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Article Rating 5 Stars

Real madrid on Fifa 14

If real purchase bale which is looking likely,surely that makes fifa 14 a one team show.A lot of people use real purely because of ronaldos pace and power,but if you add bale into that,we are left with the deadliest attack ever seen.Both will have acceleration and sprint speed stats over 90,and both will probably have overall stats in the 90s.

Basically any online season games will most likely consist of real madrid vs real madrid which is a slight damper if you ask me.


posted on 2/8/13

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comment by Ali - (U1192)

posted on 2/8/13

i never have trouble with madrid when i use this team >

de gea
rafael evans vidic evra
nani carrick cleverley young

posted on 2/8/13

I still think FIFA should have a more precise system to determine a team's ranking, even if that means just going to 6* teams, there was one point in FIFA 12 or FIFA 13 where Tottenham were 5*, so would be competing against the likes of Barce and Madrid, massive mis match. If there was 6* teams I would only have Bayern, Madrid and Barce as those teams. Will maybe also encourage people to use other teams if theyre only 2-3 other opponents they could face.

posted on 2/8/13

It would be smarter to have a more precise rating system, I wouldn't mind if their was 10 stars with the elite teams (Bayern, Barca, Spain, Madrid) having 10 stars.
I just don't see why teams like Liverpool and other teams on 4 1/2 stars are only half a rating lower than the best teams on the planet and there are many 5 star teams that have nowhere near the same quality as the best teams but are still rated the same.

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 3/8/13

Wow, never really thought of that

Tbh, I won't be buying this game unless EA improve on the in-game physics and glitches.

posted on 3/8/13

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comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 3/8/13

No, I probably won't get any football game. Not unless they have seriously improved, which I doubt they will.

posted on 3/8/13

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posted on 5/8/13

Don't tell me you will get PES? Don't be lured by the dark side.

Its EA that are the dark side

posted on 5/8/13

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