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Elections this year

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posted on 1/5/24

comment by Szoboss (U6997)
posted 9 minutes ago
I'm broadly centre-left in my views so I've always voted either Labour or Lib Dem depending on who were better aligned at that particularly time. Labour have shifted to centre-left recently and the Lib Dems are a mess; easy decision for me.

I do think this election could be brutal for the Tories. I've got friends who vote Tory who say they won't vote in the next GE. Won't vote Labour/LD either but will abstain because they feel the party needs to be held accountable at the ballot box for the cluster-feck of the last few years.
What's a friend that votes tory?

posted on 1/5/24

comment by Jerry O'Driscoll (U1734)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Szoboss (U6997)
posted 9 minutes ago
I'm broadly centre-left in my views so I've always voted either Labour or Lib Dem depending on who were better aligned at that particularly time. Labour have shifted to centre-left recently and the Lib Dems are a mess; easy decision for me.

I do think this election could be brutal for the Tories. I've got friends who vote Tory who say they won't vote in the next GE. Won't vote Labour/LD either but will abstain because they feel the party needs to be held accountable at the ballot box for the cluster-feck of the last few years.
What's a friend that votes tory?
I've got a friend that shaaags my wife
I have a friend that comes and shiiits on my door step
I have got a friend who choked my dog to death
I have a friend who piiiisses in my beer
I have a friend who votes tory
I have a friend who blackmails me with my naked pictures
I have a friend who is stalking me and trying to kill me

comment by House (U17162)

posted on 1/5/24

comment by Jerry O'Driscoll (U1734)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Jerry O'Driscoll (U1734)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Szoboss (U6997)
posted 9 minutes ago
I'm broadly centre-left in my views so I've always voted either Labour or Lib Dem depending on who were better aligned at that particularly time. Labour have shifted to centre-left recently and the Lib Dems are a mess; easy decision for me.

I do think this election could be brutal for the Tories. I've got friends who vote Tory who say they won't vote in the next GE. Won't vote Labour/LD either but will abstain because they feel the party needs to be held accountable at the ballot box for the cluster-feck of the last few years.
What's a friend that votes tory?
I've got a friend that shaaags my wife
I have a friend that comes and shiiits on my door step
I have got a friend who choked my dog to death
I have a friend who piiiisses in my beer
I have a friend who votes tory
I have a friend who blackmails me with my naked pictures
I have a friend who is stalking me and trying to kill me

You have one truly awful friend Barry

comment by Szoboss (U6997)

posted on 1/5/24

comment by Jerry O'Driscoll (U1734)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Jerry O'Driscoll (U1734)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Szoboss (U6997)
posted 9 minutes ago
I'm broadly centre-left in my views so I've always voted either Labour or Lib Dem depending on who were better aligned at that particularly time. Labour have shifted to centre-left recently and the Lib Dems are a mess; easy decision for me.

I do think this election could be brutal for the Tories. I've got friends who vote Tory who say they won't vote in the next GE. Won't vote Labour/LD either but will abstain because they feel the party needs to be held accountable at the ballot box for the cluster-feck of the last few years.
What's a friend that votes tory?
I've got a friend that shaaags my wife
I have a friend that comes and shiiits on my door step
I have got a friend who choked my dog to death
I have a friend who piiiisses in my beer
I have a friend who votes tory
I have a friend who blackmails me with my naked pictures
I have a friend who is stalking me and trying to kill me


Welcome to Scotland!

posted on 1/5/24

comment by Emperor Kami (U9880)
posted 36 minutes ago
comment by manutd1982 (U6633)
posted 1 hour, 20 minutes ago
I’ll be voting Kahn for London Mayor but then Green for the GE.
you are going to vote for the worst mayor london has ever had...

This is a widely held view, and based on very little to do with his substantive record as mayor.

Crime rise? - London is in line with national trends; and the mayor has joint responsibility with the national government.

ULEZ - popular with a large majority of Londoners.

