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Article Rating 2.33 Stars


I know, I know, it's got nothing to do with us, but I cannot help it. WELL DONE WIGAN!

I cannot recall when I was ever so pleased by another team's result. Entirely deserved, by all accounts, and with the added spice of some dodgy refereeing NOT favouring Sir Alex. If it were true that these errors cancel themselves out over a season, Wigan would have qualified for the UEFA Cup by next month - they have been "disgustingly" unlucky.

Anyway, while I have the floor, I was pleased to hear a pundit on the radio this week react to the suggestion that Grant Holt should go the Euros by saying, "Why not David Nugent?". It won't happen, but it was good to hear that recognition of his excellent season.

posted on 12/4/12

Uniteds results have everything to do with ABUs dont sell yourself short boy.Of course we havent heard of your team but so what?

posted on 12/4/12

Acute Browned Underwear?

What's that coming over the hill? It's Carlos Tevez...

posted on 12/4/12

Nine times out of ten being an ABU wont make you happy but youll never be lonely.Youve just used up your happiness.Enjoy.

posted on 12/4/12

Mystified by this response from TSF.

Okay, I'll ask: what is an ABU?

posted on 12/4/12

Another plastic utd supporter zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

posted on 12/4/12

MallingFox - Anyone But United.

He could have ignored your article. He could have come on here, laughed it off, said well played to Wigan and wished us luck in the knowledge that his team would come through anyway.

But he didn't.

Definitely a case of Acute Browned Underwear.

comment by Jobyfox (U4183)

posted on 12/4/12

I bet he's never even been to Manchester.

I find being a ABU quite rewarding, but then I'm a Barcelona fan. I haven't been there either.

posted on 12/4/12

Hate United and always have,hate Cov and have more hate over the last 10 years,hate for Chelsea steadily growing and Man City the shoots have sprung

Derby don't hate, just despise them..

posted on 12/4/12

Golly, what a lot of hate there is out there.

My not knowing what ABU meant (thank you, Dunge) is clear proof that I am not one, of course. I don't hate United (or any other team, come to that - hate should be saved for more important targets I reckon). But I do weary of hearing about them, and I do wish that Sir Alex, brilliant manager though he demonstrably is, could just once in a while show even a little tiny bit of humility, grace or generosity. Sadly, his unique brand of charmlessness and partisan arrogance is taken as a model by so many of his team's supporters.

They should beware. Once upon a time, the behemoths of British football were the likes of Wolves, Huddersfield, Bolton and Liverpool. Sure as eggs is eggs, the wheel will turn again.....

posted on 13/4/12

Malling - Not with FFP it won't. It'll just create a hierarchy of teams and make English football even less competitive thanit is now.

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