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Article Rating 3 Stars

Some Of Our fans are too cocky

In light of the recent wins over Spurs and Liverpool, I've seen some Arsenal fans really dig into the opposing fans and gloating.

Let's not forget Spurs are ahead of us and Liverpool have a trophy this season(something we won't have).

posted on 4/3/12

I agree with the OP. It's understandable if you're retorting to the wind-up from other fans but I just don't see what we have to crow about especially as we're guaranteed to be trophyless and could concievably finish outside the top 4.

And call me a pessimistic doom monger but we stand NO chance of finishing 3rd.

posted on 4/3/12

I think we could finish 3rd, but its going to be very difficult and our midfield is lacking at the moment: we need Wilshere back soon. However I do think we are in the driving seat to finish 4th.

As for being cocky, I don't suddenly think we are a better side than Spurs but we did thrash them and it looks like their run could be coming to an end so are we not allowed to enjoy that?

posted on 4/3/12

this season will not be a success, still if you can't gloat when we beat rivals then whats the point.

posted on 4/3/12

I think the op may have a point. We were complacent going into the groaners game thinking we have a divine right to win that match cuz they have a rubbish team apart rvp. We learnt the hard way so think again

posted on 4/3/12

mthierry (U7482) - I agree we are certain for 4th but its now in our hands... we're doomed....

But if Spurs lose to Man U today they will be 4 points from 4th and if you think Chelsea can catch us with a 3 point margin why not us caching Spurs ???

Not saying it will happen but there is a chance.......

posted on 4/3/12

and regarding WUMing Liverpool...they deserve it after banning most fans from their board because they don't like people saying anything remotely bad about Carrol etc......

Least Man U, Chelsea, Spurs etc can take us WUMing at them and then dish it out.....no respect for Liverpool fans on here (well a few maybe)..............

posted on 4/3/12

I think for all the stick we have taken (and given to ourselves) we are fully entitled to dish it back out

But I don't see anybody on here claiming 3rd or even 4th place to be a certainty and haven't seen anything like that all season.

posted on 4/3/12

"I don't see anybody on here claiming 3rd or even 4th place to be a certainty"

I should have added 'unlike Spúddies/Scousers' to that comment.

posted on 4/3/12

He scores when he wants, he scores when he waaanntttss. Robin Van Persie, he scores when he wants.

posted on 4/3/12

(U5045) - stop being cocky....OP will get annoyed

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