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ja 606 record

Page 9971 of 18427

posted on 21/6/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 21/6/12

I am the best Arsenal poster.

posted on 21/6/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 21/6/12

in many ways, TOOR reminds me of my Ex nearly brother in law - he'd go out every saturday night and no matter how good a night he had, the night wasn't complete unless he had a fight. Toor seems like that on here, it's not a good day unless he's had an argument with someone.

posted on 21/6/12

TOOR is my role model

posted on 21/6/12

Toor once said i wasn't a real liverpool fan

posted on 21/6/12

Anyway i would've ended up getting myself banned again if entered that article

posted on 21/6/12

I have only just seen it
Stupid Method Statements at work

posted on 21/6/12

I don't know who TOOR is.

posted on 21/6/12

He follows me on Twitter

comment by GGC (U14249)

posted on 21/6/12


Uploaded any YouTube videos lately?

posted on 21/6/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 21/6/12

Anfield Liverpool fans are the worst. I only Said one thing and they went mad .

posted on 21/6/12

JPB moocows

posted on 21/6/12

He follows me on Twitter
same, and on there, he seems far less confrontational (most of the time) something about JA seems to bring out the worst in him.

posted on 21/6/12

JPB moocows


Damn tootin I do

posted on 21/6/12

Although he does seem very highly strung you could argue there are a fair few posters on here who enjoy winding people up rather than talk about football.

posted on 21/6/12

Article has been pulled

posted on 21/6/12


Great decision.

I don't condone killing someone, but if I caught a guy ràping my daughter, I would have killed him as well.

posted on 21/6/12

JPB Victor Meldrew

I've never seen that. I just like that clip.

posted on 21/6/12

Although he does seem very highly strung you could argue there are a fair few posters on here who enjoy winding people up rather than talk about football.
but the thing is that as soon as people with that mentality find people like TOOR, they'll just do it all the more. Only way to deal with wums is to laugh them off or compeltely ignore them. Responses is exactly what they want.

I'm sure all the liverpool fans think they are 'winning' on that downing article, but the OP will simply be laughing his 'arris off that it has gotten so many replies. that's all wums care about - attention. and the liverpool fans give it to them in droves.

posted on 21/6/12

I agree with you. I think the liverpool board are one of the worst at giving WUM's exactly what they want.
If these guys got 2 comments a time it wouldn't be worth their time. It seems, especially when we are in the close season, that articles about football are ignored and these kinds of articles get ...well 400 comments.

I personally enjoy banter and a little back and forth insulting but 400 comments of crap is just too far.

posted on 21/6/12

I personally enjoy banter
so do I, but i don't set out to wind up a whole fanbase. Me, Rap, Leiva and a few others are always sniping little lines here and there, but we all know each other well enough to know it's all in jest, and the intention is to have a laugh, not annoy people.

Different Strokes for different folks i guess

posted on 21/6/12

Don't wind up rap today he got Leiva's comment taken down earlier

posted on 21/6/12

that's alright, if rap gets too uppity i'll just fax him a bomb.

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