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Last night...............

Right then just got back watching that shower of sxxt here is what's wrong

1.Last season we played with 2 holding CM a left winger and right winger with Afobe picking up the ball to run at the defence and Dicko up top with his pace teams just could not cope with our attacking!
So we lose Sako so the clever thing to do is buy another left winger so what do we do? put Edwards/Wallace there WHY? JUST SIGN A GOD DAM LEFT WINGER!!!!!
O but we did you might say Ojo an 18 year from Liverpool WHY? Why give there youth team a run in our team? Ain't we got an 18 year old we can put in? And my god if he is the answer Jesus someone think of a cowin question he is garbage how did he get a 4 year contract from Liverpool? Have they not seen him play?

The best for me is this though we have Henry and RVLP who can play on the right they did ok the season before, we have Iorfa our best right back for years and Doherty so we are fine for right back it's transfer deadline week, we are CRYING for a left winger so what do we do?
Go out and buy Buryne from Swindon a right back/winger WHY DID YOU NOT BUY A LEFT WINGER FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHY????????????????????? 3 Right wingers 1 shocking 18 year old left winger on loan from Liverpool, 4 year contract lol no wonder Rodgers got the boot!

2.Goal keeper "Hey Steve I need a goalie"
"ok Kenny any ideas?"
" Yea you know Arsenal have 84 rubbish goal keepers"
"Well I want there worst one"
As I watched that shower tonight I was crying with envy at just how good there keeper was, WHY? WHY can't we go and get one how cowin hard is it??????????

3. Half time tonight, summed it all up for me, there subs=in a circle passing with there assistant manager looking sharp if they come on for the second half.
Ours= 3 subs and Ikeme standing there talking and laughing not doing anything without a coach in sight WHY?

4. Defence=Hause= If your a wiz kid superdooper hotshot forward at 17/18/19 that's fine come on down look at Rooney amazing, if how ever your a CB you are to young at champ level come back at 21!

Last year we had the best defence in England up until November! So what do we do? Sell Stearman the man who got player of the year 2 seasons in a row and put an 18 year old kid in, 18 IS TO YOUNG FOR A CB AT THIS LEVEL!!!!!! Goldburne mister 5.75 out of 10 every game, Danny Batth or should I say Danny im gona smack this ball up to ALF who is 4ft Batth, Why Danny why do that?

5, Jackett = Here is our formation 4 at the back, 3 holding midfielders, Ojo on the wing, Afobe to deep ALF on his own upfront, it was shocking I was so happy when halftime came so I could give my eyes a rest, Then second half he took off Ojo thank Christ I thought.
Well you know that player that was leading scorer in England well guess what they did with him! That's right put him on the right wing and left ALF even more alienated! up top but that's ok because when can just hoof the ball up to him IT AIN'T LIKE HE'S 3FT TALL IS IT NOW!!!!!!!!!

Jackett does not know his team until Crimbo, he changes the team every god dam week, his signings have been shocking Rowe, Clarke, Ojo, Martinez, Coady 2MILL???? and many more! I am losing patience with him fast!

6. Last season we were so close to being a proper team with good kids coming through all we needed was 3-4 real good signings and even with the loss of Sako we still had a proper team, but trust us to even muck this up!
Afobe, Kmac and Iorfa our only 3 proper players will be sold Jan or July to balance the books than we are back to where we were when Morgan took over just with a new stand!

Still on to Saturday where we will turn Middlesbrough over 6-0 and tonight will be forgotten..........................

comment by Fiddy (U11570)

posted on 23/10/15

We'll beat the monkey hangers

posted on 23/10/15

The monkey hangers are Hartlepool.

comment by Fiddy (U11570)

posted on 23/10/15

We'll beat the smoggies

posted on 23/10/15

comment by Halfmanhalfwolf (U11570)
posted 16 minutes ago
We'll beat the smoggies
Hope so, but Karanka is not taking us lightly, the fool!


posted on 23/10/15

good manager is Aitor.

Good defensive record since taking the job.

posted on 23/10/15

Boro have not scored in their last three games. Surely an easy home win

posted on 23/10/15

Sounds like something our considerate defence should be able to fix for them.

posted on 23/10/15

Graham extends for another two months at Oxford.

posted on 23/10/15

Clearly not ready for Wolves brilliant first team at the moment as we are not missing our ex left winger in the slightest.

Kenny knows, you know.

posted on 23/10/15

Absolutely, what better way to replace one guy than to use five or six different ones.

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