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The board Are in Control..

The Board Are in Control..

Some very interesting answers coming from the Colin Sexone interview,he states that.....

* "Leicester had offered far in excess of £6m and it was hard to resist.."

* "Football is a gamble and thats the name of the game.."

* "Nicky Maynard is still a BCFC player and they can offer him a contract,any time.."

* "It (resisting Leicester's advances) was very hard. Leicester were very determined to try to get Nicky right up until the very end (of the transfer window)."

* " We certainly didn't want to sell him to a Championship club. If a Premier League side had come in with an offer that would have been a different kettle of fish.."

* "The board was adamant that we wanted to keep Nicky Maynard.."

Several things,which we all suspected have been thrown up from some of these answers,Leicester City wanted Maynard far more than our need to sell,hence 4 attempts and £6m plus offer,no Championship club would have got him but a Prem club would have,a new and better contract is being offered,the decision was out of Sextones and Millens hands,the board makes the decisions (via Lansdown)..

So don't worry fellow City fans,Steve Lansdown is still at the helm,I think..

posted on 2/9/11

Good news Wiz, although i have confidence in some of the new board members as they, along with Lansdowne will give the club the fresh new approach which it so desperatly needs.

All we need now is relegate the Wurzels songs to the background and we may be taken serious again

posted on 2/9/11


posted on 2/9/11

'The board Are in Control'

They don't give me that impression at all.
Feel we are drifting, rudderless in fact. Sextone's interview was almost as soporific as the charismatic Millen.

Off on holiday tonight and will miss the Brighton game. Hope they get a decent reception just for the Brighton chairman who drove up to Bristol to speak on our behalf against those 'nimbies'.

comment by wizered (U1104)

posted on 2/9/11

My take on the interview is not that far away from yours Rp and I agree the Sextone and Millen combo is like taking a sleeping pill..

During the reported interview CS used words constantly like,we,the board and hard to resist,that to me says Sextone and Millen are not the men in charge,they are yes men only...

Steve Lansdown is the man in charge..


posted on 2/9/11

Just hope Steve still has the same ambition that he had a few years ago..
Millen & Sextone....mmmmmm would make a lovely couple....but not sure they are any good for BCFC...

One good thing......I did say that we should'nt sell Nicky for less than 7.5m and not to a championship side...........That is one thing they have done right, they just need him to sign a new contract and that would be a good bit of business..

comment by RedAndy (U3434)

posted on 3/9/11

time for the board to give him a new 1 year contract (to start with) and with a trigger get out clause IF a prem club come in for him at £6m plus, IMHO,
over to you peeps.......

posted on 3/9/11

Steve Lansdown always said that he put the board together to sort out the buisness end of things whilst he remains the owner and major share holder. I have every confidence that the board are doing the best they can to put money bk into the club whilst trying to improve match day attendances example slashing match day prices and season ticket holders bring a friend for a fiver plus the stadium tour priced adults £8 children £5 plus other ways of bringing revenue into the club. The thing i find with our club is quite alot of our fans want everything right away rather than leave the buisness to the Chairman and board and the managing to the manager. I think Keith Millen is doing the best with whats available to him apart from one critisism of playing Pitman out wide when Nicky needs a striker upfront with him. Apart from that he has managed to bring in 2 players on season long loans which just signed new 3 year deals respectively with there parent clubs. Jordan Spence looks like a great player with years of experience to learn from and improve with every game. Mcgivern i dont know too much about but hope he settles in quick with us and im sure he will make a great replacement for Mcalister who hasn't had a great start to this season so far. I just hope the board and Steve Lansdown will now get Nicky to sign the contract with us thats been made available to him with a clause that if a prem club offers a good wedge for him in January then we will let him go for the right price of course. And Keith has said he is having ongoing talks with a couple of clubs and players with a view to new loan signings coming by the opening of the loan market next Thursday so fingers crossed for a big central defender with experience to replace Heartly something we havn't done as yet and need badly.
Bring on Brighton and praying for all 3 points to put us in a more confident place in the league to build much needed confidence throughout the club once more.
Always Believe...

posted on 4/9/11

Big Central Defender to replace Heartley?
Do you mean Caulker?
Or do you think we need another midfield player?

posted on 6/9/11

oops yeh i ment a central midfielder who can command and put ball to strikers feet. plus a central defender to command us at the back someone like carey but younger.

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