Khan has been a fairly middle-of-the-road moderate progressive politician who largely reflects the political will of the median Londoner. He has been subjected to a litany of openly racist and nakedly dishonest abuse from the Tory party and right-wing commentariat, who hold him to an impossible standard. Think back to the last Tory mayor and his gimmicky projects (the garden bridge that cost millions and never happened) and corruption scandals - the same people who castigate Khan were silent.

posted on 1/5/24

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 1/5/24

comment by Red Russian (U4715)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Emperor Kami (U9880)
posted 36 minutes ago
comment by manutd1982 (U6633)
posted 1 hour, 20 minutes ago
I’ll be voting Kahn for London Mayor but then Green for the GE.
you are going to vote for the worst mayor london has ever had...

This is a widely held view, and based on very little to do with his substantive record as mayor.

Crime rise? - London is in line with national trends; and the mayor has joint responsibility with the national government.

ULEZ - popular with a large majority of Londoners.

Khan has been a fairly middle-of-the-road moderate progressive politician who largely reflects the political will of the median Londoner. He has been subjected to a litany of openly racist and nakedly dishonest abuse from the Tory party and right-wing commentariat, who hold him to an impossible standard. Think back to the last Tory mayor and his gimmicky projects (the garden bridge that cost millions and never happened) and corruption scandals - the same people who castigate Khan were silent.
I don't live in London or experience situations that effect locals but cannot agree more on how people like him are roasted by the MSN, your point on previous incumbents getting a free reign is also spot on

One thing I have spoken to a fair few Londoners about is ULEZ, hadn't a clue what it entailed, had it explained in simple terms and only one of them (approx a dozen chatted to) were against it

posted on 1/5/24

comment by Insufferable-Piffle (U4388)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Red Russian (U4715)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Emperor Kami (U9880)
posted 36 minutes ago
comment by manutd1982 (U6633)
posted 1 hour, 20 minutes ago
I’ll be voting Kahn for London Mayor but then Green for the GE.
you are going to vote for the worst mayor london has ever had...

This is a widely held view, and based on very little to do with his substantive record as mayor.

Crime rise? - London is in line with national trends; and the mayor has joint responsibility with the national government.

ULEZ - popular with a large majority of Londoners.

Khan has been a fairly middle-of-the-road moderate progressive politician who largely reflects the political will of the median Londoner. He has been subjected to a litany of openly racist and nakedly dishonest abuse from the Tory party and right-wing commentariat, who hold him to an impossible standard. Think back to the last Tory mayor and his gimmicky projects (the garden bridge that cost millions and never happened) and corruption scandals - the same people who castigate Khan were silent.
I don't live in London or experience situations that effect locals but cannot agree more on how people like him are roasted by the MSN, your point on previous incumbents getting a free reign is also spot on

One thing I have spoken to a fair few Londoners about is ULEZ, hadn't a clue what it entailed, had it explained in simple terms and only one of them (approx a dozen chatted to) were against it
There's an LEZ coming in to Edinburgh city centre. Only small area and most vehicles exempt. Just Matt Le Tissier rabbit hole conspiracy theorists that spread false info online about stuff like that and 15 minute neighbourhoods. "there trying too trap us in are homes". Had to explain to my dad who had gone down that rabbit hole on it, "remember when you used to have local shops that you could walk to?"

"Yeah those were the days" He replied


posted on 1/5/24

Wonder how many different prime ministers we will see after this election. Only three last time.

posted on 1/5/24

comment by Jerry O'Driscoll (U1734)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by Insufferable-Piffle (U4388)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Red Russian (U4715)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Emperor Kami (U9880)
posted 36 minutes ago
comment by manutd1982 (U6633)
posted 1 hour, 20 minutes ago
I’ll be voting Kahn for London Mayor but then Green for the GE.
you are going to vote for the worst mayor london has ever had...

This is a widely held view, and based on very little to do with his substantive record as mayor.

