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Energy Crisis

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posted on 26/8/22

comment by Diafol Coch 77 (U2462)
posted 32 seconds ago
I can absorb the price increase but what that will mean is less visits to the pub, restaurants, takeaways etc. If other people do the same then there's going to be reduced hours/job losses there. It's a downward spiral.

Surely now is the time for the government to step in and say energy is a basic right and that companies should not be profiting from it?
at the very least

posted on 26/8/22

comment by RB&W - Whiteside has done it again (U21434)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by manusince52 (U9692)
posted 23 seconds ago
comment by RB&W - Whiteside has done it again (U21434)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by manusince52 (U9692)
posted 43 seconds ago
I don't know the answer to rising energy costs.
I do know that we are right to support Ukraine every way we can.

Its a lot easier to say all this when you live in a country like France.

Yes, the UK should help in every way we can.

And if we cant help anymore because we have to help ourselves,(see above) then so be it.

Isnt the UK as capable of looking after iysv citizens as France?

Yes of course it can.

But that is a political decision. That isn't very Conservative. As you are aware.
When I say the UK should help, they should also help its own citizens.
Do you think with the current government all would be hunkydory, if we stop helping Ukraine?
It's not good enough to stop helping them because we have a lousy corrupt government.

posted on 26/8/22

comment by RB&W - Whiteside has done it again (U21434)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by (K̇ash) I'm still the Mané - Free Palestine 🇵🇸 (U1108)
posted 57 seconds ago
comment by RB&W - Whiteside has done it again (U21434)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by (K̇ash) I'm still the Mané - Free Palestine 🇵🇸 (U1108)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by Glazers Out (SE85) (U21241)
posted 3 minutes ago
If only we had a government who would fight for the ordinary people, eh? More chance of pigs flying I suppose.

F*** the Tories.
I agree with this but what is the plan from Labour? I've heard nothing from Starmer.
Are you stupd?
Is that all you are going to say?
1) he made a statement last week. You must have missed it.

2) He isn't part of the Government. (He should be as we should have an all party emergency government at the moment)

3) Only Truss/Johnson (even HM Queen) can do anything about the current situation to give relief to half the population over the next 2 years.

I wasn't in the country last week so missed whatever he said. One statement is not enough though. They need to be seen challenging the government on a daily basis.

posted on 26/8/22

comment by Diafol Coch 77 (U2462)
posted 43 seconds ago
I can absorb the price increase but what that will mean is less visits to the pub, restaurants, takeaways etc. If other people do the same then there's going to be reduced hours/job losses there. It's a downward spiral.

Surely now is the time for the government to step in and say energy is a basic right and that companies should not be profiting from it?
And face legal action from these companies that have took a significant risk hedging blocks of gas out as far as 2027 at highly inflated prices? Deprivatization of energy companies will takes years and significant money. And it won’t stop wholesale energy costs rising either.

posted on 26/8/22

comment by Winston (U16525)
posted 4 minutes ago
It’s going to be painful but if Europe can hold on through this winter, Putin will have played his trump card and failed.

Subsequent winters will become easier as alternative sources are developed and alternative supply is shared.

Easy to say of course and there’s some real problems ahead for low income families, but at the other end of the tunnel is the end to any reliance on Russia and their economy will tank.
This has been going on long before Russia invaded Ukraine. In December 21 the price of gas peaked at 480 PPT. To put that in perspective, that all time high of gas before 2021 was only 117 PPT set back in 2005. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine obviously hasn’t helped things but Russia are being scapegoated for high energy costs when this crisis has been going on long before any talks of tension between Russia and Ukraine. There is not a single block of gas available for purchase below 117 PPT in the next 5 years. To think that we just have to get through this winter and all will be rosy afterwards is misinformed nonsense.

posted on 26/8/22

comment by Vladimikel Artutin - committing war crimes against football since 2019 (U18355)
posted 12 seconds ago
comment by Winston (U16525)
posted 4 minutes ago
It’s going to be painful but if Europe can hold on through this winter, Putin will have played his trump card and failed.

