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Bumbling Boris odds

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posted on 6/6/22

comment by Automatic For The People (U21889)
posted 2 minutes ago
Apparently they’re all being bribed with offers of new jobs!

Welcome to politics! Have you just realised that this is how it works?

posted on 6/6/22

The worst thing about current politics is the lack of voters actually getting off backsides to tick the boxes. You can argue for/against whoever/whatever all you want, but if you don't use your vote then you deserve whoever you get and the policies and behaviour that comes with it.

I try not to have a go at anyone for voting however they want, within reason. Plenty of colleagues at work who vote differently and we chat reasonably about it, respecting other views/decisions.

Too many for either the last GE or Brexit before it, shocked and horrified at the results, but how many sat back (over) confident that others would vote as they'd want? You get the democracy you deserve if you leave it to others to choose.

posted on 6/6/22

comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by AFCISMYTEAM (U14931)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Luke Combs - FJB (U3979)
posted 35 minutes ago
comment by AFCISMYTEAM (U14931)
posted 19 seconds ago
comment by Luke Combs - FJB (U3979)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by AFCISMYTEAM (U14931)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by VOF - Its all about believing .... (U17124)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by montleeds (U18330)
posted 32 seconds ago
right wingers dont want to debate, they just want to ignore the alterative to their argument because in their eyes there's no middle ground.
i can understand the left loses their patience with this tactic and some resort to name calling. not a good look but understandable.

or ............

left wingers dont want to debate, they just want to ignore the alterative to their argument because in their eyes there's no middle ground.
i can understand the right loses their patience with this tactic and some resort to name calling. not a good look but understandable.

Cuts both ways in my experience ...........
You can literally just read this thread and see who's debating what and who is actually making valid points and who is spouting generic lines without any evidence, it's all here clear as day.

Such a lack of self-awareness.
could say the exact same about you
I know I can get frustrated with left wing voters. Hell I get frustrated with people I agree with. I'm a remainer and a friend of mine referred to it as the "racist brexit vote" earlier and that got me angry.

But frankly I think devonshire has made level headed, well reasoned points throughout.

You seem to be mistaking a lack of jargonistic nonsense as "not making valid points and spouting generic lines".
He basically just said ' keep Boris in because there is no alternative'. And i said that not true though is it because there are hundreds of alternatives but somehow what he said is a level headed, well response?

No i didnt and you have completely misunderstood the context of this as a leadership thing. It's not a GE, we dont have a say here, Tory MPs will vote & their votes will be based on many influences - internal party politics, their own careers and aspirations, other strategies, and may be, just maybe, some will vote purely on their conscience and what they think is right....BUT as this is politics we are talking about I fully expect the majority to stick with Boris because to get rid now is not the right time for the party to make such a change.

If Sunak had not had the who wife tax thing, then may be he could be seen as a credible leader, but his growing stock was clearly undermined internally to stamp out any challenge he might pose.

If you cannot understanding the scheming, the strategies, the different factions, the plotting, the lobbying, the egos, the aspirations etc that influences a vote like this then you fail to understand politics and politicians. This is not just about whether there's a more honest person out there than Boris, of course there is but that is not what Tory MPs will be voting on.

As for your "reasoned response", i dont think responding to me by calling it BS is reasoned. You completely dismiss a point of view by calling it BS.

Feel free to disagree with me but if you begin by calling it BS then dont expect people to consider that as a reasoned response.
Ok, maybe i shouldn't have called it BS (apologies) but it just seriously baffles me when people say that. I understand all the games being played by the politicians right now but to say there is NO alternative better than BJ makes me think that we are well and truly screwed, if that is true.

posted on 6/6/22

Personally, I think there is a good chance they have called this VONC deliberately now. They have the by-elections in Honiton & Tiverton and Wakefield coming up. Tories are likely to lose both those seats. If they have the VONC now, they can get it out the way and Boris is safe for a year (unless there is a rule change) before it happens.