Crime rise? - London is in line with national trends; and the mayor has joint responsibility with the national government.

ULEZ - popular with a large majority of Londoners.

Khan has been a fairly middle-of-the-road moderate progressive politician who largely reflects the political will of the median Londoner. He has been subjected to a litany of openly racist and nakedly dishonest abuse from the Tory party and right-wing commentariat, who hold him to an impossible standard. Think back to the last Tory mayor and his gimmicky projects (the garden bridge that cost millions and never happened) and corruption scandals - the same people who castigate Khan were silent.
I don't live in London or experience situations that effect locals but cannot agree more on how people like him are roasted by the MSN, your point on previous incumbents getting a free reign is also spot on

One thing I have spoken to a fair few Londoners about is ULEZ, hadn't a clue what it entailed, had it explained in simple terms and only one of them (approx a dozen chatted to) were against it
There's an LEZ coming in to Edinburgh city centre. Only small area and most vehicles exempt. Just Matt Le Tissier rabbit hole conspiracy theorists that spread false info online about stuff like that and 15 minute neighbourhoods. "there trying too trap us in are homes". Had to explain to my dad who had gone down that rabbit hole on it, "remember when you used to have local shops that you could walk to?"

"Yeah those were the days" He replied


posted on 1/5/24

I saw a thread on Twitter yesterday of someone calling out how stupid the 15 minute conspiracy theory was, and the replies were rather funny.

Someone asked him what happens if you get your dream job that's 30 minutes away, and when he replied 'drive', someone else asked him but what happens when you're only given a pass to leave 10 times a year

The fear these guys must live in is insane.

posted on 1/5/24

comment by The Welsh Xavi (U15412)
posted 9 minutes ago
I saw a thread on Twitter yesterday of someone calling out how stupid the 15 minute conspiracy theory was, and the replies were rather funny.

Someone asked him what happens if you get your dream job that's 30 minutes away, and when he replied 'drive', someone else asked him but what happens when you're only given a pass to leave 10 times a year

The fear these guys must live in is insane.
A 15 minute City seems rather appealing actually if everything you need is within that distance! As if you'd be blocked from leaving anyway!

posted on 1/5/24

comment by The Welsh Xavi (U15412)
posted 11 minutes ago
I saw a thread on Twitter yesterday of someone calling out how stupid the 15 minute conspiracy theory was, and the replies were rather funny.

Someone asked him what happens if you get your dream job that's 30 minutes away, and when he replied 'drive', someone else asked him but what happens when you're only given a pass to leave 10 times a year

The fear these guys must live in is insane.
Something something Covid vaccine, something something nanoparticles something something stops you leaving your designated area at certain times, oh and Bill Gates

posted on 1/5/24

Social media has become completely unusable. The only place you can go now is Reddit.

posted on 1/5/24

comment by Red Russian (U4715)
posted 47 minutes ago
comment by Emperor Kami (U9880)
posted 36 minutes ago
comment by manutd1982 (U6633)
posted 1 hour, 20 minutes ago
I’ll be voting Kahn for London Mayor but then Green for the GE.
you are going to vote for the worst mayor london has ever had...

This is a widely held view, and based on very little to do with his substantive record as mayor.

Crime rise? - London is in line with national trends; and the mayor has joint responsibility with the national government.

ULEZ - popular with a large majority of Londoners.

Khan has been a fairly middle-of-the-road moderate progressive politician who largely reflects the political will of the median Londoner. He has been subjected to a litany of openly racist and nakedly dishonest abuse from the Tory party and right-wing commentariat, who hold him to an impossible standard. Think back to the last Tory mayor and his gimmicky projects (the garden bridge that cost millions and never happened) and corruption scandals - the same people who castigate Khan were silent.

Hardly popular with a large majority of Londoners. Not to mention that the case put forward for it was based on gross misinformation (the 4000 deaths that got banded around) and in his own commissioned report the expected improvements were negligible. From memory I think negligible was used like 40 times in that report.

