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The best places to improve the starting 11

It's getting towards transfer season again and be it now or the summer I think we will definitely look to strengthen our squad and keep things fresh... so where is the best place to strengthen our starting 11?

I think it has to be one of 2 positions, right wing or center mid. These 2 changes could see us move Cesc into a move advanced role if needed and pushing Oscar out wide. I suggest this because Oscar is a fairly consistent scorer and also a great crosser of the ball. I would love to see us go with with either Reus or Pogba tbh which could see us lining up like this:

Cesc Matic
Reus Oscar Hazard

Or this:

Pogba Matic
Oscar Cesc Hazard

That bottom team looks like a proper Mourinho team to me, strong, dominant with creativity in abundance.

Does anyone else see a different place that would be better off from a stronger starting player? CB I suppose is possible as Cahill is up and down but all other spots look pretty nailed down.

posted on 28/12/14

So you don't want to aim much higher in CM then

posted on 28/12/14

Reus apparently has a really low buyout clause.

But Khedira would be £15m or so.

Barkley and Bony would be close to £30m each, Stones about half that.

posted on 28/12/14

pissy refers to how pathetic you are. Polly Pissypants.

Shitstain refers to your brain...fill in the rest.

Why would you buy Everton players for $50 million you total idiot?

posted on 28/12/14

Rooney was an Everton player you gormless neanderthal

Didn't turn out a bad player did he?

posted on 28/12/14

Leighton Baines is amonhst the best full backs in Europe still and plays for Everton. John Stones and Ross Barkley will both be playing at top 4 clubs within 3 years.

Playing for a club of a certain stature isn't proof of your overall talent in every case.

Do you even watch football, or udnerstand the idea of buying potential?

Southampton have one of the best academies in the world in terms of developing talent: Bale, Walcott, Oxlade Chamberlain, and now the likes of Shaw and you wouldn't buy them just because they played for Southampton....

deluded plastic, touristy muppet.

I bet you didn't watch football until 2003 and only see the highlights on ESPN. You probably even call us a franchise

posted on 28/12/14

What, do you actually watch football you egregious cockfonzie?

posted on 28/12/14

Okay head to head you worm.

posted on 28/12/14

Yes, sadly whatever you say, your comments show your most complete knowledge is off of FIFA or Sensible Soccer or whatever malarkey you play

posted on 28/12/14

Okay brother, I think you support Everton or something. You like their players more

Don't ever doubt my love of Chelsea or my understanding of the club. It's foolish and pathetic. I don't rate Bony alright?

posted on 28/12/14

Npe, we are both still Chelsea <handshake>

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