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These 53 comments are related to an article called:

Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines

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comment by Cloggy (U1250)

posted on 23/3/23

comment by RB&W - Whiteside has done it again (U21434)
posted 15 minutes ago
comment by CloggyF (U1250)
posted 3 minutes ago
Seems Robb is right

as suspected, QED
No issues with being proven wrong on this. I was merely presenting the possibility. I am sane enough to accept that it was a conspiracy theory after all.

posted on 23/3/23

comment by Clockwork Red: With or Wout You (U4892)
posted 3 minutes ago
If you've had Covid (even if only once, and only mild), maybe that's a better explanation for persistent coughs and colds than the vaccinations?

Apparently even a mild dose of Covid can cause long-lasting immune problems. I suspect there are a few antagonists who've successfully planted the seed that everything Covid can do is caused by the vaccines. Just a hunch.
I don't disagree. I'm very much on the fence on all of this.

I did however think lockdowns were excessive at times and some parts of covid were massively exaggerated.

comment by Cloggy (U1250)

posted on 23/3/23

comment by Robb #teamlineker (U22716)
posted 16 minutes ago
I’ve just had Covid for the first time since day 1 and it was an absolute breeze except I’m two weeks in and can’t taste anything. Triple vaxxed. And haven’t even had so much as a cold since 2020.
Thats because you live in 30 degrees sunny down under mate

posted on 23/3/23




I have a feeling that the "just a cold" and "let it rip" approaches are going to prove severely misguided.

comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 23/3/23

comment by Robb #teamlineker (U22716)
posted 1 hour, 4 minutes ago
OP, the thing you posted was a junk abstract which doesn’t really prove anything.
Yet plenty of studies show that the vaccine was practically useless.

comment by Ruiney (U1005)

posted on 23/3/23

comment by Busby (U19985)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Robb #teamlineker (U22716)
posted 1 hour, 4 minutes ago
OP, the thing you posted was a junk abstract which doesn’t really prove anything.
Yet plenty of studies show that the vaccine was practically useless.
We are all ears.

posted on 23/3/23

India has apparently just seen a 281% increase in Covid cases (and that's with fairly low testing, I think).

I believe they've also just had a lot of flu and other respiratory disease cases, again probably linked to ravaged immune systems.

comment by Ruiney (U1005)

posted on 23/3/23


Just in case there’s any doubt that the vaccines did anything but saves lives and to put to bed any nonsense about vaccines causing excess deaths.

posted on 23/3/23

comment by CloggyF (U1250)
posted 53 minutes ago
Seems Robb is right


As a rule of thumb people should ignore anything Tucker Carlson says in public. As we now know they are not necessarily what he thinks off air.

posted on 23/3/23

comment by Clockwork Red: With or Wout You (U4892)
posted 41 minutes ago
comment by Boy F7-0m The South (U3979)
posted 6 minutes ago
You’re getting ill more frequently because you spend a year or so not seeing anybody and not exposing yourself to illness just like the rest of us.

I'm not sure this is really a thing. Anecdotally, I've barely been ill since early 2020. I'm no expert but I believe adult immune systems are pretty well formed and it would take a lot more than our "lockdowns" to really interfere with them.

Anecdotally when I first started commuting into London I got ill constantly. That then stopped after a while but after Covid I then again got ill all the time and that’s also stopped again.

Most people I know have the same experience so must be at least something to it.

posted on 23/3/23

comment by Boy F7-0m The South (U3979)
posted 28 minutes ago
comment by Clockwork Red: With or Wout You (U4892)
posted 41 minutes ago
comment by Boy F7-0m The South (U3979)
posted 6 minutes ago
You’re getting ill more frequently because you spend a year or so not seeing anybody and not exposing yourself to illness just like the rest of us.

I'm not sure this is really a thing. Anecdotally, I've barely been ill since early 2020. I'm no expert but I believe adult immune systems are pretty well formed and it would take a lot more than our "lockdowns" to really interfere with them.

Anecdotally when I first started commuting into London I got ill constantly. That then stopped after a while but after Covid I then again got ill all the time and that’s also stopped again.

Most people I know have the same experience so must be at least something to it.

Maybe. Like I say, I'm no expert. Could it not be that the were fewer bugs circulating for a whole due to lockdowns, distancing etc? I believe one strain of flu literally went extinct. Gone forever. Other things would have been suppressed for a while.

posted on 23/3/23

Is this one of those things that's pretty difficult to prove? For example if no one on Earth had taken the vaccine what would things look like now. If you think more people would have become seriously ill/died then I'd say the vaccine has done a good job. With such a massive rollout it was inevitable, sadly, that some would get some very nasty side-effects. Much like a lot of other things we consume.

comment by Szoboss (U6997)

posted on 23/3/23

The vaccines served a purpose as far as I can see. It was widely predicted that it could take up to 3 years for C19 to be endemic. Most viruses become less harmful over time not only because the human body begins to respond better to the virus but because the virus wants to thrive - it can't do that if it keeps killing it's host.

The vaccines were designed to carry us through the pandemic phase and get us into the endemic phase with as little human impact (be that lives lost or social disintegration) as possible.

I've yet to see a credible source claiming any longer term side effect of the vaccine itself so as far as I'm concerned, the vaccines did their job.

The larger concern for me is that little is known yet about the longer terms impact of having C19 itself. I know there are have fears raised about long term organ damage but nothing proved (that I'm aware of).

comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 23/3/23

comment by Ruiney (U1005)
posted 2 hours, 58 minutes ago

Just in case there’s any doubt that the vaccines did anything but saves lives and to put to bed any nonsense about vaccines causing excess deaths.
I don't think anybody is suggesting vaccines caused excess deaths.

