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So for the first time since October...

...United have gone top.

Only a fool would write off United. They have had to endure numerous injuries this season, have been told time and time again that their squad is not good enough, yet here we are in March, with United sitting atop of the premier league yet again. We all have to tip our hats to them - they, more than any other team, know what the premier league is all about.

Since October City have occupied that place. Since October fans of other clubs (including fans of United) have said that it's a precarious position to hold, simply because that's the one place that invites most pressure. Many have said that the chasing teams have the advantage, because all they do is go about their business while waiting for the top team to stumble.

So now it's changed. Now we are waiting to see whether the current United team can handle it. Their manager - Ferguson - can. Of that there is no doubt. But the team itself? Well only time will tell in that regard.

the top two are assured. City and United will occupy those places. And I see nothing from any other team that will change that over the next few years at least. If United win the league this season, full credit to them, but it will only be a matter of time before City achieve that also. Only a fool would argue otherwise. Liverpool? Not a chance. Spurs? Just don't have it in them. Arsenal? Bottlers. Chelsea? Spent force.

I've said all season that I believe that United will win the league this season. My opinion has not changed. After today it looks more likely that I'll be right in my prediction. 2nd for City will still be improvement. Or to put it another way, we're getting closer. Closer to the top prize in what many regard to be the best league in the world. I have no doubt that, even if we fail this season, it will only be a matter of time. And yes, the reason why we are challenging is because of the money that our owners have put into the club. People have a problem with that. I don't. Anyone who has a problem with that need only look towards their own club and understand their own club's history before pontificating. Anything anyone throws at City can be aimed towards their own club. And that's something I say with complete confidence.

posted on 11/3/12

the premier league is barely the best league in britain. and with their squad city should have had it won by christmas at the latest. i'm genuinely embarrassed for them that they haven't. and if they do go onto finish second then it will be a bigger stumble than devon loch.

posted on 11/3/12

thats what im saying. chelsea are pretty much a shambles at the moment. we can only get better, united will need to sign a couple of midfielders whereas your squad looked adequate enough to win it this year. thats why i said next year just might be a little bit harder

posted on 11/3/12

590 million on players

1.2 billion for their new "life long city fan owners" to win an FA cup

posted on 11/3/12

And despite it being pointed out that it was such an inconsequential point to my post, ole_1999 still wants to labour it.

So you're genuinely embarrassed that City hadn't won the league by Christmas. Despite it being a fact that no team has ever won the league at that time.

The reason why being quite obvious - it's mathematically impossible for any team to have won the league at such a time.

Ole_1999, please, at least make an attempt to talk a bit of sense.

posted on 11/3/12

chelsea are pretty much a shambles at the moment. we can only get better


It is more than possible for you to get worse.

Winning the league may get harder for City. But not from the challenge of the likes of Chelsea. Well, not unless you get Mourinho back in charge. The biggest mistake Chelsea ever made. If he had remained in charge, you'd have many more league titles and probably at least one Champions League title under your belt by now.

As it stands, Chelsea are a spent force - trying to reclaim what they always threatened to do. As it stands, City have surpassed Chelsea - I probably sound harsh in saying that we have bigger things to overcome, but it's nevertheless true.

posted on 11/3/12

talk sense? oh please. in the original post you claimed that people regard the premier league the best in the world. i can only hope that these people are quickly recaptured. city should have won the title this season without breaking sweat. i know it, you know it, and city's owners definitely know it. mancini will be sacked on the spot and deported if they don't, and rightly so.

posted on 11/3/12

Yes I did state that. Because it's true. Whether those people need to be "recaptured" or not is beside the point.

Yet you continue to labour it.

posted on 12/3/12

Dont unleash Tevez against us next week please

Oh and people tend to forget we were only a pen kick away from winning the CL under Grant.

We will challenge for the title next season

comment by Ali - (U1192)

posted on 12/3/12

Oh and people tend to forget we were only a pen kick away from winning the CL under Grant.


and the russian sacked him because of John Terry! what a bastad!

posted on 12/3/12

Grant seems to do well in cup comps, but not great in the league, though it's probably a coincidence at each club

Chelsea - lost in Champions League final 2007/08
Portsmouth - lost FA Cup final 2009/10
West Ham - lost in League Cup semi-final 2010/11

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