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posted on 8/10/12

I believe they are all in a rest home for angry bloggers.

posted on 8/10/12

I don't miss Plough/Bath - self-important and humourless.

comment by BillP (U4530)

posted on 8/10/12

Ironic, how can you say that he was always typing LOL

comment by BillP (U4530)

posted on 8/10/12

And lets not forget Classy, I wonder what he thinks about AFC Wimbledon offering tickets for £10 at thier next game.

posted on 8/10/12

Ironic, how can you say that he was always typing LOL
Yes indeed, BillP - although I seem to remember he would sometimes type "HA HA HA" instead? He was just manic at times.

comment by BillP (U4530)

posted on 8/10/12

It was obviously the pressure of owning a football club

posted on 8/10/12

Sorry I haven't been on here much recently - have been lurking though.

I miss the old 606 days too.

One of my favourite posts was from Furz to allwhitenow, when we were modifying song lyrics on one old 606 thread:

comment by allwhitenow (U12296065)
posted Nov 19, 2009

Hilton Keynes fans try this one
When the oppo goalie runs up for his goal kick


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comment by Furzdonny (U13910186)
posted Nov 20, 2009

Big yAWN - I wonder if he is still playing golf in Caldecotte Lake

Here's another to the tune of The Who - Substitute

Substitute your lies for fact
I can see right through your plastic mac
You’re allwhitenow, but your lies are black
You only want to get Paul Ince the sack
Vile and drivel come out of your mouth
You claim the north side of my town faces east, and the east faces south

Substitute Gamie for yAWN
Substitute Plough for Sheesh
Substitute them all for a Wum
I'll give them a kick up the [substitute]

And here's a nice example of Gorilla's many passionate 606 articles too, to remember him by:


posted on 8/10/12

Who was the one from Norwich? Always in FULL CAPS - ANGRY OF WHAT - WITH A NARICH DRAWL lol

posted on 8/10/12

The one who (Ignore my stereotypical self here, I have to!) often mentioned that cousins were legal and we're all c havs from divorced homes .

I do tend to shy away from reading a lot of posts on the original 606, I was very young and had only just got into forum posting back then (Literally around the age of 14-15) so a lot of what I've seen myself post is terribly cringey.
I think I may be responsible for the 'loss' of AlbyMangles mind, I remember writing around 5 articles in 3 days which quite angered the chap, and he refused to come back... Was it something I said? .

I do miss Classless mind...Often got himself caught between a rock and a hard place to put it lightly .
And well done for giving a shout to Gorrilla, SG19! Was a top bloke and gave good input!

posted on 8/10/12

Its good to reminisce – but in doing so you are reminded just how many have gone from these boards. I enjoy the discussions, but we really seem to struggle to be getting a wide range of contributors, or as with plough, classy and co the simply deluded.

But in general the 606 boards seem to be dying off (figuratively not literally). There are hardly any others on the League 1 teams who regularly contribute and even not all championship teams have many followers (Bristol). Who else is out there following the Dons? Good to see you are still around SG19

But the days of pages of discussion on one thread seem to have well and truly gone Bring back the endless Plough and Classy rants - they would drive my blood pressure up no end.

Come on McMaccer drive some more off the boards

posted on 8/10/12

SG thanks for the compliment and that Naarich poster was a hoot. The trouble is that there are too many forums to cover and they get split following, while none have the pull to get new posters.

I thought it was a bad show for the BBC to drop it, even though I didn't always agree with the moderation.

I thought Sheesh Pet would make more of an effort, but he wasn't the same without his master's voice.

posted on 8/10/12

Spoke to Sheesh on Twitter about a month ago and he said basically the same as MooCamp, it's just not as fun and not worth the effort as there's not much contribution to banter or in other words, we're too good for him and he's too scared to come on alone without Plough etc

I agree the BBC done wrong dropping it but I can see why, however despite the creditable efforts from the JA606 crew and they DO deserve credit for their efforts, it's just not the same. We've lost a lot of fans from all clubs! And tbh, I'm suprised we actually have one of the most lively lower League 606 boards, even with around 6-7 of us here!

comment by BillP (U4530)

posted on 8/10/12

The other people I miss are the Peterborough guys (PoshtoHauntu etc). At least you could ave a laugh with them,

comment by hazsa19 (U8480)

posted on 8/10/12

I don't have anything new to add, but I'm still here, and enjoy the odd article that pops up.

I'm also on the Zone, but it feels a bit cliquey for some reason...

posted on 9/10/12

Bill the way Posh and ourselves are going so far this season we are likely to be back in the same division again - not the championship - so you can renew battle and debate then - on and off the pitch

posted on 9/10/12

if you have nothing new to add hazsa, just add your old stuff - we will have all forgotten anyway , so as far as we are concerened its new

posted on 9/10/12

And apropos nothing, here is a Tommy Cooper throw back:

"Doctor, I can't stop singing the green green grass of home."
"That sounds like Tom Jones syndrome. "
"Is it common? "
"It's not unusual."

posted on 12/10/12

I haven't gone anywhere. I've just been pleased to see a number of posters learned their lesson and have stopped repeating the lies and misinformation about Wimbledon and Franchise FC. If the need to correct the deluded and ill-informed arises, rest assured I'm still here to make sure the truth is heard.

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