Boris is probably facepalming at Nadine Dorries being too dense to realise what's going on at the moment.

posted on 6/6/22

comment by VOF - Its all about believing .... (U17124)
posted 10 minutes ago
The worst thing about current politics is the lack of voters actually getting off backsides to tick the boxes. You can argue for/against whoever/whatever all you want, but if you don't use your vote then you deserve whoever you get and the policies and behaviour that comes with it.

I try not to have a go at anyone for voting however they want, within reason. Plenty of colleagues at work who vote differently and we chat reasonably about it, respecting other views/decisions.

Too many for either the last GE or Brexit before it, shocked and horrified at the results, but how many sat back (over) confident that others would vote as they'd want? You get the democracy you deserve if you leave it to others to choose.

I would add protesting, petitioning, campaigning, boycotting, joining unions, and various other forms of political involvement to that too.

People often argue that there’s “nothing we can do” between elections when our democracy actually offers a whole bunch of tools that can be used to help drive change.

posted on 6/6/22

comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 2 hours, 12 minutes ago
comment by Rude Van Nist (U22799)
posted 23 minutes ago
comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 3 hours, 52 minutes ago
Nah, he'll win comfortably...for the same reason as why the Conservatives are in power, the alternative is rubbish!

Torys main cheerleader back at it again. Shut up man. Youre embarrassing.

It's rather amusing how people like you, Ignacio, Assain & others consider yourself to be the morally superior because you perceive me to be a Tory "arrse licker" and yet you are the most offensive and insulting. Tories are seemingly such hateful people and yet here you (& others) are dishing out abuse and hate.

Reasoned opinion met by posters such as yourself with insults and abuse....hardly on the high ground really when you lower yourselves to personal insults and abuse.

It doesnt bother me. I'm old enough, grown up enough and intelligent enough to rise above such behaviour which reflects far worse on the perpetrators. I am happy to debate with people who share alternative opinions. I am not wed to one way of thinking, but with those who refuse to accept or debate differing views and respond with abuse, there's no point.

Yeah personal and insults are comparative to supporting a party of racists, who hate poor people and actively seek to make life harder for people already at the bottom of the ladder.

Get the feck out here with your utter drivel.

posted on 6/6/22

comment by AFCISMYTEAM (U14931)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by AFCISMYTEAM (U14931)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Luke Combs - FJB (U3979)
posted 35 minutes ago
comment by AFCISMYTEAM (U14931)
posted 19 seconds ago
comment by Luke Combs - FJB (U3979)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by AFCISMYTEAM (U14931)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by VOF - Its all about believing .... (U17124)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by montleeds (U18330)
posted 32 seconds ago
right wingers dont want to debate, they just want to ignore the alterative to their argument because in their eyes there's no middle ground.
i can understand the left loses their patience with this tactic and some resort to name calling. not a good look but understandable.

or ............

left wingers dont want to debate, they just want to ignore the alterative to their argument because in their eyes there's no middle ground.
i can understand the right loses their patience with this tactic and some resort to name calling. not a good look but understandable.

Cuts both ways in my experience ...........
You can literally just read this thread and see who's debating what and who is actually making valid points and who is spouting generic lines without any evidence, it's all here clear as day.

Such a lack of self-awareness.
could say the exact same about you
I know I can get frustrated with left wing voters. Hell I get frustrated with people I agree with. I'm a remainer and a friend of mine referred to it as the "racist brexit vote" earlier and that got me angry.

But frankly I think devonshire has made level headed, well reasoned points throughout.

You seem to be mistaking a lack of jargonistic nonsense as "not making valid points and spouting generic lines".
He basically just said ' keep Boris in because there is no alternative'. And i said that not true though is it because there are hundreds of alternatives but somehow what he said is a level headed, well response?

