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Whats the difference.............

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posted on 23/11/11


Duke says you're a WUM.

I think you're not as good as that.

What is a hyphen Peemasel?

... cue a cut & paste of my post and at least one .

posted on 23/11/11


posted on 23/11/11

If anyone's the WUM here it's me.

My hymen/hyphen thing was not funny.

It was 1000 times funnier than the 'comeback' you were so impressed by.


self praise... mmmmmm

Its for others to decide.

posted on 23/11/11

Sorry Duke.

I've wasted my time and yours.

I thought you were a bona fide objective guy there.

Turns out you're on his side cos he's a Bear.

Critical of me cos I'm not.

Totally radical man

posted on 23/11/11

duke, why you siding with kirkie,

you think this guy is a wum ??

posted on 23/11/11

if thats what you think fine

Ive been objective though

all I stated was it was in my humble opinion it was a great retort.

Even when I say isshy is a wum this is not good enough for you.
Does being objective only work if I agree with you.

Because my opinion differs does that mean Im sticking up for a Bear?

Is it not even slightly possible that it was a good retort and that isshy is a good wum?

posted on 23/11/11

leo Ive not mentioned Kirkie

posted on 23/11/11

"What is a hyphen Peemasel?"

There should be a comma after 'hyphen', Quimmy.


posted on 23/11/11

Isshy and Kirkie are big enough to stick up for themselves
all I did was say I though a particular retort was funny.

posted on 23/11/11

duke, apparently its the same guy

ish............there's a good guy tryin tae peek in.........

quinny.................did they take you up on your thread challenge

posted on 23/11/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 24/11/11

Peemasel <There should be a comma after 'hyphen', >


posted on 24/11/11

When will I learn?

I just asked Ishy a staightforward question.

posted on 24/11/11


Because it's the English language.

I assume you are TRYING to use English?


posted on 24/11/11

Bottler<Because it's the English language.>


WTF is that supposed to mean Bottler?

Talk us through it Cupcake.

Why the comma?

posted on 24/11/11

quinny bud gee it a break there are some good threads going folk having a laugh and debate.

come and join us

posted on 24/11/11

Leo<quinny.................did they take you up on your thread challenge>

'Fraid not Leo.

There I was. All dressed up.

Waited for 3 hours at Boots Corner.

Worst bit was - the batches were online.

Not posting though.

Wummin eh?

See what I did there Duke?

Wummin eh?

Brilliant comment.

Knocks Peemasel repeating my words aff the tap shelf eh?

posted on 24/11/11


Tell Ishy tae gie it a break.

Eh Mate?

posted on 24/11/11


Did you make a thread challenge?

Please tell me you didnt

posted on 24/11/11


Isshy is a wum little point in telling him to give up wummery
where as you would be better engaged in some of the other threads honest Sir some decent good non wummery (well maybe a bit) banter.

Come join the gang they are a good bunch

posted on 24/11/11

<Did you make a thread challenge?>

What's that?

If you mean me and him to debate about him abusing Celtic fans because of their grammar without bothering other posters.


I thought it unusual that a Bear who has grammatical and other mistakes in their Siggy should come to the Celtic page to mock Celtic fans' grammar.

You have come on the Celtic page to praise his postings and to challenge mine.

Can you explain that?

posted on 24/11/11

Duke<Come join the gang they are a good bunch>

I know that man. You're new to JA.

Was on the Old Beeb, AOL, 606, Teamtalk etc etc, and JA..

Have argued with Celtic fans.

Agreed with Rangers fans.

Atheist, Leo, Ethel, Puyol etc. Plus umpteen current JA'ers too many to mention.

Your failure to condemn Ishy's pissspoor posting has a bad smell about it.

posted on 24/11/11

Im on the Scottish premier board.

Its the only board I ever come on.

I dont care about picking a team its not as if there is enough of us to do that anymore.
Still most people do that these days.

I did not praise his postings I stated 1 ONE remark was good very good in my estimation.

You know its a wum its a fitba forum who cares if the guys can spell or use proper grammar as long as its kept to good clean fun then great.

Best ignore if it gets you to the making challenge level.

As Ive been saying plenty of good banter else where on the Scottish premier board

posted on 24/11/11

<You know its a wum>

Whit the f?

Do you think I'm taking any of this seriously?

Tell you what - here's the deal.

I'm the wum.

Get it? I'm the wum. Seriously I am. I'm shiiiit hot at it.

Ishy's kraaap.

I await your post[s] to tell Ishy that he should accept that and deal with it.

In your own time Duke.

Next 15 mins is reasonable I think.

If it doesn't happen I'll know you're not an objective poster.


Time of posting is 20.53.

posted on 24/11/11

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