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Not dicking with playoffs

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posted on 17/1/20

comment by Lubo - Super Cooper! (U14008)
posted 21 minutes ago
comment by Kebablegs (U17699)
posted 36 seconds ago
Fulham swapped mitrovic for bobby Reid another established striker at this level.
£20m defender sat on the bench and a £17.5m one just loaned in.
£17.5 million flop, I assume you meant.

Fulham have more money than us. I struggle to understand your point. We have to work on a smaller budget than them.
Name 1 other championship club, in fact name 1 other club in tiers 1-5 who has 1 recognised striker only.

posted on 17/1/20

Not sure I’ve know it any club ever kebab.

posted on 17/1/20

comment by LIW Radchancer (U8453)
posted 10 minutes ago
Not sure I’ve know it any club ever kebab.
Nor me. It’s incomprehensible

posted on 17/1/20

Slightly off topic, but I've always thought that a thin squad backed up with inexperienced young players for a 46 match season is looking for trouble, especially given Bielsa's intense training regime. But who am I & what do I know?

posted on 18/1/20

Millwall sign Ryan Woods on loan until the end of season. That's a Forshaw cover option gone to a lesser side for next to nothing. Good player and 26.

Carlsberg don't do transfer windows, but if they did, they'd be better than Leeds at them :/

posted on 18/1/20

I find Timmy Taylor's better than Carlsberg!..... mind that's a taste thing and has nothing to do with football!..

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 18/1/20

Maybe if the team put as much effort on the pitch as they did into this....


posted on 18/1/20

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posted on 18/1/20

comment by Kebablegs (U17699)
posted 8 hours, 7 minutes ago
comment by Lubo - Super Cooper! (U14008)
posted 21 minutes ago
comment by Kebablegs (U17699)
posted 36 seconds ago
Fulham swapped mitrovic for bobby Reid another established striker at this level.
£20m defender sat on the bench and a £17.5m one just loaned in.
£17.5 million flop, I assume you meant.

Fulham have more money than us. I struggle to understand your point. We have to work on a smaller budget than them.
Name 1 other championship club, in fact name 1 other club in tiers 1-5 who has 1 recognised striker only.
Not said that I don't want another striker. I just don't want any other striker. The club is trying to be ambitious and bring in quality. That's fine by me.

comment by RobLUFC (U5692)

posted on 18/1/20

comment by Elland White (U8323)
posted 7 hours, 49 minutes ago
Slightly off topic, but I've always thought that a thin squad backed up with inexperienced young players for a 46 match season is looking for trouble, especially given Bielsa's intense training regime. But who am I & what do I know?
Very true. That strategy seems incompatible for the championship, As impressive as that intensity of play looks in the first half of season doing it with a small squad and inexperienced and thin on the ground back up, and a number players who pick up a repeated cycle of injuries it is asking for trouble to do it over a full season. The clues were there last season .It should not be a surprise.

posted on 18/1/20

Careful Elland / Rob you'll have the 'Negativity' police knocking on your door - but Totally agree and having raised the point several times lately.

The one striker element of the overall problem is beyond comprehension to me but as you say I've only been watching football ( and playing it years ago) for over 50 years

posted on 18/1/20

comment by Elland White (U8323)
posted 9 hours, 48 minutes ago
Slightly off topic, but I've always thought that a thin squad backed up with inexperienced young players for a 46 match season is looking for trouble, especially given Bielsa's intense training regime. But who am I & what do I know?

Don’t agree with this. We’ve used 19 players so far this team. Same as West Brom. Brentford used 16, Fulham
18. All in top 4..... so the thin squad is a just an excuse.

The 1 striker element is a massive concern. But the bigger concern is the sitters that we’ve been missing from day 1 of the season.......

posted on 18/1/20

So far this season.....

posted on 18/1/20

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posted on 18/1/20

Our 18 players or what ever it finally ends up as are to all intents and purposes playing 46 cup finals - every other team tries against us as we are by far away the biggest scalp in this league.

comment by RobLUFC (U5692)

posted on 18/1/20

Wilko over the years on this and the old BBC site I have generally been on the positive side. After the January transfer window last year and the way the season ended I vowed to call things as I see them from now on even if it us perceived as negativity.. If that doesn't sit well with the defend the club on all areas all times mentality a few have on here I can live with that.

posted on 18/1/20

comment by Afridi14... ( ليدز_يونايتد )You gotta love it!! (U2805)
posted 1 hour ago
comment by Elland White (U8323)
posted 9 hours, 48 minutes ago
Slightly off topic, but I've always thought that a thin squad backed up with inexperienced young players for a 46 match season is looking for trouble, especially given Bielsa's intense training regime. But who am I & what do I know?

Don’t agree with this. We’ve used 19 players so far this team. Same as West Brom. Brentford used 16, Fulham
18. All in top 4..... so the thin squad is a just an excuse.

The 1 striker element is a massive concern. But the bigger concern is the sitters that we’ve been missing from day 1 of the season.......

West Brom, Brentford and the rest all have better benches than we do. They all have experienced championship players, we have debutants that are built like 15 year olds.

posted on 18/1/20

comment by Shaun M - I can't see me loving nobody but Leeds! (U9955)
posted 42 minutes ago
comment by Afridi14... ( ليدز_يونايتد )You gotta love it!! (U2805)
posted 1 hour ago
comment by Elland White (U8323)
posted 9 hours, 48 minutes ago
Slightly off topic, but I've always thought that a thin squad backed up with inexperienced young players for a 46 match season is looking for trouble, especially given Bielsa's intense training regime. But who am I & what do I know?

Don’t agree with this. We’ve used 19 players so far this team. Same as West Brom. Brentford used 16, Fulham
18. All in top 4..... so the thin squad is a just an excuse.

The 1 striker element is a massive concern. But the bigger concern is the sitters that we’ve been missing from day 1 of the season.......

West Brom, Brentford and the rest all have better benches than we do. They all have experienced championship players, we have debutants that are built like 15 year olds.
We have multiple championship winners so I dont think a lack of experience in this division is really an applicable discussion to be having.

posted on 18/1/20

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comment by RobLUFC (U5692)

posted on 18/1/20

I agree on the bench comment. Over the last month or so, no offence to the young lads on it (not their fault) I have looked at the bench for inspiration and other options and can't find it.

The perpetual cycle of injuries to Roberts, Forshaw and Shackleton haven't helped in that respect.

posted on 18/1/20

People seem to end up getting pigeon holed as happy clappy or cynic... but I think most fans are in the middle.

Delighted with the team, the effort, the league position, the football, bielsa.

Concerned that the transfer policy - and possibly bielsa’s intransigence - will hamstring us in the second half of the season.

Whether the transfer policy is restricted by efl guidelines or not... there is a sense that the guys at the top have been there for 2 1/2 years and made the decisions that leave the finances where they are.

Personally, I think bielsa’s love of a small squad works at a micro level and maybe not at the macro level of a long championship season. So we have to look at him and radz/orta if things turn to rat. It’s all an if, obviously but given the record of bielsa sides post Christmas and what happened last year I think nervousness and concern is entirely understandable in context.

The context is, we’re the best side in the league we’re in the top 2... we absolutely should go up, so whilst we have to credit those who’ve got us there, it’s fair play to challenge them on matters that might impact whether we stay there.

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