No i didnt and you have completely misunderstood the context of this as a leadership thing. It's not a GE, we dont have a say here, Tory MPs will vote & their votes will be based on many influences - internal party politics, their own careers and aspirations, other strategies, and may be, just maybe, some will vote purely on their conscience and what they think is right....BUT as this is politics we are talking about I fully expect the majority to stick with Boris because to get rid now is not the right time for the party to make such a change.

If Sunak had not had the who wife tax thing, then may be he could be seen as a credible leader, but his growing stock was clearly undermined internally to stamp out any challenge he might pose.

If you cannot understanding the scheming, the strategies, the different factions, the plotting, the lobbying, the egos, the aspirations etc that influences a vote like this then you fail to understand politics and politicians. This is not just about whether there's a more honest person out there than Boris, of course there is but that is not what Tory MPs will be voting on.

As for your "reasoned response", i dont think responding to me by calling it BS is reasoned. You completely dismiss a point of view by calling it BS.

Feel free to disagree with me but if you begin by calling it BS then dont expect people to consider that as a reasoned response.
Ok, maybe i shouldn't have called it BS (apologies) but it just seriously baffles me when people say that. I understand all the games being played by the politicians right now but to say there is NO alternative better than BJ makes me think that we are well and truly screwed, if that is true.

We all know that Boris is an untrustworthy PM, but for those voting its like sacking Jose and appointing Nuno. It's not a nice guy competition.

posted on 6/6/22

comment by Rude Van Nist (U22799)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 2 hours, 12 minutes ago
comment by Rude Van Nist (U22799)
posted 23 minutes ago
comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 3 hours, 52 minutes ago
Nah, he'll win comfortably...for the same reason as why the Conservatives are in power, the alternative is rubbish!

Torys main cheerleader back at it again. Shut up man. Youre embarrassing.

It's rather amusing how people like you, Ignacio, Assain & others consider yourself to be the morally superior because you perceive me to be a Tory "arrse licker" and yet you are the most offensive and insulting. Tories are seemingly such hateful people and yet here you (& others) are dishing out abuse and hate.

Reasoned opinion met by posters such as yourself with insults and abuse....hardly on the high ground really when you lower yourselves to personal insults and abuse.

It doesnt bother me. I'm old enough, grown up enough and intelligent enough to rise above such behaviour which reflects far worse on the perpetrators. I am happy to debate with people who share alternative opinions. I am not wed to one way of thinking, but with those who refuse to accept or debate differing views and respond with abuse, there's no point.

Yeah personal and insults are comparative to supporting a party of racists, who hate poor people and actively seek to make life harder for people already at the bottom of the ladder.

Get the feck out here with your utter drivel.

the gift that keeps giving

posted on 6/6/22

comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 8 minutes ago
Personally, I think there is a good chance they have called this VONC deliberately now. They have the by-elections in Honiton & Tiverton and Wakefield coming up. Tories are likely to lose both those seats. If they have the VONC now, they can get it out the way and Boris is safe for a year (unless there is a rule change) before it happens.

Boris is probably facepalming at Nadine Dorries being too dense to realise what's going on at the moment.

I think a year's time is probably the optimum time, leaving 2 years to an election.

right now there's a whole load of sh!!t going on, not all caused by the Govt. which will always see people voting against the Govt.

In a year, we may well see a settling down of the inflation crisis, energy prices, a slightly improved economic outlook etc, right now eveything is very unsettled at home and globally. When it settles down a bit, the Tories will pull another skeleton from Boris's closet to get rid of him if they want and get a good run-in to the election with a new broom.

posted on 6/6/22

comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 3 hours, 59 minutes ago
comment by Citizen Smeg. Joined the spurs tinted glasses ... (U6574)
posted 4 minutes ago
Austerity was not mandatory. It was a choice made by a Tory government that we are paying for now. Why do you think we suddenly have such crime levels? Such terrible stories of social services not saving vulnerable children? Higher death by fire rates? 6 hour ambulance waits. It’s all austerity. 12 years of it. We reap what Cameron sowed.

