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Why the boos at the England matches?

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posted on 8/6/21

comment by add912 (U9189)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Just Shoot, now a Marxist (U10408)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by add912 (U9189)
posted 6 minutes ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 11 minutes ago
The fact that this triggers people so much just underlines the need for them to keep doing it, which they will be for the duration of the Euros at least.

Don’t like it, watch something else.
It'll be interesting to see what countries do this during the euros.

If I remember correctly it happened in the Champions League final but I am not sure if that was because it was all English.

It'll be interesting if the Dutch, French, Spanish or Italians do it too.
I googled it, apparently 6 teams will take the knee. I can't see which teams as it's behind The Telegraph paywall.

I think that this will be a good measure of how deep American politics spills over into Europe.

Throwing bananas at black players and monkey chants is a European thing mate.

posted on 8/6/21

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posted on 8/6/21

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posted on 8/6/21

comment by AFCISMYTEAM (U14931)
posted 6 minutes ago
The BS excuses for booing are really becoming a joke now.
I reckon ANYTHING that they do, to keep highlighting racial discrimination will get boo'ed because certain people just don't want to hear or see about that. Not that i'm saying stop at all, i hope they keep doing it.

Its been like that always. Racism always fights back but luckily its been on a losing streak for a few hundred years now.

posted on 8/6/21

comment by Just Shoot, now a Marxist (U10408)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Just Shoot, now a Marxist (U10408)
posted 43 seconds ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 48 seconds ago
Name them, so we can shame them.
Exactly my point. People are being forced.
No they’re not.
Yes they are.

Panto season
Who’s forcing them?

posted on 8/6/21

comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Just Shoot, now a Marxist (U10408)
posted 43 seconds ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 48 seconds ago
Name them, so we can shame them.
Exactly my point. People are being forced.
No they’re not.
There will be players in that England team that will feel uncomfortable taking a knee. But who in their right mind would take a stand and decide against it when there is so much pressure from people like yourself, who think that by not getting your knee dirty some how makes you a racist, clear cut, no questions asked. There's more to it than that.

posted on 8/6/21

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posted on 8/6/21

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posted on 8/6/21

Perhaps we see zero footballers refusing it because it's their mates that are being abused , people they spend time with day in, day out.

posted on 8/6/21

comment by South Side (U20009)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Just Shoot, now a Marxist (U10408)
posted 43 seconds ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 48 seconds ago
Name them, so we can shame them.
Exactly my point. People are being forced.
No they’re not.
There will be players in that England team that will feel uncomfortable taking a knee. But who in their right mind would take a stand and decide against it when there is so much pressure from people like yourself, who think that by not getting your knee dirty some how makes you a racist, clear cut, no questions asked. There's more to it than that.

No, there really isn’t.

posted on 8/6/21

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 8/6/21

comment by Insert random username (U10647)
posted 13 seconds ago
Perhaps we see zero footballers refusing it because it's their mates that are being abused, people they spend time with day in, day out.

posted on 8/6/21

comment by Just Shoot, now a Marxist (U10408)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 6 seconds ago
comment by Just Shoot, now a Marxist (U10408)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Just Shoot, now a Marxist (U10408)
posted 43 seconds ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 48 seconds ago
Name them, so we can shame them.
Exactly my point. People are being forced.
No they’re not.
Yes they are.

Panto season
Who’s forcing them?
People like you for starters. You want to shame them. I'm would guess that some take the knee just to not get a barrage of abuse online from YOU!! 😂😂
Weird that you’re against anything that promotes racial equality.

posted on 8/6/21

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 8/6/21

comment by Just Shoot, now a Marxist (U10408)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 6 seconds ago
comment by Just Shoot, now a Marxist (U10408)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Just Shoot, now a Marxist (U10408)
posted 43 seconds ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 48 seconds ago
Name them, so we can shame them.
Exactly my point. People are being forced.
No they’re not.
Yes they are.

Panto season
Who’s forcing them?
People like you for starters. You want to shame them. I'm would guess that some take the knee just to not get a barrage of abuse online from YOU!! 😂😂
Whereas you are against the idea of them taking a knee to try and stop a barrage of abuse that already exists..

Funny that you care more about the potential for white people to be abused, than for actually abuse that's happening to BAME players.

posted on 8/6/21

comment by Insert random username (U10647)
posted 24 seconds ago
comment by Just Shoot, now a Marxist (U10408)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 6 seconds ago
comment by Just Shoot, now a Marxist (U10408)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Just Shoot, now a Marxist (U10408)
posted 43 seconds ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 48 seconds ago
Name them, so we can shame them.
Exactly my point. People are being forced.
No they’re not.
Yes they are.

