racism arrests list

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posted on 18/6/19

Clearly we are going to top that list when we have minimum 16000 more fans than the next highest attendance and in most cases 30-40k more than the majority of English clubs. You are always amongst every support have the odd idiot so 27 arrests amongst the 76k fans attending home games across 4 yrs isn't really that bad

posted on 18/6/19

Clearly we are going to top that list when we have minimum 16000 more fans than the next highest attendance and in most cases 30-40k more than the majority of English clubs.


This is exactly the point that the club has argued, which is why the article itself comes across as a bit disingenuous.

Millwall have half the amount of arrests and a quarter of the attendance.

comment by Ruiney (U1005)

posted on 18/6/19

comment by The Lambeau Leap (U21050)
posted 4 seconds ago
Clearly we are going to top that list when we have minimum 16000 more fans than the next highest attendance and in most cases 30-40k more than the majority of English clubs.


This is exactly the point that the club has argued, which is why the article itself comes across as a bit disingenuous.

Millwall have half the amount of arrests and a quarter of the attendance.
True but one arrest is still too many. Unfortunately football attracts a lot of these morons.

posted on 18/6/19

comment by Ruiney (U1005)
posted 34 seconds ago
comment by The Lambeau Leap (U21050)
posted 4 seconds ago
Clearly we are going to top that list when we have minimum 16000 more fans than the next highest attendance and in most cases 30-40k more than the majority of English clubs.


This is exactly the point that the club has argued, which is why the article itself comes across as a bit disingenuous.

Millwall have half the amount of arrests and a quarter of the attendance.
True but one arrest is still too many. Unfortunately football attracts a lot of these morons.

It does, and it always will. Football offers a safe haven to idiots wanting to cause trouble. Look at how the far-right has infiltrated the England support.

posted on 18/6/19

Interesting that racism seems to be on the decline in football when supposedly the opposite is true for racism in general in this country.

No need for any club to make excuses for the number of fans they have that have been arrested for racist behaviour.

posted on 18/6/19

No need for any club to make excuses for the number of fans they have that have been arrested for racist behaviour.


It might come across as the club making excuses, but they do have a brand image to protect, and at the same time the article headline is a tad sensationalist. I wonder if the article would exist, if for instance the top ranked club had been Leyton Orient.

posted on 18/6/19

Slow news day. The numbers simply don't stack up when you factor in how many more fans we have. We probably have more arrested for being drunk and disorderly too.

posted on 18/6/19

The headline is to draw you in.
Sadly, these days, people read the headline and think that's the case.

posted on 18/6/19

comment by CurrentlyInChina (U11181)
posted 4 seconds ago
The headline is to draw you in.
Sadly, these days, people read the headline and think that's the case.

Exactly. Clickbait.

posted on 18/6/19

But it’s still the truth and I’m sure most fans are aware United are the most supported team in the UK so are likely to have the most. Would you rather this report didn’t come out at all and the numbers weren’t told?

posted on 18/6/19

I think it's more of a number's game really

If you look at the scale of attendances versus the actual individuals or groups accused of racism, Chelsea probably edge this out.

Let's not even mention West Ham. The pikeys are by nature very tribal

It's a shame that the media are using stats on the face value, and not using it in the context.

posted on 18/6/19

I don't think most people will take all that into account when they read a headline and move on.

comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 18/6/19

Pointless stat.

Is it because more Utd fans are racist? Is it because more Utd fans report racist abuse? Is it because the police and Stewart's are less tolerant?

posted on 18/6/19

Another way they could have written the article is “united leading the way in combatting racism at football grounds”, given those stats could just as likely be an indication of suitable policing and stewarding being in place. It’s an incredibly lazy piece.

comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 18/6/19

comment by The Lambeau Leap (U21050)
posted 26 minutes ago
comment by Ruiney (U1005)
posted 34 seconds ago
comment by The Lambeau Leap (U21050)
posted 4 seconds ago
Clearly we are going to top that list when we have minimum 16000 more fans than the next highest attendance and in most cases 30-40k more than the majority of English clubs.