Other countries chose not to respond to the 2008 financial crash with austerity and are in a much better state of public service than us.

I work in the public sector and I can tell you what is actually happening. Not what the sun want you to think.

We are ina terrible state. Don’t get sick, you can’t get a doctor, don’t get toothache there’s no dentists. Don’t have a fire or a car crash, there’s not enough fire engines. Don’t get burgled, there’s no police available

All austerity.

Austerity was necessary to a degree, as the outgoing chief secretary to the Treasury said in his little note "I'm afraid there's no money left".

The depth of the cuts is an entirely different thing though.
They all leave a note like that when they're voted out.
Its an inside joke to them.
You didn't know this???

posted on 6/6/22

comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 8 minutes ago
Personally, I think there is a good chance they have called this VONC deliberately now. They have the by-elections in Honiton & Tiverton and Wakefield coming up. Tories are likely to lose both those seats. If they have the VONC now, they can get it out the way and Boris is safe for a year (unless there is a rule change) before it happens.

Boris is probably facepalming at Nadine Dorries being too dense to realise what's going on at the moment.

I think a year's time is probably the optimum time, leaving 2 years to an election.

right now there's a whole load of sh!!t going on, not all caused by the Govt. which will always see people voting against the Govt.

In a year, we may well see a settling down of the inflation crisis, energy prices, a slightly improved economic outlook etc, right now eveything is very unsettled at home and globally. When it settles down a bit, the Tories will pull another skeleton from Boris's closet to get rid of him if they want and get a good run-in to the election with a new broom.

But there's no alternative.

posted on 6/6/22

comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 8 minutes ago
comment by AFCISMYTEAM (U14931)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by AFCISMYTEAM (U14931)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Luke Combs - FJB (U3979)
posted 35 minutes ago
comment by AFCISMYTEAM (U14931)
posted 19 seconds ago
comment by Luke Combs - FJB (U3979)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by AFCISMYTEAM (U14931)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by VOF - Its all about believing .... (U17124)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by montleeds (U18330)
posted 32 seconds ago
right wingers dont want to debate, they just want to ignore the alterative to their argument because in their eyes there's no middle ground.
i can understand the left loses their patience with this tactic and some resort to name calling. not a good look but understandable.

or ............

left wingers dont want to debate, they just want to ignore the alterative to their argument because in their eyes there's no middle ground.
i can understand the right loses their patience with this tactic and some resort to name calling. not a good look but understandable.

Cuts both ways in my experience ...........
You can literally just read this thread and see who's debating what and who is actually making valid points and who is spouting generic lines without any evidence, it's all here clear as day.

Such a lack of self-awareness.
could say the exact same about you
I know I can get frustrated with left wing voters. Hell I get frustrated with people I agree with. I'm a remainer and a friend of mine referred to it as the "racist brexit vote" earlier and that got me angry.

But frankly I think devonshire has made level headed, well reasoned points throughout.

You seem to be mistaking a lack of jargonistic nonsense as "not making valid points and spouting generic lines".
He basically just said ' keep Boris in because there is no alternative'. And i said that not true though is it because there are hundreds of alternatives but somehow what he said is a level headed, well response?

No i didnt and you have completely misunderstood the context of this as a leadership thing. It's not a GE, we dont have a say here, Tory MPs will vote & their votes will be based on many influences - internal party politics, their own careers and aspirations, other strategies, and may be, just maybe, some will vote purely on their conscience and what they think is right....BUT as this is politics we are talking about I fully expect the majority to stick with Boris because to get rid now is not the right time for the party to make such a change.

If Sunak had not had the who wife tax thing, then may be he could be seen as a credible leader, but his growing stock was clearly undermined internally to stamp out any challenge he might pose.