Subsequent winters will become easier as alternative sources are developed and alternative supply is shared.

Easy to say of course and there’s some real problems ahead for low income families, but at the other end of the tunnel is the end to any reliance on Russia and their economy will tank.
This has been going on long before Russia invaded Ukraine. In December 21 the price of gas peaked at 480 PPT. To put that in perspective, that all time high of gas before 2021 was only 117 PPT set back in 2005. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine obviously hasn’t helped things but Russia are being scapegoated for high energy costs when this crisis has been going on long before any talks of tension between Russia and Ukraine. There is not a single block of gas available for purchase below 117 PPT in the next 5 years. To think that we just have to get through this winter and all will be rosy afterwards is misinformed nonsense.

Strawman argument.

It’s a fact that Russia have made things considerably worse and it’s the price increases directly attributable to their actions that I am referencing.

posted on 26/8/22

comment by Vladimikel Artutin - committing war crimes against football since 2019 (U18355)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Winston (U16525)
posted 4 minutes ago
It’s going to be painful but if Europe can hold on through this winter, Putin will have played his trump card and failed.

Subsequent winters will become easier as alternative sources are developed and alternative supply is shared.

Easy to say of course and there’s some real problems ahead for low income families, but at the other end of the tunnel is the end to any reliance on Russia and their economy will tank.
This has been going on long before Russia invaded Ukraine. In December 21 the price of gas peaked at 480 PPT. To put that in perspective, that all time high of gas before 2021 was only 117 PPT set back in 2005. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine obviously hasn’t helped things but Russia are being scapegoated for high energy costs when this crisis has been going on long before any talks of tension between Russia and Ukraine. There is not a single block of gas available for purchase below 117 PPT in the next 5 years. To think that we just have to get through this winter and all will be rosy afterwards is misinformed nonsense.
We may as well continue helping Ukraine then.

posted on 26/8/22

I’m very simplistic when it comes to stuff like this, have never voted in my life and don’t intend to either

Each government will fack you over just in a different way to the last

I will say though I may vote on the next election as this is the worse state this country has ever been in in my lifetime and if I had a job that I could just relocate for in another country I would and wouldn’t think twice ….it’s all very depressing

What would happen if the whole country decided to cancel their direct debits to the energy companies ? Refused to pay their bills

They can’t just stop the supply ? Can they ? To everyone ?!

I understand the need for reasoned debate and adding context from the energy providers point of view but do we really need or want to here it ?

Like I say I’m simplistic with this stuff but why can’t they just slash their margins and just make less money

Maybe they have…..who knows but I don’t see the ceo of eon worrying about if his aged mum will die of starvation or pneumonia this winter

posted on 26/8/22

The OP presents this as a choice between a supporting Ukraine or preventing a severe drop in living standards in the UK. This is strange, because nation states have huge power to regulate and intervene in their economies to redistribute wealth and support those who need it. I'm curious why the OP is comfortable with the idea of giving Russia the green light to unleash genocide, and yet apparently windfall taxes, nationalisation of utilities and public borrowing are unthinkably radical.

Let's be clear: Russia is committing atrocities against civilians on a scale not seen in Europe since WWII, systematically dismantling the Ukrainian state and cultural identity, while giving unambiguous signals that it considers other swathes of territory that once belonged to the Tsarist/Soviet empire to be rightfully Russian. If you advocate prioritising stabilisation of wholesale gas prices over all else, you are essentially saying you don't believe in resisting the horrors of Bucha, the bombing of the theatre that had 'Children' written on the roof in large letters, the mass abduction of thousands of children from Ukraine into Russia, and the explicitly fascist and genocidal discourse of Russian state and media that is driving these outrages. This is essentially what the OP stands for.

