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Article Rating 5 Stars

You Are Ugly

According to a recent survey for some website called beautifulpeople.com Irishmen have been voted the ugliest in the World.


First of all which one of you beauties applied to join this site and have given the rest of us Good Looking Men a bad name
And secondly why have they a photo of Father Jack in this article. A better looking man you will not see anywhere in the world.

I’m raging and affronted by this website and have organised a protest march to their Embassy. It’s a serious cross border issue and we need a United Front
Now who is with me ?

And if you are make sure you wear a mask. Don’t want you scaring the locals.

Earl the Handsome

posted on 17/2/12


Because Scots are a nation of models

posted on 17/2/12

I could nearly garantee that i'm better looking than u cut and paste man! Bigger wher where !it matters most to the ladies as well! And i'm just talking about my brain

posted on 17/2/12

Ha ha meant to say "not just talking about my brain"!!!

posted on 17/2/12

Obviously not the world. I mean surely they arent taking applications from North Korea, Papa New Guinea etc

Anyway you only have to take a walk around Glasgow or Liverpool and some rare looking dudes you will find. Saying that they aint anywhere near as ugly as those folks from East Belfast

posted on 17/2/12

English Football fans are definitely fatter than Irish ones anyway! Must be all those pies they eat at half time

posted on 17/2/12

comment by El Godfather De Mango™ (U7185)
posted 1 hour, 54 minutes ago
Obviously not the world. I mean surely they arent taking applications from North Korea, Papa New Guinea etc

Anyway you only have to take a walk around Glasgow or Liverpool and some rare looking dudes you will find. Saying that they aint anywhere near as ugly as those folks from East Belfast


Your right dude, North Korea, New Guinea, Strabane just rolls of the tongue lol................

posted on 17/2/12

Think it might have been me bringing down our average ,Im really ugly. Im ginger,pale,freckled and small ,typical Irishman...sorry about dragging you down Earl ,you big handsome devil you.

posted on 18/2/12

Your right dude, North Korea, New Guinea, Strabane just rolls of the tongue lol................
Okay to be fair you East Belfast folks aint as bad as those Ballysally folks from the Estate. Just when you think they cant get any uglier.

posted on 21/2/12

Given how hard my life has been I think I look okay.

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