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Interest in International Football

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posted on 26/3/13

Too many variables in the second world war, don't think you can put it down to patriotism, even though it was a part of it.

posted on 26/3/13

Hippo - that is a reason for it to have been patriotic is it - because you are half German and have lived there since you were four!

Had you lived there in 1939 I may have given that view a little more credibility but seeing as you didn't, nor your parents, I won't take that as a basis of an argument..

I don't recall the history books recording the cause of the War, as a load of Germans being so proud and patriotic that they decided to invade Poland to prove it!!

posted on 26/3/13

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posted on 26/3/13

Galv, chances are someone else would have went to power with the Naz-is.

Kagawa, seeing as people have been killing other people since the dawn of man you could argue that there might be something inherent in people.

As sadistic as it sounds, murder is one of the most natural things in the human race.

posted on 26/3/13


Do you think growing up in Germany and being taught about the mistakes of recent German history would have a large effect on how Germans feel towards patriotism(ie negatively)? I know that my Mum growing up in Japan was very much drilled in how wrong Japan were in their part in WW2, some even claiming they got what they deserved for what they had been doing for 100 or so years previously.

posted on 26/3/13

Australians are proud to be Australian because our love of our country hasn't been hijacked by left wing guilt-mongerers who are desperate for people of today to feel guilty for what our ancestors did 300 years ago.

How England doesn't have it's own national day baffles me, especially with what many achievements you guys have to be proud of.

Come to Australia on January 26th and see just how a country can celebrate in style and without guilt.

posted on 26/3/13

I blame hatred of the brass band personally. Fack those sheet cants.

posted on 26/3/13


posted on 26/3/13

The 4th reich have realised you don't need to dominate other countries with a military presence,just destroy their economies,they don't even have to move from berlin!

posted on 26/3/13

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posted on 26/3/13

Wage war against Allah? I presume this is directed at atheists

posted on 26/3/13

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posted on 26/3/13

Patriotism is a propaganda tool used to fuel public societies into getting behind wars: "your country needs YOU" etc. Therefore, I'd agree with hippo that it is a cause of perpetuating war, although I wouldn't say that it is a root cause. Root causes are money, power and religion.

You are right in part of what you say Kagawa, in that those who perpetrate war feed on the patriotism of the population to sustain a war with their blessing but Hippo is saying, if I understand him correctly, that the root cause of say WW2 was the patriotism of Hitler and his henchmen - which it was not!

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 26/3/13

I come from irish an welsh families, 1st generation English, my missus is first generation English born to West Indian parents, I love the fact England is a melting pot of communities and creeds it's what makes us stronger.

Manchester is a hot bed of multiculturalism and us mancs are proud of it.

posted on 26/3/13


Not totally true, I read only yesterday about the Russian chessboard killed

They found out that when he got hit on the head by a swing when he was a kid it damaged the frontal cortex of his brain, which is known to produce poor regulation of impulses and a tendency towards aggression which led to him killing 48 people.

posted on 26/3/13

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posted on 26/3/13

Rob, the problem with people that are so anti-patriotic (not all) is that they will say something like, as Hippo has said, why are you taking pride in something that you didn't even contribute to?

Then simaltaneouly try and push guilt on all past miss demeanours. Now, how can you accept the bad but not accept the good?

It's as if the good doesn't count. At the end of the day we are always going to be proud of the good.

Like we say how proud we are of the treble, but we don't talk about how proud we are when we got relegated. It's natural to revere the good.

How is it any different doing that with Manchester United than doing it with England?

comment by (U9863)

posted on 26/3/13

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posted on 26/3/13


Hmmm as Yusuf Islam put it after the 9/11 attacks.

"I wish to express my heartfelt horror at the indiscriminate terrorist attacks committed against innocent people of the United States........ it must be stated that no right-thinking follower of Islam could possibly condone such an action. The Qur'an equates the murder of one innocent person with the murder of the whole of humanity. We pray for the families of all those who lost their lives in this unthinkable act of violence as well as all those injured; I hope to reflect the feelings of all Muslims and people around the world whose sympathies go out to the victims of this sorrowful moment."

posted on 26/3/13



posted on 26/3/13

comment by Robb Lannister (U9808)
posted 3 minutes ago
Australians are proud to be Australian because our love of our country hasn't been hijacked by left wing guilt-mongerers who are desperate for people of today to feel guilty for what our ancestors did 300 years ago.


The current plight of the Aborigines should pr ick your conscience.

posted on 26/3/13

It's not our money though is it?
We get forced to pay tax after tax so the junkie bankers can carry on feeding their gambling addictions.
It's all run by the illuminati,both sides in a war are usually funded by one sick family of * *** anyway

posted on 26/3/13

To be honest, there are no 'countries' anymore, just corporations and a banking system that is reliant on a stable world.

posted on 26/3/13

comment by Hippo on Toast (mufc) - follow the new ja606 twitter @jalob_official (U1301)

posted 9 seconds ago

I don't recall the history books recording the cause of the War, as a load of Germans being so proud and patriotic that they decided to invade Poland to prove it!!
well what reason did your history books give then?

Germany wanted to reclaim land taken from them following WW1, and invaded to take them by force. To avoid any reaction from the Soviet Union they formed a treaty with the Soviets that would effectivly mean Poland being carved up with half being annexed by the German state and the other half being ceeded to the Soviets.

Obviously that came back to bite ther Soviets where it hurt!

posted on 26/3/13

"all run by the illuminati" is that you David Icke?

are you serious? I think you may have been reading to much Dan Brown.

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