It is also a wholly impractical position. If the UK government ceased to support Ukraine, the rest of the democratic world would not. The war will continue. The West will continue to support Ukraine. Russia will continue to attempt to blackmail the West through access to energy. (Whether it's in the interests of our long-term security and prosperity to give in to such blackmail as the OP proposes is yet another thing he has missed.) This is happening because clear majorities of the public in democratic Western states (including the UK) advocate supporting Ukraine, even if it means making sacrifices in our own countries.

This solidarity will be tested as the cold weather comes round. There will be voices like the OP's that promote a false choice between Ukrainian suffering and our suffering, and some people will listen to them. The opposing view is to promote solidarity: with the people of Ukraine and solidarity within our communities, which have the combined resources to keep everyone warm this winter, if we are willing to redistribute and spend the money to do so. It really shouldn't be a hard choice.

posted on 26/8/22

“Strawman argument.

It’s a fact that Russia have made things considerably worse and it’s the price increases directly attributable to their actions that I am referencing.”

How is stating facts a strawman argument? I have already said that Russia invading Ukraine has not helped the situation but this has been going on long before that happened, it was just mostly ignored by the media (with covid at the time being the hot topic).

Again, if you look at factual information and not baseless hope, you will see that this crisis will last far beyond this winter. As already stated in the OP, domestic invoices are forecasted to rise to £6823/year by April. Correct me if I am wrong but that is after the upcoming winter period.

posted on 26/8/22

comment by Vladimikel Artutin - committing war crimes against football since 2019 (U18355)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by Diafol Coch 77 (U2462)
posted 43 seconds ago
I can absorb the price increase but what that will mean is less visits to the pub, restaurants, takeaways etc. If other people do the same then there's going to be reduced hours/job losses there. It's a downward spiral.

Surely now is the time for the government to step in and say energy is a basic right and that companies should not be profiting from it?
And face legal action from these companies that have took a significant risk hedging blocks of gas out as far as 2027 at highly inflated prices? Deprivatization of energy companies will takes years and significant money. And it won’t stop wholesale energy costs rising either.
Like many on here I don't know enough about this to give a really informed view but if France, for example, can have energy for a much lower price than us then that shows that something can be done if the will is there.

The Government pretty much locked down the country for a few months so I'm certain some things can be done. Whether the will is there to redistribute the wealth is another question.

posted on 26/8/22

At least we haven’t got more ugly wind turbines and solar panels, am I right?

posted on 26/8/22

comment by Vladimikel Artutin - committing war crimes against football since 2019 (U18355)
posted 3 minutes ago
“Strawman argument.

It’s a fact that Russia have made things considerably worse and it’s the price increases directly attributable to their actions that I am referencing.”

How is stating facts a strawman argument? I have already said that Russia invading Ukraine has not helped the situation but this has been going on long before that happened, it was just mostly ignored by the media (with covid at the time being the hot topic).

Again, if you look at factual information and not baseless hope, you will see that this crisis will last far beyond this winter. As already stated in the OP, domestic invoices are forecasted to rise to £6823/year by April. Correct me if I am wrong but that is after the upcoming winter period.

Because it doesn’t matter if things were getting worse.

The fact is that if it weren’t for Russia’s actions, we wouldn’t be seeing energy prices on the scale they are and therefore we wouldn’t see the damaging effects on the scale we’re likely to.

Making it out like Russia’s actions are just another piece of the pie in terms of rising e every costs is embarrassing.

posted on 26/8/22

Red Russian, I never said we should have given Russia the green light to anything. At the time I wanted the west to get involved militarily and was met with ‘would you join the army yourself’ jibes.

We (our governments) took the financial route instead and we are now suffering for it.

