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These 74 comments are related to an article called:

Will Levy Sell Kane to Real Madrid?

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posted on 11/1/23

We've sold star players like Bale and Modric to Real Madrid before..... happen again?

posted on 11/1/23

Probably -and I can’t blame him for going

posted on 11/1/23

comment by The Mighty Tottenham Hotspur. (U7858)
posted 3 minutes ago
Probably -and I can’t blame him for going

comment by SimonB (U22811)

posted on 11/1/23

Always a big mystery ( and irritation ) to me as to why Spurs are the only PL club where everyone is leaving or needs to be held onto.

Just about every segment on Sky Sports involves some non entity telling us Kane needs to go, or they need to hold onto Conte. Then the , well if they lose Son they are in trouble.

Then you come on places like here, and all we see are comments from people who know even less than the idiots on Sky, sprouting on about Kane leaving, or Kane needs to win this or that or he will walk.

Apart from the obvious Media narrative, coupled with the fans who continually fall for that narrative, everyone needs to understand how contractual law works.

Kane is under contract until 2024. Levy has the power and, put simply, Kane, or Son can't just walk away just because they want to. Levy needs to agree to it.

I am fairly sure Sky have a very expensive legal team, but chose to ignore the basic principles of law and continually go with the "let's keep theorising, but in a way that sounds like it will happen"

I mean, does it not occur to people that it is a bit strange that nobody is looking to move from any other team, according the the daily tittle tattle given out by the media ?

The like of Merson must be laughing his head off at this constant Spurs / Kane / Conte narrative. Some of which he personally has stoked up for obvious reasons.

posted on 11/1/23

He needs to win trophies, he hasn’t got time to wait whilst we’re busy p*ssing about flirting with The Qataris.

posted on 11/1/23

Yeah it'd still be gutting....but alot easier to live with than him moving elsewhere in the prem.

The chance of the record would be gone mind....

posted on 11/1/23

Who cares?

posted on 11/1/23

Second best out come, first being him signing a new contract.

City aren’t interested so his only other English options at this time are all sideways moves

comment by Mack (U6574)

posted on 11/1/23

Harry has giving his best years to Tottenham. Unfortunately Enic and levy have no interest in winning the trophies Harry deserves.

If Harry goes I expect conte and others to follow.

posted on 11/1/23

Imagine him trying to speak Spanish!!

posted on 11/1/23

You can survive in Spain with just, hello, please, thank you, beer & water as your words.

posted on 11/1/23

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 11/1/23

comment by bomdia (U13941)

posted on 11/1/23

Rumour in Germany is that Bayern are also interested, but clubs being interested is one thing, a deal isn't done until both sides agree.

posted on 11/1/23

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 11/1/23

comment by SimonB (U22811)
posted 2 hours, 16 minutes ago
Always a big mystery ( and irritation ) to me as to why Spurs are the only PL club where everyone is leaving or needs to be held onto.

Just about every segment on Sky Sports involves some non entity telling us Kane needs to go, or they need to hold onto Conte. Then the , well if they lose Son they are in trouble.

Then you come on places like here, and all we see are comments from people who know even less than the idiots on Sky, sprouting on about Kane leaving, or Kane needs to win this or that or he will walk.

Apart from the obvious Media narrative, coupled with the fans who continually fall for that narrative, everyone needs to understand how contractual law works.

Kane is under contract until 2024. Levy has the power and, put simply, Kane, or Son can't just walk away just because they want to. Levy needs to agree to it.

I am fairly sure Sky have a very expensive legal team, but chose to ignore the basic principles of law and continually go with the "let's keep theorising, but in a way that sounds like it will happen"

I mean, does it not occur to people that it is a bit strange that nobody is looking to move from any other team, according the the daily tittle tattle given out by the media ?

The like of Merson must be laughing his head off at this constant Spurs / Kane / Conte narrative. Some of which he personally has stoked up for obvious reasons.


So your saying there is an agenda against spurs , can’t see it tbf

posted on 11/1/23

comment by Ace (U22861)
posted 35 minutes ago
comment by WeekendOffender (U22920)
posted 24 minutes ago
Imagine him trying to speak Spanish!!

Coming from a Brummie ffs, you lot can barely speak English.

“Alroit skip dats busting dat is, tara fora bit!”

posted on 11/1/23

comment by Ace (U22861)
posted 22 minutes ago
If Kane scores 15 PL goals in the second half of the season as he has done in the first, then when the season ends he will be 48 goals behind Shearers record as he’s just about to turn 30 years old. That’s too close for him to walk away I think - a 20 goal season and two 15 goal seasons and he’s done it by the time he’s 33.

Strikers are big on personal goal scoring records; by the end of the season he’ll have +200 PL goals and be Spurs and Englands record scorers, the all time PL scorer is the big one and I just can’t see him leaving the Prem and giving up on that.
Also if Conte stays, that might increase the chance of Kane staying too but I wouldn't be mad at Harry if he did want to call it today.

posted on 11/1/23

comment by WeekendOffender (U22920)
posted 1 hour, 11 minutes ago
Imagine him trying to speak Spanish!!
Like you English?

posted on 11/1/23

comment by Automatic For The People (U21889)
posted 1 hour, 2 minutes ago
You can survive in Spain with just, hello, please, thank you, beer & water as your words.
sand and shex?

posted on 11/1/23

comment by Nichonte (U14419)
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by Ace (U22861)
posted 35 minutes ago
comment by WeekendOffender (U22920)
posted 24 minutes ago
Imagine him trying to speak Spanish!!

Coming from a Brummie ffs, you lot can barely speak English.

“Alroit skip dats busting dat is, tara fora bit!”


posted on 11/1/23

comment by morespurs (U15748)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Automatic For The People (U21889)
posted 1 hour, 2 minutes ago
You can survive in Spain with just, hello, please, thank you, beer & water as your words.
sand and shex?
Sign language.

posted on 11/1/23

comment by Ace (U22861)
posted 38 minutes ago
If Kane scores 15 PL goals in the second half of the season as he has done in the first, then when the season ends he will be 48 goals behind Shearers record as he’s just about to turn 30 years old. That’s too close for him to walk away I think - a 20 goal season and two 15 goal seasons and he’s done it by the time he’s 33.

Strikers are big on personal goal scoring records; by the end of the season he’ll have +200 PL goals and be Spurs and Englands record scorers, the all time PL scorer is the big one and I just can’t see him leaving the Prem and giving up on that.

The all time top flight record is the big one. Long way to go to get to 365 goals.

posted on 11/1/23

comment by Ace (U22861)
posted 59 minutes ago
comment by WeekendOffender (U22920)
posted 24 minutes ago
Imagine him trying to speak Spanish!!

Coming from a Brummie ffs, you lot can barely speak English.

“Alroit skip dats busting dat is, tara fora bit!”
Superb Ace, superb

posted on 11/1/23

I think the ship has sailed on Kane leaving Spurs. I don't see him going to Spain and he would only leave Spurs for City where he's guaranteed trophies. Only other clubs that could afford him are United, Chelsea and Newcastle and he'll not move to any of those clubs who have around about the same chances as Spurs for lifting trophies.

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