This is exactly the point that the club has argued, which is why the article itself comes across as a bit disingenuous.

Millwall have half the amount of arrests and a quarter of the attendance.
True but one arrest is still too many. Unfortunately football attracts a lot of these morons.

It does, and it always will. Football offers a safe haven to idiots wanting to cause trouble. Look at how the far-right has infiltrated the England support.
Football also seems to bring out the worst in people. I'd imagine there are a lot of good people breaking the law, acting recklessly at football games (not just racist abuse).

posted on 18/6/19

comment by manutd1982 (U6633)
posted 7 minutes ago
But it’s still the truth and I’m sure most fans are aware United are the most supported team in the UK so are likely to have the most. Would you rather this report didn’t come out at all and the numbers weren’t told?

I personally don't see the value to the public in reporting that 0.0004% of match-going Man Utd fans have been arrested for racism related offences in the past four years. At least not in the way it has been positioned, as a negative.

If the piece was about highlighting how effectively racism has been eradicated from the game in recent years then fair enough, but the article is only really telling us what we all know; that racism is almost non-existent in the Premier League, but there will always be that 0.0004% that can't be legislated for.

posted on 18/6/19

I bet we have the largest number of fans of all UK sides that eventually go on to murder/rape/steal too. $cumbags the lot of us!

posted on 18/6/19

comment by meltonblue (U10617)
posted 5 minutes ago
Another way they could have written the article is “united leading the way in combatting racism at football grounds”, given those stats could just as likely be an indication of suitable policing and stewarding being in place. It’s an incredibly lazy piece.

Exactly. It could have been a positive piece but -thanks in large part to the internet - modern journalism is essentially clickbait.

Divisive/Provocative headlines draw eyeballs, and people take these headlines at face value.

posted on 18/6/19

In response to the Home Office data concerning arrests, a statement from Kick It Out read: "These figures show racism is a nationwide problem shared by clubs of all different sizes in all parts of the country.


Kick It Out also doing what they do best - spouting nonsense. I think the figures actually demonstrate that racism isn't a problem in football. It's an issue very much on the periphery that has been effectively policed by clubs, fans and the police.

posted on 18/6/19

Obviously these statistics post-date an entire stadium of people booing a black man who had been racially abused...
This line is completely unnecessary and screams of deflection tactics and 'whataboutry' when actually there is nothing to deflect! The numbers on the whole are extremely low across the board and football clubs should be commended for making football grounds a place for children/families etc on the whole.

I don't see the need to deflect or try and point score.

comment by Shugs (U14253)

posted on 18/6/19

comment by Scouse-Heart (U3234)
posted 1 minute ago
Obviously these statistics post-date an entire stadium of people booing a black man who had been racially abused...
This line is completely unnecessary and screams of deflection tactics and 'whataboutry' when actually there is nothing to deflect! The numbers on the whole are extremely low across the board and football clubs should be commended for making football grounds a place for children/families etc on the whole.

I don't see the need to deflect or try and point score.

You win today's edition of "taking comments a little too seriously"

posted on 18/6/19

All the best to people of other races. This is coming from a big Man Utd fan as well.

comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 18/6/19

I've never seen or heard anything racist in my time at OT.

If I did I know it would have been reported by those around me.

posted on 18/6/19

comment by The Lambeau Leap (U21050)

posted 3 minutes ago

In response to the Home Office data concerning arrests, a statement from Kick It Out read: "These figures show racism is a nationwide problem shared by clubs of all different sizes in all parts of the country.


Kick It Out also doing what they do best - spouting nonsense. I think the figures actually demonstrate that racism isn't a problem in football. It's an issue very much on the periphery that has been effectively policed by clubs, fans and the police.
Kick it out do get it wrong but it is still needed as long as racism exists.

posted on 18/6/19

comment by Busby (U19985)
posted 9 seconds ago
I've never seen or heard anything racist in my time at OT.

If I did I know it would have been reported by those around me.
Match going fan claims he would not report racism.

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