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These 1071543 comments are related to an article called:

Good News

Page 42436 of 42862

posted on 1/6/22

Told all employees that they have to work 40 hours in the office or fack off

posted on 1/6/22

I recommend that he puts a chilled out entertainer in charge of each office to make up for it.

posted on 1/6/22


That's right, that's what we're all here for. Cars.

What does the word car mean to you?

That's what you've got to....ask yourselves.

No, not each other, ask yourself.

Not OUT LOUD. FFs. In your own time. Out of the office. On the train home or something. Or the car home, hopefully.

posted on 1/6/22

Hands up here if you get the train to work.

I see.

And the bus ?


Who here walks to work?

Righht. OK. Couple there.

And anyone cycle?
Good, good, good for you. The ENVIRONMENT.

Right, anyone who just raised their hand, get out.

That's right, leave. There's the door.

posted on 1/6/22

Chilled out entertainer/crypto salesman.

posted on 1/6/22

Depp/Heard verdict in 10 minutes.

posted on 1/6/22

get on with it ffs.

posted on 1/6/22

wow, we've got one guilty at least.

posted on 1/6/22

they must both be absolutely shtiing themselves right now.

posted on 1/6/22

ive got insufficient bandwith ffs.

posted on 1/6/22

My prediction is Heard pays Depp $30m

posted on 1/6/22

That's based solely on what I think I heard them say when they were whispering.

comment by Phenom (U20037)

posted on 1/6/22

At a wedding and now on the Gary at half 11 am I ok

posted on 2/6/22

i think it's wrong for commentators to say this is a set back for the victims of domestic abuse.

of course men who abuse women should be abhorred. but it's madness to assume that anyone who's accused is guilty, as some commentators appear to be doing.

it's not a set back for the victims of domestic abuse, it's a set back for a woman who, after listening to comprehensive evidence, a jury has decided was not in fact a victim of domestic abuse.

posted on 2/6/22

Sorry about Scotland Edin.

posted on 2/6/22

Does anyone elae have little phrases they mutter or think to thesmelf in everyday situations?


"Now Kato, we are getting somewhere", when theyve nearly finished packing their bag.

"Excellent Smithers", when they find where they put their spectacles before falling asleep last night.

"Wait for it Long Beach, wait for it...", when theyre holding in a poo whilst waiting for the ferry to arrive.

posted on 2/6/22

Humans, the only animals that worship their parasites.

Abolish the monarchy.

posted on 2/6/22

Another one's "errr, Houston?"

posted on 2/6/22

Errr Houston? is kind of like the opposite of Excellent Smithers.

posted on 2/6/22


Eggggggcellent Smithers

posted on 2/6/22

Framed #83
🎥 🟩 ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬛


posted on 2/6/22

People spend a fortune in Mykonos.

I've just bought the following from the supermarket:

- fresh baguette
- packet of salami
- a lettuce
- tub of lemon hummus
- tub of anchovies

15 euro

you could hardly have a better picnic, and it'll do me for dinner tonight AND breakfast tomorrow.

posted on 2/6/22

and in 36 hours from now........

posted on 2/6/22

Bairstow with another famous knock

posted on 2/6/22

tbf he played very well over the winter.

Page 42436 of 42862

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