If you cannot understanding the scheming, the strategies, the different factions, the plotting, the lobbying, the egos, the aspirations etc that influences a vote like this then you fail to understand politics and politicians. This is not just about whether there's a more honest person out there than Boris, of course there is but that is not what Tory MPs will be voting on.

As for your "reasoned response", i dont think responding to me by calling it BS is reasoned. You completely dismiss a point of view by calling it BS.

Feel free to disagree with me but if you begin by calling it BS then dont expect people to consider that as a reasoned response.
Ok, maybe i shouldn't have called it BS (apologies) but it just seriously baffles me when people say that. I understand all the games being played by the politicians right now but to say there is NO alternative better than BJ makes me think that we are well and truly screwed, if that is true.

We all know that Boris is an untrustworthy PM, but for those voting its like sacking Jose and appointing Nuno. It's not a nice guy competition.
Not really, you was acting like there aint Pep's, Klopps and Contes out here....why downgrade to Nuno.

posted on 6/6/22

Jose was a toxic nightmare, Ole was a nice guy. Yes they rid the club of the toxic one but ultimately he was a more successful manager than Ole.

There doesnt seem to be any Klopps or Peps in the Tory ranks, certainly no one standing out as a natural successor. Sure there will be loads of honest Oles but that is probably not the long term future and a substantial risk.

My original statement was only viewing from the perspective of a Tory MP voting for their leader. Of course i know that almost every other MP is probably a more honest and morally upright person than Boris, so in that respect there are many alternatives...but an MP will be influenced by many factors in making their decision.

posted on 6/6/22

My Grandad fought hard in WW2, and would have been proud of what the Tories have done to Britain.

Mind you, he was in the SS.

You did Na zi it coming.

posted on 6/6/22

comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 50 minutes ago
comment by Rude Van Nist (U22799)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 2 hours, 12 minutes ago
comment by Rude Van Nist (U22799)
posted 23 minutes ago
comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 3 hours, 52 minutes ago
Nah, he'll win comfortably...for the same reason as why the Conservatives are in power, the alternative is rubbish!

Torys main cheerleader back at it again. Shut up man. Youre embarrassing.

It's rather amusing how people like you, Ignacio, Assain & others consider yourself to be the morally superior because you perceive me to be a Tory "arrse licker" and yet you are the most offensive and insulting. Tories are seemingly such hateful people and yet here you (& others) are dishing out abuse and hate.

Reasoned opinion met by posters such as yourself with insults and abuse....hardly on the high ground really when you lower yourselves to personal insults and abuse.

It doesnt bother me. I'm old enough, grown up enough and intelligent enough to rise above such behaviour which reflects far worse on the perpetrators. I am happy to debate with people who share alternative opinions. I am not wed to one way of thinking, but with those who refuse to accept or debate differing views and respond with abuse, there's no point.

Yeah personal and insults are comparative to supporting a party of racists, who hate poor people and actively seek to make life harder for people already at the bottom of the ladder.

Get the feck out here with your utter drivel.

the gift that keeps giving

You really are a piece of chit. And yeah, you deserve to be reminded of that, constantly.

posted on 6/6/22

comment by Rude Van Nist (U22799)
posted 36 seconds ago
comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 50 minutes ago
comment by Rude Van Nist (U22799)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 2 hours, 12 minutes ago
comment by Rude Van Nist (U22799)
posted 23 minutes ago
comment by Devonshirespur (U6316)
posted 3 hours, 52 minutes ago
Nah, he'll win comfortably...for the same reason as why the Conservatives are in power, the alternative is rubbish!

Torys main cheerleader back at it again. Shut up man. Youre embarrassing.

It's rather amusing how people like you, Ignacio, Assain & others consider yourself to be the morally superior because you perceive me to be a Tory "arrse licker" and yet you are the most offensive and insulting. Tories are seemingly such hateful people and yet here you (& others) are dishing out abuse and hate.

