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Liverpool Documentary

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posted on 24/8/12

My thoughts are that your a plum! I wouldn't watch a doc on man utd!

posted on 24/8/12

I'm absolutely dreading it.

I can't understand why the owners have agreed to it. Well I can actually, it's for the money.

I'm sure their will be some editorial approval, but still I think it's a step too far in trying to sell the club and generate cash. There is a possibility it could backfire horrendously and make somebody at the club a complete laughing stock as is the way of these documentaries. I understand that the camera's are going to be allowed in the dressing room. It beggars belief really.

I'm sure rival fans will be rubbing their hands in anticipation as a chance to extract the urine.

posted on 24/8/12

comment by King Luis Suarez - No you can't have the ball, it belongs to Joe Allen! (U1695)
Errrr, ok.

Can you let an adult type your reply next time?
What have Man Utd got to do about it?

posted on 24/8/12

comment by Pâî§Lë¥'š _P䆆ê®ÑëÐ_ÐrÊåm§ (U1541)
My thoughts exactly.

Surprised your owners have agreed to it, rarely do these things reflect well on the subject matter.

Negativity pulls in more viewers than any positive spin.

Still will be interesting for a neutral such as myself, sounds like they have filmed during some dramatic times.

comment by (U6361)

posted on 24/8/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 24/8/12

Can you let an adult type your reply next time?
What have Man Utd got to do about it?
You state that it will have to be made intriguing for the neutral fan, why? It's a programme about Liverpool and the goings on at Liverpool, why would a neutral want to watch it and why should it be made for them and the man Utd was just an example, if there was a programme about them and the way the club was run. I would rather boil my eyelids in paint thiner than watch it and it goes for any other club!

posted on 24/8/12

Not all fans are as blinkered as your good self however and will quite happily watch a documentary about a club other than their own.

I watched the QPR one for example.

Am I a QPR fan? No.
Did I watch it as a neutral? Yes, because it was interesting to get an insight into how a club is run behind closed doors.

If you need paint thinner I'll happily supply it

posted on 24/8/12

The programme is being made for American audiences and the owners probably had there fair share in what would be aired.
I'm honestly not bothered, I'm sure SOS will be happy, it means that they get to see what's going on and then they can complain about it.
Some will enjoy it and some won't.

posted on 24/8/12

it's not going to look great is it?

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