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These 53 comments are related to an article called:

Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines

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posted on 24/3/23

I got covid twice, the 1st time was Delta which I didn't know until maybe 2 weeks later when I realised I couldn't smell anything.

The other time was likely omicron B5, I got a bad headache that lasted from 1pm friday until Saturday morning. I only realised it was Covid because my friend mentioned having headaches so I decided to test myself on the Sunday when I was practically fine, other than that I wouldn't have thought I caught anything

Not vaxxed, but take Vit D3 and K, zinc, I am very active and mostly eat healthy.

posted on 24/3/23

I found that after two vaccinations my golf handicap dropped by 2. This however could be an effect of lockdown, as I didn’t play for months allowing me to forget a lot of bad habits.

Seriously I had covid twice first time pre vaccination, second time after. First time was grim, second time it lasted a day. I have had no discernible ill effects from the vaccine.

comment by T-BAD (U11806)

posted on 24/3/23

I found that after two vaccinations my golf handicap dropped by 2. This however could be an effect of lockdown, as I didn’t play for months allowing me to forget a lot of bad habits.

I put on a few kgs after the first jab, damn vaccines! Was probably a few kgs of blood clots too

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