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what is going on?

Outwith the old farmour squad is as good as any, wheres the motivation, especially after that abysmal performance against the mighty East Fife..Why are these guys allowed to pick up their wages at the end of the week/month? Am sure if I didnt do my job properly I would be sacked...I dont blame Brown/Milne/Miller, its the players that cross the line at the end of the day and they need to take a good hard look at themselves...No disrespect to St Mirrens, Dunfermlines, ICTs etc but should we be competing with them just to stay in the league?

posted on 24/9/11

It's the same old story. No money to sign decent players means struggling the whole season. Calderwood spent loads when he was in charge. 200k on a player like Barry Nicholson or Steve lovell is a pipe dream now. There's no youth coming through either and the crowds are lower than when they finished bottom 10 years or so ago. As is always the case with the Dons there's always a team worse than them. I actually think relegation would do the club some good.

posted on 24/9/11

The way things are I think we'd find it hard to get out of the 1st division. I'll never understand successive Aberdeen managers plumbing the depths of England and abroad for journeymen players who can't get a game. If nothing else, surely it's more cost effective developing the youth players. rather than bringing in somebody who gets punted by Yeovil.

posted on 24/9/11

I think relegation could be a real possibilty this season if yous dont get things sorted pretty soon, i wouldnt really like to see the dons go down, if im honest i'd much rather have rivals in the same league ie, dons, dundee and st johnstone, but they're seems to be a few improved teams this year like st johnstone, killie and st mirren, also hibs have shown a wee bit of spirit this last week these are worrying times indeed for the dons.

comment by (U10878)

posted on 28/9/11

The Dons look as if they are going backwards and still beset by all too familar problems. Broon was never anything but an average and very conservative manager with a very patchy club record whose players don't seem to want to play for him. If the reports about him saying that the players who lost to EFife weren't his signings are correct, then clearly he is struggling to create a team spirit at the club.

posted on 28/9/11

I think that on paper we have a decent squad; certainly much improved on last season. What we are missing is the desire and the play maker. Maguire created lots of opportunities last season, hence Vernons scoring rate compared to this season.
Strangely motivation seems lacking with the exception of the usual, i.e. when we play the old firm.
I really don't know what the answer is, but if we don't improve soon we will be left in a precarious position that we may not escape.

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