I don’t think his responsibility is joint as in 50/50 with the government either:

One of the Mayor’s key responsibilities is overseeing the work of the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) – setting the priorities for policing and community safety in London, agreeing the policing budget and holding the Met Commissioner to account for delivering a professional, efficient and effective service to Londoners.

As for the OP, I will likely not vote but if I had to I would probably vote Labour even though it would be entirely unnecessary as they’ll get in no matter what at this stage.

posted on 1/5/24

would you rather 5 more years of tories or spurs winning the league 5 years running

posted on 1/5/24

comment by Insufferable-Piffle (U4388)
posted 31 minutes ago
comment by Red Russian (U4715)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Emperor Kami (U9880)
posted 36 minutes ago
comment by manutd1982 (U6633)
posted 1 hour, 20 minutes ago
I’ll be voting Kahn for London Mayor but then Green for the GE.
you are going to vote for the worst mayor london has ever had...

This is a widely held view, and based on very little to do with his substantive record as mayor.

Crime rise? - London is in line with national trends; and the mayor has joint responsibility with the national government.

ULEZ - popular with a large majority of Londoners.

Khan has been a fairly middle-of-the-road moderate progressive politician who largely reflects the political will of the median Londoner. He has been subjected to a litany of openly racist and nakedly dishonest abuse from the Tory party and right-wing commentariat, who hold him to an impossible standard. Think back to the last Tory mayor and his gimmicky projects (the garden bridge that cost millions and never happened) and corruption scandals - the same people who castigate Khan were silent.
I don't live in London or experience situations that effect locals but cannot agree more on how people like him are roasted by the MSN, your point on previous incumbents getting a free reign is also spot on

One thing I have spoken to a fair few Londoners about is ULEZ, hadn't a clue what it entailed, had it explained in simple terms and only one of them (approx a dozen chatted to) were against it
Let me guess they live in central London?

It’s not those in central that object to it, it’s the people living in the suburbs where public transport is nowhere near as accessible. ULEZ is fine, the ULEZ expansion to the M25 is a fvcking joke.

posted on 1/5/24

comment by Never Mind the Defending: Here’s Jürgen Klopp’s Liverpool (U3979)
posted 48 seconds ago
comment by Insufferable-Piffle (U4388)
posted 31 minutes ago
comment by Red Russian (U4715)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Emperor Kami (U9880)
posted 36 minutes ago
comment by manutd1982 (U6633)
posted 1 hour, 20 minutes ago
I’ll be voting Kahn for London Mayor but then Green for the GE.
you are going to vote for the worst mayor london has ever had...

This is a widely held view, and based on very little to do with his substantive record as mayor.

Crime rise? - London is in line with national trends; and the mayor has joint responsibility with the national government.

ULEZ - popular with a large majority of Londoners.

Khan has been a fairly middle-of-the-road moderate progressive politician who largely reflects the political will of the median Londoner. He has been subjected to a litany of openly racist and nakedly dishonest abuse from the Tory party and right-wing commentariat, who hold him to an impossible standard. Think back to the last Tory mayor and his gimmicky projects (the garden bridge that cost millions and never happened) and corruption scandals - the same people who castigate Khan were silent.
I don't live in London or experience situations that effect locals but cannot agree more on how people like him are roasted by the MSN, your point on previous incumbents getting a free reign is also spot on

One thing I have spoken to a fair few Londoners about is ULEZ, hadn't a clue what it entailed, had it explained in simple terms and only one of them (approx a dozen chatted to) were against it
Let me guess they live in central London?