Reasoned opinion met by posters such as yourself with insults and abuse....hardly on the high ground really when you lower yourselves to personal insults and abuse.

It doesnt bother me. I'm old enough, grown up enough and intelligent enough to rise above such behaviour which reflects far worse on the perpetrators. I am happy to debate with people who share alternative opinions. I am not wed to one way of thinking, but with those who refuse to accept or debate differing views and respond with abuse, there's no point.

Yeah personal and insults are comparative to supporting a party of racists, who hate poor people and actively seek to make life harder for people already at the bottom of the ladder.

Get the feck out here with your utter drivel.

the gift that keeps giving

You really are a piece of chit. And yeah, you deserve to be reminded of that, constantly.

posted on 6/6/22

comment by montleeds (U18330)
posted 3 hours, 44 minutes ago
right wingers dont want to debate, they just want to ignore the alterative to their argument because in their eyes there's no middle ground.
i can understand the left loses their patience with this tactic and some resort to name calling. not a good look but understandable.

😂 the left don’t want to debate, they throw insults and try and cancel anyone they disagree with. When was the last time you saw a vote Tory sign? Tories are afraid to show their support for their party because they know there could be consequences, it was the same with Brexit. Look at GB news, lefty remainers started a campaign to boycott any firm that advertises on that station. It’s either their way or the highway.

posted on 6/6/22

comment by Tamwolf (U17286)
posted 4 hours, 8 minutes ago
I think the worst thing about current politics is the people making completely irrational statements, then doubling down on it when challenged before acting like they are being bullied for being reasonable when told what they said is stupid.
The Tory mantra nowadays. It’s incredible that these people can try and play the victim for their own stupidity.

comment by Cloggy (U1250)

posted on 6/6/22

Counting votes


comment by Silver (U6112)

posted on 6/6/22

comment by clapfreesince2003 (U22207)
posted 2 hours, 22 minutes ago
comment by montleeds (U18330)
posted 3 hours, 44 minutes ago
right wingers dont want to debate, they just want to ignore the alterative to their argument because in their eyes there's no middle ground.
i can understand the left loses their patience with this tactic and some resort to name calling. not a good look but understandable.

😂 the left don’t want to debate, they throw insults and try and cancel anyone they disagree with. When was the last time you saw a vote Tory sign? Tories are afraid to show their support for their party because they know there could be consequences, it was the same with Brexit. Look at GB news, lefty remainers started a campaign to boycott any firm that advertises on that station. It’s either their way or the highway.
Twas ever thus. High streets crawling with socialist worker, ban the hunt, ban the bomb, BLM, blah blah - never see the cants out campaigning for the tax rises that are the cornerstone of almost every left policy.

And its young and trendy to be anti-establishment.

comment by Cloggy (U1250)

posted on 6/6/22

BBC Newsnight's political editor Nicholas Watt says supporters of Boris Johnson are looking downbeat, and there's intense anger, too.

Watt reports that one ally of the PM said his colleagues were "lying snakes" while another strong supporter of Johnson said he could "throttle" those MPs who "want to hand our country to a coalition of Labour, the SNP and the Liberal Democrats".

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted on 6/6/22

comment by Ladmin 3 (U1250)
posted 36 seconds ago
BBC Newsnight's political editor Nicholas Watt says supporters of Boris Johnson are looking downbeat, and there's intense anger, too.

Watt reports that one ally of the PM said his colleagues were "lying snakes" while another strong supporter of Johnson said he could "throttle" those MPs who "want to hand our country to a coalition of Labour, the SNP and the Liberal Democrats".
Sounds like a fair deal right now.

posted on 6/6/22

How does sacking Boris as PM, hand the country to a coalition of Labour, the SNP and the Liberal Democrats".

It will hand it to Jeremy Hunt and his brand of Tory chronies.

posted on 6/6/22

Watt reports that one ally of the PM said his colleagues were "lying snakes"

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted on 6/6/22


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