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Boy george

There's a loving in your eyes all the way
If I listen to your lies, would you say?
I'm a man without conviction
I'm a man who doesn't know
How to sell a contradiction
You come and go
You come and go

When United dont get the big decisions every 20 minutes last night is what happens? At first when a perfectly fine goal was disallowed, i thought here we go again!!!

However the following x minutes showed 2 things:

1: Without the dodgy decisions, you are average at best.
2:The Salford powers that be 4got to include "someone" on their payroll

Either way football was done a great justice last night, United have brought the Premier league into disrepute time and time again.

You will draw at Villa and draw at Everton, by the time you play City, you will lose the lead the "powers" that be want you to have.

Im a paragon of the truth and a defender of excellence. City will catch you and inflict a painful walloping at the Etihad.

The future`s blue and im only here to guide.

Mike Biggs

posted on 12/4/12

city blue loz. GO AND CONNECT WITH YOUR MOTHERS TEAT YOU BIG SOFT BLUE BABY.i BET YOU WERE AN ADMIRER OF THOSE TWO "COMICS" LITTLE AND LARGE. The former would certainly describe your brain capacity and the latter your stupidity.

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 12/4/12

Your a scouse tard aren't you, look at what you just wrote, a proper rant if ever I saw one.


comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 12/4/12

And it's cityblueloz! One word, having trouble with the keyboard? Then return it to its proper owner

posted on 12/4/12

Loz calm down lad. If you're going to pull people up it's "you're" not "your".

Maybe it's you who has a sticky keyboard?

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 12/4/12

A, it was on an iPhone.

B, read his comment, what a dijk head, GO AND CONNECT WITH YOUR MOTHERS TEAT

Seriously who comes out with something like that??

Apart from the fact my mother died of cancer 16 years ago it's just a pathetic thing to say.

If you think I am not calm you'd be wrong.

posted on 12/4/12

Sorry to hear about your mum friend

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 12/4/12

Cheers Arrab I lost both my parents to it.

I'm sure some of my opinions annoy people but all this you're mum kerap belongs in the playground.

It's just sad.

posted on 12/4/12

I can't imagine what you went through, nightmare losing them

posted on 13/4/12

Sorry. It was a commonly used old fashioned Nortern Term. I do not know your family circumstances.
I lost my Mum and Dad together , two years ago
We are only here on loan as they say.
Regards. Silky..

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 13/4/12

No worries silky all is cool.

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