The only issue I have with the vaccine in the way in which is was rolled out. To travel, go to certain establishments and events you have to be vaccinated.

Even early studies revealed that people who had covid, would have something like 11 times more immunity than people fully vaccinated. It emerged that the spiel about it not being for yourself but to stop the spread to others was also scientifically inaccurate.

Then you see people like Bill Gates making millions whilst being the face of the vaccine, without any medical background. You see the health secretaries private messages, and it all feels a little sinister.

Of course the aims and goals of this vaccine were from a good place, but you have to consider the way in which is was implemented and the precedent it sets in future.

posted on 23/3/23

This thread started well...

"I am normally not a conspiracy theory person but I have a mate who is"

asking for a friend...

comment by T-BAD (U11806)

posted on 23/3/23

Triple vaxxed, had Covid once & but only tested positive for two days and didn't feel ill in the slightest.

When I went back to using buses I got sick almost immediately and it hit me pretty hard cos it was the first time in over 3 years, but since then it's just been business as usual.

comment by Ali - (U1192)

posted on 23/3/23

I've been horrendously ill 3 times since the vaccines.
Horrendously ill being unable to move, and if I move I vomit because my heading is spinning.
Vomiting as well as flu symptoms. All 3 times lasted a week, twice i tested positive for COVID and the 3rd time I was negative. Apparently I had strep a.

I dunno if this is because I'm getting older, or because I barely sleep so my immune system is low anyway but pre COVID I hadn't been properly sick like that in over a decade......

posted on 23/3/23

I had it when it was a proper illness...right at the start of lockdown

posted on 23/3/23

I think there needs to be some sort of cut off point for blaming the vaccine. I had my third dose over 15 months ago. If I get ill now, it surely has fack all to do with the vaccine. No sensible person will blame it ad infinitum, although conspiracy theorists will continue to do so.

comment by Ruiney (U1005)

posted on 23/3/23

comment by Busby (U19985)
posted 1 hour, 41 minutes ago
comment by Ruiney (U1005)
posted 2 hours, 58 minutes ago

Just in case there’s any doubt that the vaccines did anything but saves lives and to put to bed any nonsense about vaccines causing excess deaths.
I don't think anybody is suggesting vaccines caused excess deaths.

The only issue I have with the vaccine in the way in which is was rolled out. To travel, go to certain establishments and events you have to be vaccinated.

Even early studies revealed that people who had covid, would have something like 11 times more immunity than people fully vaccinated. It emerged that the spiel about it not being for yourself but to stop the spread to others was also scientifically inaccurate.

Then you see people like Bill Gates making millions whilst being the face of the vaccine, without any medical background. You see the health secretaries private messages, and it all feels a little sinister.

Of course the aims and goals of this vaccine were from a good place, but you have to consider the way in which is was implemented and the precedent it sets in future.
Well, you said earlier that loads of studies show it’s ‘practically useless’, which you haven’t backed up with any evidence.

Also 11 times more immunity from infection? You’ll have to back that up too. Because every study I’ve seen shows hybrid immunity to be the best. Preferably vaccine first otherwise you have to catch covid to gain immunity which isn’t a good approach.

SO many unvaccinated people have died due to vaccine lies. It’s good to clear this stuff up.

posted on 23/3/23

The odious Bridgen getting a proper dressing down in the Commons today:


I wonder if all his lunatic followers will be happy that someone in the government has finally addressed his 'concerns'?

posted on 23/3/23

Not had any of the jabs at all.
None of my immediate family have, all completely fine and only had a mild case of Covid once.

comment by Ruiney (U1005)

posted on 23/3/23

comment by Jalisco Red (U4195)
posted 1 hour, 28 minutes ago
The odious Bridgen getting a proper dressing down in the Commons today:


I wonder if all his lunatic followers will be happy that someone in the government has finally addressed his 'concerns'?
He looks embarrassed. I’m pretty sure he’s being forced to do this charade from somebody who has something on him.

posted on 23/3/23

comment by Ruiney (U1005)
posted 12 minutes ago
comment by Jalisco Red (U4195)
posted 1 hour, 28 minutes ago
The odious Bridgen getting a proper dressing down in the Commons today:


I wonder if all his lunatic followers will be happy that someone in the government has finally addressed his 'concerns'?
He looks embarrassed. I’m pretty sure he’s being forced to do this charade from somebody who has something on him.
He looks like he's thinking: "Why on earth did I let that idiot Malhotra talk me into this? Oh yeah, the money. That's why."

posted on 23/3/23

comment by merrysupersteve (relaxed about the situation) (U1132)
posted 6 hours, 6 minutes ago
I think there needs to be some sort of cut off point for blaming the vaccine. I had my third dose over 15 months ago. If I get ill now, it surely has fack all to do with the vaccine. No sensible person will blame it ad infinitum, although conspiracy theorists will continue to do so.

There will be no cut-off point for them. All possible outcomes have been set up to “prove them right”. Any sudden death, regardless of pre-existing conditions? Vaccine. Cancer diagnosis? Vaccine. Car accident? Loss of concentration/cardiac event caused by vaccine. Suicide? Neurological changes wrought by vaccine. Yes, I have seen the last two argued online.

These people, despite their stupidity and gullibility, are quite good at future-proofing their agenda. You can see it happening with climate change too.

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