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Why the boos at the England matches?

Page 17 of 43

posted on 8/6/21

comment by Tway (U1162)
posted 2 minutes ago
Taking the knee - Euro teams:
FOR: 6 teams.
AGAINST : 9 teams.
NOT CERTAIN : 4 teams.

As a spectacle this will not be helpful to the anti racism cause.
Its just too devisive.

I think the above does not constitute divisiveness. Are you saying anti racism gestures must be universal in order to have an impact? Its obviously helpful to the anti racism cause.

posted on 8/6/21

"Since August 2016, some American athletes have protested against police brutality and racism by kneeling on one knee".
This is why it started, not everyone is aware across Europe that it now refers to equality only when done at football matches.
Would have been much simpler to have created a new symbol.

posted on 8/6/21

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posted on 8/6/21

I think if an individual was initially ok with it but now feels that its lost its impact and has become more divisive than helpful thats a perfectly reasonable view.

I don't agree with the booing but unless the tv companies mute it its not going away. Infact with 50/60k in the stadium its going to be very embarrassing and lead to much bigger arguments than are currently occuring.

The powers that be can't win because if they try and get it stopped for next season they will be accused of being racists but if it continues the boo's will get alot louder.

At the very least the BLM stuff should disappear as it makes the claim that taking the knee isn't connected to politics far harder for many folk to accept.

posted on 8/6/21

comment by Tway (U1162)
posted 15 minutes ago
Taking the knee - Euro teams:
FOR: 6 teams.
AGAINST : 9 teams.
NOT CERTAIN : 4 teams.

As a spectacle this will not be helpful to the anti racism cause.
Its just too devisive.

You know what’s even more divisive?


posted on 8/6/21

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comment by Tway (U1162)

posted on 8/6/21

comment by Thorgen Kloppinson - The Artist Formerly Known... (U1282)
posted 31 seconds ago
comment by Tway (U1162)
posted 2 minutes ago
Taking the knee - Euro teams:
FOR: 6 teams.
AGAINST : 9 teams.
NOT CERTAIN : 4 teams.

As a spectacle this will not be helpful to the anti racism cause.
Its just too devisive.

I think the above does not constitute divisiveness. Are you saying anti racism gestures must be universal in order to have an impact? Its obviously helpful to the anti racism cause.
We can go round and round in circles discussing this. Lets see what develops , who takes knee and who doesn't . I can't help feeling that that when two football teams meet, one has decided to knee and the other not...it shows opposing decisions.
Folks come to see football and pay for the entertainment , not a political stand points.
I abhor all racism, but this spectacle of some on knees and some not should not be part of the entertainment. I don't know until I see it... but I predict it will lead to further protest. ie not helpful to the cause.

Absolutely crush racism, but not with these kind of gestures but genuinely from the heart of each one of us.

posted on 8/6/21

At the very least the BLM stuff should disappear as it makes the claim that taking the knee isn't connected to politics far harder for many folk to accept.
It's not like they are shouting BLM! when they take the knee is it? people just want to associate the 2 so they have something to be angry about , call politcal, marxist etc when they all fully know they are doing it to highlight racial discrimination/ abuse, which they receive regularly, not supporting the Black Live Matter Organization.

posted on 8/6/21

Folks come to see football and pay for the entertainment , not a political stand points.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------Please please please stop calling racism a political issue when it clearly isn't, it's a societal one.

posted on 8/6/21

"Absolutely crush racism, but not with these kind of gestures but genuinely from the heart of each one of us"

This is essentially saying ignore racism and the racists will eventually and miraculously have a change of heart and stop doing it.

posted on 8/6/21

Absolutely crush racism, but not with these kind of gestures but genuinely from the heart of each one of us.
And how do you suggest we 'crush' racism?

posted on 8/6/21

comment by PawlBawron (U1055)
posted 5 minutes ago
I think if an individual was initially ok with it but now feels that its lost its impact and has become more divisive than helpful thats a perfectly reasonable view.

I don't agree with the booing but unless the tv companies mute it its not going away. Infact with 50/60k in the stadium its going to be very embarrassing and lead to much bigger arguments than are currently occuring.

The powers that be can't win because if they try and get it stopped for next season they will be accused of being racists but if it continues the boo's will get alot louder.

At the very least the BLM stuff should disappear as it makes the claim that taking the knee isn't connected to politics far harder for many folk to accept.
The US Office of Special Counsel has said that the BLM is neither “partisan or political”, a ruling that has cleared the way for US federal employees to support the movement while on duty by wearing BLM insignia.

The people labelling it political all seem to be from the right, with pieces in right leaning press like The Daily Mail, Telegraph, and ex Brexit party member Alexandra Phillips using the term in a pejorative sense to detract from the central message (all of whom you have to suspect speak for a following that oppose any move towards racial equality to a greater or lesser degree) .

posted on 8/6/21

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posted on 8/6/21

comment by SirCastic (U8772)
posted 18 minutes ago
"Since August 2016, some American athletes have protested against police brutality and racism by kneeling on one knee".
This is why it started, not everyone is aware across Europe that it now refers to equality only when done at football matches.
Would have been much simpler to have created a new symbol.
Why create a new symbol?

UEFAs anti racism campaign is "The respect campaign"
Kneeling is a sign of respect.