Panto season
Who’s forcing them?
People like you for starters. You want to shame them. I'm would guess that some take the knee just to not get a barrage of abuse online from YOU!! 😂😂
Whereas you are against the idea of them taking a knee to try and stop a barrage of abuse that already exists..

Funny that you care more about the potential for white people to be abused, than for actually abuse that's happening to BAME players.

posted on 8/6/21

On a separate note, that cricketer deserves his ban. 18 is more than old enough to know better.

comment by Tway (U1162)

posted on 8/6/21

Taking the knee - Euro teams:
FOR: 6 teams.
AGAINST : 9 teams.
NOT CERTAIN : 4 teams.

As a spectacle this will not be helpful to the anti racism cause.
Its just too devisive.

posted on 8/6/21

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 8/6/21

Whereas you are against the idea of them taking a knee to try and stop a barrage of abuse that already exists..

Funny that you care more about the potential for white people to be abused, than for actually abuse that's happening to BAME players.

posted on 8/6/21

"Genuine question. How do you feel about policies such as defunding the police or the promotion of critical race theory?

These are certainly 2 things that the organisation (not the movement) have openly campaigned for which lots of people don't agree with."

Defunding the police is a proposed means to provide more money to things such as youth services, housing provision etc rather than a suggestion of simply getting rid of the police force entirely (although some have also suggested that which indont agree with). It is a question beyond my complete knowledge of the matter but it isn't a negative thing. It is very interesting that the Tory party have been defunding the police for years but people aren't aghast at that?

Critical Race theory is just that. A theory that suggests that institutional racism exists and has played a significant part in the makeup of our society (in the Western world this would be to the benefit of the white person). I don't see this as a particularly controversial statement. Taking America for example, Slavery and the Jim Crow laws (along with reclining and other policies) clearly support the idea of CRT. Whether it is still in effect is another question, but there is certainly supporting evidence in the proportion of minorities who are killed by police, given harsher sentencing for similar crimes, refused jobs due to how their names sound etc.

I often wonder why people take so much umbrage with the idea that institutional racism exists. I've had dealings with people, in the course of my job, that don't like it because they are associated with institutions that might have been racist and they don't like being called racist by association. I have also spoken to someone who insists that they had to work hard for their wealth and thus deserve it. This, to me, suggests that people often need to justify their wealth or position (usually by working hard etc) as being deserved and so if they accept that institutional racism exists then in turn they would have to accept that they may have had some privilege that helped them which undermines their feeling of it being deserved.

I think this extends to a lot of privilege (not just racial privilege). Poorer students who go to university often (not always) have a harder time excelling at studies due to having to spend more of their time working paid work rather than revising. They also are less likely to be able to do prestigious internships because they need to live at home and do paid summer work to afford their next year of study. They also often don't have the family or social contacts to unlock opportunities. This means that whilst a better off student might also be working hard, they have fewer hurdles to overcome. Institutional racism simply posits that ethnic minorities have difficulties that are based on race that add even more hurdles and there is evidence that supports this.

posted on 8/6/21

comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 5 minutes ago
On a separate note, that cricketer deserves his ban. 18 is more than old enough to know better.
It's funny the sympathy that he's getting everywhere and people using the excuse that he was 'young' at 18 years old ffs!

posted on 8/6/21

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 8/6/21

comment by Tway (U1162)
posted 6 minutes ago
Taking the knee - Euro teams:
FOR: 6 teams.
AGAINST : 9 teams.
NOT CERTAIN : 4 teams.

As a spectacle this will not be helpful to the anti racism cause.
Its just too devisive.

Being racist or displaying racist behaviour is more divisive then highlighting it for 10 secs...

comment by add912 (U9189)

posted on 8/6/21

comment by Tway (U1162)
posted 4 minutes ago
Taking the knee - Euro teams:
FOR: 6 teams.
AGAINST : 9 teams.
NOT CERTAIN : 4 teams.

As a spectacle this will not be helpful to the anti racism cause.
Its just too devisive.


It is so divided. I don't understand why all of the captains can't come together and come up with a united gesture that everybody can agree upon to send the same message.

I love international football as it brings us all together through friendly rivalry. I hope that division and fan reactions doesn't take away from this.

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