It’s not those in central that object to it, it’s the people living in the suburbs where public transport is nowhere near as accessible. ULEZ is fine, the ULEZ expansion to the M25 is a fvcking joke.
Exactly that.

posted on 1/5/24

based on current votes on this thread:

Labour - 53.4%
Tories - 13.9%
Libs - 11.7%
Ref - 11.7%
Other - 9.3%

Although this isnt really a great method. Need to have 650 articles, one for each constituency or at least 5/6 so we can have one for north scotland, 1 for south scotland, the same 2 for wales and NI and then one for north east, north west, south west, south east and london and midlands

then it could be better predicted

posted on 1/5/24

Fairly sure Labour win the next one. Gonna take a lot to blow it you would think but not impossible these days.

posted on 1/5/24

comment by Robbing Hoody - I taught Szoboszlai how to cushion half volleys (U6374)
posted 2 hours, 54 minutes ago
comment by Red Russian (U4715)
posted 17 seconds ago
As I understand it, HS2 was about adding capacity, not just speed. It's an extra line, but also one that can carry more trains per day because they are faster. Inability to scale up = cap on supply, which is one of the inflationary pressures on ticket prices.

HS2 was and is needed. The Tories have now halted work on it despite literally millions of buckets bring in the ground.
92 billion spent so far apparently. What if they’d spent that on building extra lines to connect more destinations, and improving the current infrastructure?

As has been said, we’re a tiny country and I don’t think we need faster trains, just more capacity and a structure that doesn’t mean constantly changing trains on most journeys.

comment by Mack (U6574)

posted on 1/5/24

Have to get the tories out at all costs. Just look at the state of the place.

No dentist appointments
No doctors appointments
Schools crumbling
Teachers striking
Doctors striking
Fewer ambulances than ever per person
Highest taxes since the 40’s
Nhs waiting lists higher than ever with patient satisfaction lower than ever
Party gate
The scandal with the school grading system a couple of summers ago
More people coming over on boats than ever

I could go on.

In fact I can’t think of a single thing that’s better now than it was 14 years ago

posted on 1/5/24

comment by Terminator1 (U1863)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - I taught Szoboszlai how to cushion half volleys (U6374)
posted 2 hours, 54 minutes ago
comment by Red Russian (U4715)
posted 17 seconds ago
As I understand it, HS2 was about adding capacity, not just speed. It's an extra line, but also one that can carry more trains per day because they are faster. Inability to scale up = cap on supply, which is one of the inflationary pressures on ticket prices.

HS2 was and is needed. The Tories have now halted work on it despite literally millions of buckets bring in the ground.
92 billion spent so far apparently. What if they’d spent that on building extra lines to connect more destinations, and improving the current infrastructure?

As has been said, we’re a tiny country and I don’t think we need faster trains, just more capacity and a structure that doesn’t mean constantly changing trains on most journeys.
We do need high speed rail it’s farcical that we don’t, and I’d be connecting HS1 directly with HS2 to allow trains from Birmingham, Manchester etc to Europe.

But as always, the government have completely fvcked it up.

posted on 1/5/24

comment by Jerry O'Driscoll (U1734)
posted 48 minutes ago
Social media has become completely unusable. The only place you can go now is Reddit.
same tbh

posted on 1/5/24

comment by Mack (U6574)
posted 10 minutes ago
Have to get the tories out at all costs. Just look at the state of the place.

No dentist appointments
No doctors appointments
Schools crumbling
Teachers striking
Doctors striking
Fewer ambulances than ever per person
Highest taxes since the 40’s
Nhs waiting lists higher than ever with patient satisfaction lower than ever
Party gate
The scandal with the school grading system a couple of summers ago
More people coming over on boats than ever

I could go on.

In fact I can’t think of a single thing that’s better now than it was 14 years ago


No bobbies on the beat
Funding cut drastically for mental health
Nothing done with regards to social media for teens mental health.
Benefits have been cut around 25% of what they were under labour, regardless of the cost of living crisis.
Prime Minster Merry Go Round

And I bet others could add more to our list.

Its officially the worst I've ever seen this country ever and if Tories somehow remain in power then
A) Humans have devolved and consist mainly of inanimate manicans
B) The UK is gonna be fooked for at least a decade.

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