Do I chose the financial security and livelihoods of my friends, family and neighbour over the unfortunate victims of Ukraine? Absolutely. I’m not saying it’s right but would millions of Ukrainins have lost their homes and thousands lost their lives, as well of the West suffer a disastrous financial crisis all happened if 1) the West got involved and ended the invasion before it started or 2) the West did nothing and let it happen? Probably not.

posted on 26/8/22

“ Making it out like Russia’s actions are just another piece of the pie in terms of rising e every costs is embarrassing.”

it’s literally a fact. Look at the gas charts before and after the invasion took place.

posted on 26/8/22

Making it out like Russia’s actions are just another piece of the pie in terms of rising e every costs is embarrassing.
So do you believe that ALL this energy crisis is solely because of Russia?

posted on 26/8/22

comment by Vladimikel Artutin - committing war crimes against football since 2019 (U18355)
posted 17 seconds ago
“ Making it out like Russia’s actions are just another piece of the pie in terms of rising e every costs is embarrassing.”

it’s literally a fact. Look at the gas charts before and after the invasion took place.

Russia’s supply in some cases has reduced by 80%.

So it’s a pretty big facking piece of pie.

posted on 26/8/22

“ Like many on here I don't know enough about this to give a really informed view but if France, for example, can have energy for a much lower price than us then that shows that something can be done if the will is there.”

France and everyone else will go down the same route as the UK. They have already said they will struggle to keep the caps in place for winter. Here in Ireland, we don’t even have price caps.

posted on 26/8/22

You could argue we don’t have cap in the UK either, unless you think you can change the cap every few months.

posted on 26/8/22

It's not right.
We cannot stand by and watch Russia invade a neighbouring democratic country, because it wants to.
Unless a stand is taken why not the Baltic states next.
Our government has the tools to help poorer people this winter, but it's not the Conservative way.

Aiding Ukraine is the right thing to do, so let's be on the right side for a change.

posted on 26/8/22

Capitalism is there for the 5% of millionaire's and billionaire's and the politicians are elected to protect their interest.

posted on 26/8/22

The war in Ukraine has no affect on the energy prices. As mentioned less then 10% comes from Russia. Prices were rising before the war due to the two year covid lockdown

posted on 26/8/22

comment by Vladimikel Artutin - committing war crimes against football since 2019 (U18355)
posted 7 minutes ago
“ Like many on here I don't know enough about this to give a really informed view but if France, for example, can have energy for a much lower price than us then that shows that something can be done if the will is there.”

France and everyone else will go down the same route as the UK. They have already said they will struggle to keep the caps in place for winter. Here in Ireland, we don’t even have price caps.
Currently though their prices are lower. It'd be nice to have that here too for a bit longer even if they eventually have to go up.

posted on 26/8/22

comment by (K̇ash) I'm still the Mané - Free Palestine 🇵🇸 (U1108)
posted 29 minutes ago
comment by RB&W - Whiteside has done it again (U21434)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by (K̇ash) I'm still the Mané - Free Palestine 🇵🇸 (U1108)
posted 57 seconds ago
comment by RB&W - Whiteside has done it again (U21434)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by (K̇ash) I'm still the Mané - Free Palestine 🇵🇸 (U1108)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by Glazers Out (SE85) (U21241)
posted 3 minutes ago
If only we had a government who would fight for the ordinary people, eh? More chance of pigs flying I suppose.

F*** the Tories.
I agree with this but what is the plan from Labour? I've heard nothing from Starmer.
Are you stupd?
Is that all you are going to say?
1) he made a statement last week. You must have missed it.

2) He isn't part of the Government. (He should be as we should have an all party emergency government at the moment)

3) Only Truss/Johnson (even HM Queen) can do anything about the current situation to give relief to half the population over the next 2 years.

I wasn't in the country last week so missed whatever he said. One statement is not enough though. They need to be seen challenging the government on a daily basis.
Parliament is closed. Otherwise starmer would eat Boris for breakfast at PMQs every week.

The papers dont print positive stuff about the Labour party.

You could read about it on the internet if you were really interested in gaining knowledge.
This is basic stuff.

posted on 26/8/22

comment by Nickasaurus (U9257)
posted 5 minutes ago
The war in Ukraine has no affect on the energy prices. As mentioned less then 10% comes from Russia. Prices were rising before the war due to the two year covid lockdown
A lot of Europes energy comes from Russia though.

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