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In reply.............

to TOOR's lovely article condemning one person and one person only, I can only assume it's me.

However I've done nothing differently to everyone else who come on here wanting one team to beat another and after the result popping back on to have a little gloat.

This site creates banter amongst fans of the same club and from other clubs.

I'm not anti-English (as stated before) I'm just anti media especially the English Press.

There are certain English people who also like to think that England is superior to everybody else.

Instances like the commentary between Germany & Greece where Greece was ridiculed due to their financial situation, also last night mocking the Italian sub calling him a West Ham reject, who the hell are these English people and who the hell do they think they are.

As for TOOR, I'm sorry but I actually filtered you by mistake, I've tried to unfilter him but keep getting this 4 week message ? ? ? ? ? Unless Admins can rectify?
I've never filtered anyone because I believe in listening to other peoples opionion.

I'm a Liverpool fan, I'll support all the home Nations inc England (as soon as the press & media stop their bigging up of Country that doesn't need putting on a pedestal).

posted on 30/6/12

comment by RED666 (U6562)

posted 5 hours, 5 minutes ago

Or was it to throw people off the scent when they starting get close
To think we had got close, when in truth we never had a clue where you were from


Correct, you never did have a clue !

Doesn't mean to say that the ja606'ers weren't close to getting it right though. (well not you anyway).

At one time you lot were getting pretty "warm" now Sir (you in particular) are very much ice cold ! !

Poaaatooe !!

Och Aye the Noo !!

A'right butt, is it ?

Top Hoo Ol Boy, Chin Chin, What ?

Addio Vecchio.

posted on 30/6/12

"Not thinking that We'd look at it" - On the contrary, knew exactly what one or two of you might do, that's why I created the article.

No one picked up on it for a while, then I deliberately posted a comment thus showing you lot my latest comments knowing full well you'd look at them.

That's a total lie & we both know it.

You're a fantasist & a compulsive liar son, you've been caught out here, pure & simple.

Deny it all you like, but you're lying

posted on 30/6/12

comment by Toblerone Boots (U4965)

"That's a total lie & we both know it."


Really ?

Isn't it just a teeny weeny bit coincidental that for 3 and a half days I've been keeping several people guessing as to where I come from (although most can't really be bothered) yet all of a sudden post an article saying that I'm nipping DOWN to Portrush.

A few people started throwing about places like Wales & Ireland (Nth & Sth) but if memory serves me correct only 1 said Scotland.

The article was then created to try and focus a little bit on Scotland but possibly the use of the word "nipping" was wrong as it appreared to only be a very short distance.

Should have said "go" or "travel" down, probably would have had a greater impact but there you go.

So, just to put you in your place for the time being at least. -

I HAVE NOT been caught out.

In fact I'm willing to put as much money on it as you care to gamble.

posted on 30/6/12

Oh aye, I nearly forgot -

Take a look at the comments, I also commented about a golfer from "my local hometown".

The player is Richie Ramsay, take a guess where he's from ? ? ? ?

posted on 1/7/12

What a pile of delusional bull shight that is.

Oh & btw you posted that comment AFTER your faux pas had been pointed out on here, you lying toad.


posted on 1/7/12

Put your money where your mouth is !

posted on 1/7/12

On what you clown?

The FACT that you made the post about Richie Ramsay AFTER you'd been bubbled on this thread?

Yeah anything you like pal


posted on 1/7/12

Like the fact that you're CONVINCED that I'm from Northern Ireland.

You Own Nothing.

Apart from having a walnut for a brain.

I'll meet you anywhere £5k ?

My accent will give it away, come on, I'll shut you up once and for all !

posted on 1/7/12

Resurrection is Nigh

Mocking the Italians (proves my point about the arrogance of a few English people who snear at other Countries)
So you thought that Toblerone Boots had proved your point about some English being arrogant with his comment about you reversing quicker than an Italian tank.

So now you claim to be from Scotland so therefore are you not being arrogant with the Poaaatooe !! jibe aimed at Irish??

Just a thought

posted on 1/7/12

comment by RED666 (U6562)

posted 59 minutes ago

Resurrection is Nigh

Mocking the Italians (proves my point about the arrogance of a few English people who snear at other Countries)
So you thought that Toblerone Boots had proved your point about some English being arrogant with his comment about you reversing quicker than an Italian tank.

So now you claim to be from Scotland so therefore are you not being arrogant with the Poaaatooe !! jibe aimed at Irish??

Just a thought


I'll take that back.

That's the problem with me being English, I just can't help sneering at everyone

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