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Jose Enrique

Why everytime i see a liverpool fan talk about him they dont like or want him at liverpool, instead they want a foreign player like michel bastos who will either flop like bosingwa/dossena or take 2-3 seasons to establish himself in the prem like evra and cost more then 10m

for me enrique has it all, pace skill determination and can defend! very hard worker i think he would fit in well at liverpool and for 5-6 million a bargain!

posted on 8/8/11

He's skilfull can ghost past 4-5 players at a time. can cross very well, left footed, premier league experience, showed loyalty staying with newcastle in championship, will be a bargain with a year on his contract. a very hard worker hardly puts a foot wrong or runs his mouth off. not a bad defender either with his pace and energy to make up for his attacking mind or w,e.

posted on 8/8/11

I mean, he's A defender. That's quite reminiscent of An Shambles.

posted on 8/8/11

Grumpy its my opinion, from what i saw and remember i felt it took ages for him to become established i thought he was gna be shipped out straight away at one point.

posted on 8/8/11

probably meant more like 1-2 seasons 2-3 is too much .

comment by Grumpy (U6778)

posted on 8/8/11

Har0, true. I thought he was gonna get sold that same summer, but as I said. He turned it around.

Anyway. Not gonna spam you're thread with kinda off topic stuff.

Have a nice day.

posted on 8/8/11

Err, not all of us! I personally would love Enrique as are new left back as he's experienced in the prem and at the price that's being talked about (£5.5 million) would be a good signing for a very problematic position.

I would also think that our latest signings all have excellent fitness records and will only benifit us over the season!

posted on 8/8/11

i still think we have a lot of players that are not needed anymore and would like to see enrique park chu young and another winger.

pcy to replace ngog, enrique in would pave the way for insua to go out hopefully for 5m, i think teams willing to pay it like fiorentina just not willing to meet wage demands unfortunately.

el zhar/cole out new winger and we should be set. i know some feel need for a new cb but i think we should be fine in that department but would not mind scott dann or someone if it was to happen.

posted on 8/8/11

I am one that would like Enrique at anfield, fits in with FSG age crietria, hungry, future spanish left back as capdevilla is old, also can become good friends with pepe!!!

by the way did you see mata and pepe hugging before the game??? Could be something in the pipeline for the future!!!

posted on 8/8/11

Would be a good signing just what we need, good going forward as well.

comment by Biglaa (U5954)

posted on 8/8/11

He's not foreign??? Joe Henry?
I haven't heard anyone say we shouldn't sign him, that I can remember. He'd be a very good signing imo. Can we start the season now? Pleeeease???? This is killing me!

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