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Losing a test match to Zimbabwe

Congratulations on the record boys, I'm sure you've worked hard on becoming the team that has lost the most number of times to Zimbabwe in test matches

posted on 15/9/13

Kash, perhaps you should go and check on your pal afridi..make sure he's still alive. Wouldn't want him to hurt himself now would we?

comment by Lefty (U17934)

posted on 15/9/13

Kash, that wiki page doesn't really look good for either of us.

Did you have a look?

posted on 15/9/13

<<I think the Zimbabweans value their life, so touring pakistan is a no, Robbie.>>

Try living in Zimbabwe, Diplo!

posted on 15/9/13

Someone should really go and check to see if Afridi is alright

posted on 15/9/13

Someone should really go and check to see if Afridi is alright

60+ years since Pakistans independence from India and some Indians still continue their obsession with us. Diplo, I'm fine mate, thanks for asking. . That link from kash makes interesting reading, don't you think?

posted on 16/9/13

Love thy neighbour and all that jazz afridi

So how do you feel now that pakistan hold the record for the most losses against zimbabwe? One that you were so adament, albeit wrongly, that your superior neighbours held?

posted on 16/9/13

Its very brave of you to confess your “love” for Pakistanis shankar , I can assure you the feeling is not mutual. From our side, there is neither love nor hate – more insignificance

Since you’ve been so open with your confession, let me teach you something chap – never answer a question with a question – it only highlights your desperation. It also demonstrates that a good question is never answered

posted on 16/9/13

Says the idiot asking me about Kash's link instead of answering my questions

You're spot on mate, there is a lot of insignificance from your side you bunch of muppets

Congrats on the record mate, I'm sure you worked hard for that one

posted on 16/9/13


posted on 16/9/13


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