Makes perfect sense

comment by add912 (U9189)

posted on 8/6/21

comment by AFCISMYTEAM (U14931)
posted 6 minutes ago
At the very least the BLM stuff should disappear as it makes the claim that taking the knee isn't connected to politics far harder for many folk to accept.
It's not like they are shouting BLM! when they take the knee is it? people just want to associate the 2 so they have something to be angry about , call politcal, marxist etc when they all fully know they are doing it to highlight racial discrimination/ abuse, which they receive regularly, not supporting the Black Live Matter Organization.
In that case then why not reset the message and make that point crystal clear. Ringfence it around what you said there. Decouple it from the Organisation.

If the booing persists then we will know for sure who the people are that is booing?

posted on 8/6/21

comment by Just Shoot, now a Marxist (U10408)
posted 21 minutes ago
comment by Insert random username (U10647)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Just Shoot, now a Marxist (U10408)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 6 seconds ago
comment by Just Shoot, now a Marxist (U10408)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Just Shoot, now a Marxist (U10408)
posted 43 seconds ago
comment by Automatic For The People #BLM (U21889)
posted 48 seconds ago
Name them, so we can shame them.
Exactly my point. People are being forced.
No they’re not.
Yes they are.

Panto season
Who’s forcing them?
People like you for starters. You want to shame them. I'm would guess that some take the knee just to not get a barrage of abuse online from YOU!! 😂😂
Whereas you are against the idea of them taking a knee to try and stop a barrage of abuse that already exists..

Funny that you care more about the potential for white people to be abused, than for actually abuse that's happening to BAME players.
That's what happens when you come to a conversation late. You get all muddled up.

I've already stated I don't mind people taking the knee. But ignore that one and answer why you have introduced the division of black and white players?? I've mentioned nothing about colour.
I'm not muddled at all, I replied directly to the comment you had made.

Perhaps stay on the subject rather than trying to change it

Why does the abuse of black players matter so little to you, that you are more concerned about white players being abused for not taking the knee?

posted on 8/6/21

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posted on 8/6/21

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posted on 8/6/21

comment by add912 (U9189)
posted 7 seconds ago
comment by AFCISMYTEAM (U14931)
posted 6 minutes ago
At the very least the BLM stuff should disappear as it makes the claim that taking the knee isn't connected to politics far harder for many folk to accept.
It's not like they are shouting BLM! when they take the knee is it? people just want to associate the 2 so they have something to be angry about , call politcal, marxist etc when they all fully know they are doing it to highlight racial discrimination/ abuse, which they receive regularly, not supporting the Black Live Matter Organization.
In that case then why not reset the message and make that point crystal clear. Ringfence it around what you said there. Decouple it from the Organisation.

If the booing persists then we will know for sure who the people are that is booing?
Why should they go to all that trouble?

Because some idiots are making some stupid connection?

comment by Tway (U1162)

posted on 8/6/21

comment by welshpoolfan (U7693)
posted 1 minute ago
"Absolutely crush racism, but not with these kind of gestures but genuinely from the heart of each one of us"

This is essentially saying ignore racism and the racists will eventually and miraculously have a change of heart and stop doing it.
Its happening as we speak, look at the changes in thinking in the last 150-100 -50 years ago.
I already said in an earlier post in this article that it may take another 1-2 generations to clear the tribal instincts we inherited from our mutual ancestors. Education is the way...its slow but surely working, as we as human beings develop on our awarenesses...
Someone said "we are as good as the least among us ". Those least aware persons will eventually get less and less. They are way less now around than say 20 years ago. Yes?

posted on 8/6/21

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 8/6/21

comment by Just Shoot, now a Marxist (U10408)
posted 27 seconds ago
comment by AFCISMYTEAM (U14931)
posted 3 minutes ago
Absolutely crush racism, but not with these kind of gestures but genuinely from the heart of each one of us.
And how do you suggest we 'crush' racism?
Talking, interacting, socialising, and not being a drama queen all the time.

An observation from foreign friends of mine that I agree with is that Brits seek out drama.
"Stop being a drama queen Marcus, it's only a little bit of racist abuse"

Can't believe you just wrote that ffs

Oh wait.. yes I do

posted on 8/6/21

comment by Just Shoot, now a Marxist (U10408)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by AFCISMYTEAM (U14931)
posted 3 minutes ago
Absolutely crush racism, but not with these kind of gestures but genuinely from the heart of each one of us.
And how do you suggest we 'crush' racism?
Talking, interacting, socialising, and not being a drama queen all the time.

An observation from foreign friends of mine that I agree with is that Brits seek out drama.

Anti racism is now being a drama queen.


posted on 8/6/21

comment by Tway (U1162)
posted 17 seconds ago
comment by welshpoolfan (U7693)
posted 1 minute ago
"Absolutely crush racism, but not with these kind of gestures but genuinely from the heart of each one of us"

This is essentially saying ignore racism and the racists will eventually and miraculously have a change of heart and stop doing it.
Its happening as we speak, look at the changes in thinking in the last 150-100 -50 years ago.
I already said in an earlier post in this article that it may take another 1-2 generations to clear the tribal instincts we inherited from our mutual ancestors. Education is the way...its slow but surely working, as we as human beings develop on our awarenesses...
Someone said "we are as good as the least among us ". Those least aware persons will eventually get less and less. They are way less now around than say 20 years ago. Yes?
Those changes didn't just happen ffs, people died for them.

I'd rather a knee than race riots, lynchings etc.

The snowflakes are the ones who are offended by such a neutral gesture

posted on 8/6/21

comment by AFCISMYTEAM (U14931)
It's not like they are shouting BLM! when they take the knee is it?
To be fair, some are raising a fist.

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