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Section 111

Who do you have to knock up to get a seat in section 111?

Murder so it is. I've been trying for ages now and no joy. This time I'm in 414, above 111 for next weeks game....But does anybody know how I can get a golden ticket?

Anybody else got their tickets yet and where are you?

Hail, Hail

posted on 22/8/12

It's all covered under the offensive behaviour act whatever guise you want to pur it in, be it political , traditional or whatever.

posted on 22/8/12

Btw, Ross county was given as the green brigade are a lot of the regular away fans

The same green brigade who attend Celtic park

posted on 22/8/12

I think you're talking mince. Prove all this rubbish about the ross county game.....and then prove said fans if they exist, are part of the gb.

Do you know them? Have you photo's you watch out for when we play?

What utter rubbish you are spouting. Again, this sounds like the guff an Internet troll comes out with.

posted on 22/8/12

They are morons, full of bile and eye r a pash. Why you woukd want to sit with them is beyond me.

Before you start, there's sections at ibrox I would avoid for similaur reasonss


Ibrox I agree to a certain extent.

It has been hugely improved since the embarrassment of the poppy day. Still a long way to go but they do bring a great atmosphere when they avoid the political nonsense.

posted on 22/8/12

Zilla - you are doing the old fingers in the ear lalalala stuff. It happens, only a fool would try and deny it.

Murney - I agree, they do bring a good atmosphere when they leave the nonsense behind. No doubt about it.

comment by (U5646)

posted on 22/8/12

There are tickets available in the bottom of section 111 for the match next week

posted on 22/8/12

U boat, there wasn't any left this morning. I wanted three together.

Ibrox, it's not fingers in the ears....the ross county comment is like me saying the two rangers fans arrested for sectarian singing are defo blue order. You don't know, so casting blame is pathetic whataboutry.

These guys bring a great atmosphere to Celtic park and embody everything that's quality about supporting Celtic.

Maybe you'd be better discussing the third division and paper cups rather than a premier side and European football.

posted on 22/8/12

Have no time for for bigots and have sat in or around the GB on occasion depending on whose season book I am cadging haven't had an atmosphere since the jungle way back in the day, have to say there have been some songs or chants that I would not join in with but not as many or as regular as you seem to be implying IE, the stewards have been tighter in the last season and half IMO and the GB seem to have cut right back on the "unacceptable" dittys, I would sit there every game if I could, they sing for the entire 90mins and more

posted on 22/8/12

Both of the Old Firm are a broad church.

Just like on JA606 we get the a to z on all sides.

The GB unnerve some folk - mainly Bears.

They don't unnerve me and they add noise and colour to the event.

posted on 23/8/12

They don't unnerve me, I just find some of the stuff they do vile

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