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Tapping Up / Dempsey

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posted on 24/8/12


It's all a load of nonsense. The complaints been made about Rodgers saying we'd enquired about Dempsey. How do you see that as being bang to rights?

posted on 24/8/12

I think Fulham didn't tell Dempsey about the enquiry, so when he heard he got the hump and wanted to go.

posted on 24/8/12

If tapping up is simply answering a question then Redknapp and is RangeRover are bolloçksed!

comment by Shoots (U6220)

posted on 24/8/12

The whole concept of tapping up is stupid and antiquated.

So what if interest is declared? If a player is happy at his club then doesn't make a blind bit of difference. If a club is willing to triple his wages, why shouldn't he be allowed to hear what they've got to say.

Transfer fees are there as compensation.

If people think conversations between players, agents and other clubs never take place then they are seriously naive

posted on 25/8/12


If a club is willing to triple his wages, why shouldn't he be allowed to hear what they've got to say.


Because he's under contract, and thats part of the rules when you sign. And the player knows this. If the player doesnt want this kind of restriction in his playing life, dont sign long contracts - simple.

Same goes for Modric, if he so desperately wanted out, why sign a 6 year contract 2 years ago? Signing the contract gives the player protection & the club protection, the player cant expect it to be one-way, and if they do, as i say; dont sign long contracts - put yourself on a pay-as-you-play one.

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