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Why I support Bristol City and Not Millen..

Why I Support Bristol City and Not Millen.

Some personal thought's which,forgive me,I wanted to state publicly..

* I have supported them man and boy.
* I think Ashton Gate is a great old stadium and I love the place.
* That ol' time City spirit that only we City people understand.
* The history good and bad.
* I love most City fans,our culture and our ways(humour).
* Our team,all of the players,past and present.
* Our ex-chairman,Steve Lansdown is the owner,a fan and one of us.
* The way we are developing into part of our local community.
* A worrying but ultimately a bright future.
* My granfer,mum and dad,wife,my children(2)and my 4 grandsons are all fans.

I feel better for writing my thoughts,yours would be welcome,WUM's will appear but who cares..

Up the CITY..

Right let's get the cliches out of the way....

* The chickens are coming home to roost.
* The **** is hitting the fan.
* Pressing the panic button.
* Shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted.
* Bad workmen always blame their tools.
* Drowning men clutch at straws.

Now it's all been said ,Millen's performance,decisions,tactics,explanations and results for any normal human being would,already have resulted in dismissal.

He has without doubt with his nice guy image and servile approach survived by circumstances during the last 12 months,you know them all.Coppout,lack of pre-season planning,previous managers signings,virusies,injuries,funding,bigger clubs more attractive for players,to big a squad,re-organisation of staff.

So well have we been fooled we even had nice names for him,Milly,Keef,Keefer and Teflon.

A new season and we are getting a repeat of both performance and activity on and off the field,the latest is loaning players or failure to get them out of the club.

Name and shame the players that won't cooperate people are shouting," The club and I are trying to get them a chance to play football but some won't go" says Millen plus all of the other excuses that are being repeated again from last year.

It's all one big con,a diversion to blame everybody else and give the impression that all the failures are beyond his control and circumstances and outside influences dictate his actions.

He has a large, quality squad he can't coach or direct,his man management and leadership is dire beyond imagination,his nous of the game,tactics,structure,substitutions have completely failed.

According to him it's never his fault and he constantly blames all other factors to avoid responsibility.

He is dragging this club,it's reputation and it's followers down to levels we have not suffered for years.

Get him out before the rot really sets in..

posted on 14/9/11

I agree Wiz, except i cant say i love all City fans, as some dont even earn the right to be called as such. I believe that some of these people have also dragged this club downwards. Whilst we have many good fans we, sadly, have a significant number of rotten eggs and our repuation outside of this city appears to support that view. I also believe that this culture of being impatient and non supportive has contributed to this clubs inability to get the success that the majority of the good fans desire.

That said, at this time, i also believe its time for a change. I didnt believe Millen wouldb ever get us promoted, but said he may stablise us. He did that last year but now his work is done. He is making too many bad decisions, some of which do not seem in the interest of the team. Its a shame, as i wanted him to do well but i cant see it happening.

comment by wizered (U1104)

posted on 14/9/11

posted on 14/9/11

I really am against changing managers at the tiniest whim and it doesn't mean to say that all will go well if we do! (the gas being a prime example!)

Truth is though I just cant see any other option this time, we are haemorrhaging fans by the minute.

I said in the close season we MUST give him to at least xmas, but now I fear that will be too late.

posted on 14/9/11

I don't want to say I told you so......but I did.
I think he got lucky last season, not for one minute di I think he stablised us.....in fact quite the opposite.

Not saying he had an easy job taking over from Coppell but it's not as if he didn't know the set up and most of the players........bit of a head start in my book.

One could tell in the middle of last season that the man was way out of his depth......And I did get slated for my comments wanting him out..

His decisions and tactics, the style of play, letting Maynard play up front on his own, Playing players out of position, his lack of effort for any sort of quality players before the deadline.
Are just a few reasons why this man should have gone months ago..

I understand some of the fans wanting to have time, but I think it was plain to see that Millen was not and is not the right man to manage BCFC...

Please Keef....do the honourable thing and resign....

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